artery lecture 1

Myocardium and Heart Regulation

  • The medulla oblongata serves as the control center for heart rate regulation.

  • There are two main types of nerve pathways involved:

    • Sympathetic Nerves:

      • Increase heart rate and strength of contractions.

      • Originate from the medulla oblongata.

    • Vagus Nerve:

      • Part of the parasympathetic nervous system.

      • Decreases heart rate by primarily affecting the SA node.

Role of Nerves in Heart Function

  • The vagus nerve slows down the SA node, which in turn decreases the heart rate of the entire system.

  • The cardiac sympathetic nerves have a broader effect:

    • Influence the SA node, AV bundle, AV branches, and ventricles.

Heart Cycle Overview

  • The heart cycle refers to the sequence of events during each heartbeat, which includes:

    • Contraction (Systole): When the ventricles contract, pushing blood out.

    • Relaxation (Diastole): When ventricles relax, allowing them to fill with blood.

  • Each heartbeat encompasses one complete cycle of contraction and relaxation.

  • Always viewed from the perspective of the ventricles:

    • When ventricles are in systole, atria are in diastole and vice versa.

Phases of the Heart Cycle

  • Phases during Systole and Diastole:

    • Total Systole: All phases of ventricular contraction.

    • Atrial Systole: Atria contract, pushing blood into ventricles.

    • Early Ventricular Systole: Ventricles begin to contract.

    • Late Ventricular Systole: Ventricles fully contract.

    • Early Ventricular Diastole: Ventricles start to relax.

    • Total Diastole: Myocardium is completely relaxed; no blood can be held.

  • During total diastole, blood passively fills the heart chambers.

Valve Operations During Heart Cycles

  • AV Valves: Open during ventricular diastole, allowing blood from the atria to fill the ventricles.

  • Semilunar Valves: Closed during ventricular diastole, preventing backflow of blood from the aorta and pulmonary artery into the ventricles.
