Is a multidimensional phenomenon that includes feelings, attitudes, and actions.
It encompasses and gives direction to a person’s physical, emotional,social, and intellectual responsesthroughout life.
Biologic Gender
a person’s chromosomal sex male (XY) or female (XX)
Gender Identity
the inner sense a person has of being male or female
Gender Role
is the male or female behavior a person exhibits
Sexual Gratification
is experienced in several ways and what is considered normal varies greatly among cultures, although general components of accepted sexual activity are that it is an activity of adults and privacy, consent, and lack of force.
is a person who finds sexual fulfilment with a member of the opposite gender.
is a person who finds sexual fulfilment with a member of his or her own sex.
Many homosexual men prefer the use the term “gay” and “lesbian” to a homosexual woman
More recent terms are “men who have sex with men” (abbreviated as “MWM”) and “women who have sex with women” (WWW).
is a person who achieves sexualsatisfaction from both homosexual and heterosexual relationships.
is an individual who, although of one biologic gender, feels as if he or she is of the opposite gender
Such people may have sex change operationsso that they appear cosmetically as the gender they feel that they are.
Sexual Abstinence (Celibacy)
is separation from sexual activity
is self-stimulation for erotic pleasure, and it can also be a mutually enjoyable activity forsexual partners
Children 2-6 y/o – discover masturbation as an enjoyable activity as they explore their bodies
School- age children and adolescent – continue to use masturbation for enjoyment to relieve tension
Erotic Stimulation
is the use of visual materials for sexual arousal.
Magazines, photographs, DVD’s
sexual arousal resulting from the use of certain objects or situations for stimulation.
is an individual who dresses in the clothes of the opposite sex.
can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual, married
is obtaining sexual arousal by looking at another person’s body.
involves inflicting pain or receiving pain to achieve sexual satisfaction
Masochism – receiving pain to achieve sexual satisfaction
is revealing one’s genitals in public
Obscene Phone Calling
telephone call where a person derives sexual pleasure by using sexual or foul language to someone
is sexual relations with animals
Zoophilia - attraction between human and non-human animals
are individuals who are interested in sexual encounters with children
feelings and attitudes aboutsex vary widely,the sexual experience is unique to each individual, butsexual physiology has common features.
occurs with physical and psychological stimulation that leads to arterial dilation and venous constriction in the genital area.
e. g sound, emotion, sight or thought
Women: vasocongestion causes
Clitoris increase in size.
Mucoid fluid appear on vaginal wall as lubrication.
Vagina widens in diameter, increases in length.
Nipples become erect.
Penile erection occurs
Scrotal thickening and elevation of the testes.
Both sexes – HR, RR and BP increases.
intensification of excitement, reached just before orgasm.
Clitorisis drawn forward and retracts under the clitoral prepuce.
Increased nipple elevation
Distention of the penis
Heart rate increases to 100-175 bpm
Respiratory rate 40 breaths/min
experienced asintense pleasure affecting the whole body (Pleasurable physical sensation)
A vigorous contraction of muscles in the pelvic area expels or dissipates blood and fluid from the area of congestion.
The average number of contraction for a woman is 8-15 contractions at interval of 1 every 0.8 seconds
Muscle contraction of seminal vessels and prostate projectsemen into the urethra.
Followed by 3-7 Propulsive ejaculatory contractions occurring atthe same time interval asthe woman which force semen from the penis
is a 30 - minute period during which the external and internal genital organ returns to an unaroused state
Male – refractory period occurs during which further orgasm is impossible
Female – it is possible for women to have additional orgasm immediately after the first
Inhibit Sexual Desire
lessened interest in sexual relationsis normal in some circumstances.
Death of a family member, divorce
Stressful job change
Side effects of medicines
Chronic diseases(peptic Ulcers, pulmonary disordersthat causesfrequent pain or discomfort)
Perimenopause - decrease in sexual desire
administration of androgen (testosterone) to women can improve interest in sexual activity
Estrogen therapy
Failure to Achieve Orgasm
Poorsexual technique
Concentrating too hard on achievement
Negative attitudestoward sexual relationships
Instruction and counselling aboutsexual feelings and needs.
Female Viagra ( “Pink” Viagra)
Men - enhances sexual arousal by increasing the blood flow to the penis
Female - increasing the blood flow to the female genitals and thereby producing better arousal, sensation and lubrication in the genital area
Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
is the inability of a man to produce or maintain an erection long enough for penetration or partnersatisfaction
It affects as many as 40% of men – 40 years old
65% of men by age 65 years old
Physical (Aging, atherosclerosis, diabetes)
Side effects of certain drugs (Antidepressants)
Drugs prescribed for Erectile dysfunction:
Sildenafil (Viagra)
Tadalafil (Cialis)
Vardenafil (Levitra)
Vacuumerection devices orsurgical implants
Testosterone injections, intracavernosal injections of prostaglandin
Herbal products - Fennel extractsfor women which improve sexual libido
Premature Ejaculation
Testosterone injections, intracavernosal injections of prostaglandin d. Herbal products
Fennel extractsfor women which improve sexual libido
Causes: Psychological
Masturbating to orgasm (Orgasm is achieved quickly because of lack of time)
Doubt about masculinity and fear of impregnating a partner
Sexual counselling for both partnersto reduce stress
Serotonergic antidepressants
Mirtazapine – may be helpful for alleviating the problem
Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome
occursin women and is excessive and unrelenting sexual arousal in the absence of desire
Triggered by medications
Psychological factors
Herbal remedies(ginkgo biloba) – have arousal effects
Overactive bladder
is involuntary contraction of the muscles at the outlet of the vagina when coitus is attempted that prohibits penile penetration
occur in women who have been raped
result of early learning patterns in which sexual relations were viewed as bad or sinful
Sexual or psychological counselling to reduce this response
pain during coitus
Endometriosis (abnormal placement of endometrial tissue)
Vestibulitis – inflammation of the vestibule)
Vaginal infection
Hormonal changes ( Menopause and cause vaginal drying
Encouraging open communication between sexual partners can be instruments in resolving the problem