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Unit 9: Bias

  1. Definitions

    • Random Error: Unpredictable variation in data due to chance. It can be reduced by increasing sample size but never fully eliminated.

    • Bias: Systematic errors that consistently skew results in one direction. It can often be minimized with better study design.

    • Inherent Variability: Natural differences between subjects that cannot be controlled (e.g., genetic differences in a population).

  2. Accounting for Errors in Study Design

    • Random Error: Minimized by increasing sample size or using repeated measurements.

    • Bias: Reduced by proper sampling methods, blinding, and careful data collection.

    • Inherent Variability: Managed by using stratification or statistical controls.

  3. Internal vs. External Validity

    • Internal Validity: The extent to which the study accurately measures what it intends to do within the study population. Managed by controlling for confounders and bias.

    • External Validity: The generalizability of study results to other populations. Managed by ensuring diverse and representative samples.

  4. Prevalence vs. Incidence Calculations

    • Prevalence = (Number of existing cases / Total population) at a specific time.

    • Incidence = (New cases / Population at risk) over a period of time.

  5. Best Practices in Survey Design

    • Use clear, unbiased questions

    • Ensure random and representative sampling

    • Use consistent wording and response formats

    • Avoid leading questions or double-barreled questions

  6. Selection Bias vs. Misclassification Bias

    • Selection Bias: Errors in how participants are chosen, leading to an unrepresentative sample. (Example: Only surveying hospital patients about a disease, missing undiagnosed cases.)

    • Misclassification Bias: Incorrect categorization of exposure or outcome. (Example: A study mislabels smokers as non-smokers due to self-reported data.)

Unit 10: Causality

  1. Correlation vs. Causation

    • Correlation: A relationship between two variables without proving one causes the other.

    • Causation: A direct cause-and-effect relationship.

    • Example: Ice cream sales and drowning rates are correlated but not causal; both increase in the summer.

  2. Principles of Disease Causality

    • 1) all cases of a disease have multiple causes

    • 2)not all causes act the same

    • 3) many collections of exposures that, taken together can cause disease

  3. Distinguishing Correlation from Causation

    • 1) determine the issue with surveillance data

    • 2) identify potential correlations in data

    • 3) conduct a controlled study

    • 5) Is the association real? check for bias or why it is not associated

  4. Sir Austin Bradford Hill’s Causation Considerations (Pick at least 3)

    • Strength: Strong associations are more likely causal (e.g., smoking and lung cancer).

    • Consistency: The association is found in multiple studies and populations.

    • Temporality: Exposure must come before the outcome.

    • Biological Gradient (Dose-Response Relationship): Higher exposure leads to higher risk.

    • Plausibility: There must be a reasonable biological mechanism.

    • Coherence: Findings should align with existing knowledge.

    • Specificity single cause to a single effect

    • Analogy similar relationships observed with similar exposure diseases

    • Experiment Interventions modify outcomes

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Unit 9: Bias

  1. Definitions

    • Random Error: Unpredictable variation in data due to chance. It can be reduced by increasing sample size but never fully eliminated.

    • Bias: Systematic errors that consistently skew results in one direction. It can often be minimized with better study design.

    • Inherent Variability: Natural differences between subjects that cannot be controlled (e.g., genetic differences in a population).

  2. Accounting for Errors in Study Design

    • Random Error: Minimized by increasing sample size or using repeated measurements.

    • Bias: Reduced by proper sampling methods, blinding, and careful data collection.

    • Inherent Variability: Managed by using stratification or statistical controls.

  3. Internal vs. External Validity

    • Internal Validity: The extent to which the study accurately measures what it intends to do within the study population. Managed by controlling for confounders and bias.

    • External Validity: The generalizability of study results to other populations. Managed by ensuring diverse and representative samples.

  4. Prevalence vs. Incidence Calculations

    • Prevalence = (Number of existing cases / Total population) at a specific time.

    • Incidence = (New cases / Population at risk) over a period of time.

  5. Best Practices in Survey Design

    • Use clear, unbiased questions

    • Ensure random and representative sampling

    • Use consistent wording and response formats

    • Avoid leading questions or double-barreled questions

  6. Selection Bias vs. Misclassification Bias

    • Selection Bias: Errors in how participants are chosen, leading to an unrepresentative sample. (Example: Only surveying hospital patients about a disease, missing undiagnosed cases.)

    • Misclassification Bias: Incorrect categorization of exposure or outcome. (Example: A study mislabels smokers as non-smokers due to self-reported data.)

Unit 10: Causality

  1. Correlation vs. Causation

    • Correlation: A relationship between two variables without proving one causes the other.

    • Causation: A direct cause-and-effect relationship.

    • Example: Ice cream sales and drowning rates are correlated but not causal; both increase in the summer.

  2. Principles of Disease Causality

    • 1) all cases of a disease have multiple causes

    • 2)not all causes act the same

    • 3) many collections of exposures that, taken together can cause disease

  3. Distinguishing Correlation from Causation

    • 1) determine the issue with surveillance data

    • 2) identify potential correlations in data

    • 3) conduct a controlled study

    • 5) Is the association real? check for bias or why it is not associated

  4. Sir Austin Bradford Hill’s Causation Considerations (Pick at least 3)

    • Strength: Strong associations are more likely causal (e.g., smoking and lung cancer).

    • Consistency: The association is found in multiple studies and populations.

    • Temporality: Exposure must come before the outcome.

    • Biological Gradient (Dose-Response Relationship): Higher exposure leads to higher risk.

    • Plausibility: There must be a reasonable biological mechanism.

    • Coherence: Findings should align with existing knowledge.

    • Specificity single cause to a single effect

    • Analogy similar relationships observed with similar exposure diseases

    • Experiment Interventions modify outcomes