Grace: A gift from God poured everywhere, water represents grace, we see it through each other
Sanctifying Grace: The grace that is infused into our soul by the Holy Spirit, we’re born with it (EX When we are inspired by God - who fills our soul with His goodness and wisdom)
Actual Grace: An intervention from God that supports us in everyday moments of our life (EX Crossing the street without looking both ways)
Special Grace (Charisms): Graces that accompany people in special vocations in their lives in Church (EX Being good at your job)
Sacramental Grace: Gifts from the Holy Spirit that come through particular sacraments (EX The gift of God’s inspiration in Confirmation")
Sacrament: divine and temporal kiss, a sign of affection, sanctified holy movement when the divine (heavenly and spiritual) and temporal (earthly and physical) connect, for those with required disposition
The water rep. : Grace
Bottle rep. : Church
Open bottle for grace: Grace coming to us
Spout rep.: Sacraments
Spout: Church pours grace into us
Sign: object that represents something else
Effacacious: through it God effects change in us
Disposition: inner attitude and readiness on our part
What does Baptism do?: Forgives all sins that were present bedore Baptism, turns baptized into a newly adopted child of God and a member of a Church
Who can be baptized?: Any adult who accepts faith in Jesus and wants to be in the Church, infants whose parents commit to raise and teach them faith in Jesus Christ, can only happen once, makes indelible (permanent mark on the soul)
Who are the people present at a Baptism?: Priest, parents, godparents speak and act “in persona christi”, promise to raise the child in faith and are expected to help in the child’s faith formation throughout their life
Sign of the cross (Baptism) : Marks the baptized person as one who now belongs to Christ.
Water (Baptism): Immersion/Pouring (3x) in water (sin & old life is washed away)
Chrism (Baptism): (sacred oil) Person is “anointed” – becoming 1 with Christ (as priest, prophet & king)
White garment (Baptism): Pure color Symbolizes that the person has “put on Christ” & reflects their Human Dignity
Candle (Baptism): Christ – the light of the world – is now within the person
Confirmation: Completes baptismal vows, fully initiates the baptized into the Catholic Church
Chrism: perfumed oil, consecrated by bishop, signifies the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, In Old Testament,
kings were anointed, Jesus = Messiah (“anointed one”)n= Christ (Messiah in Greek), In Confirmation we take the “Christian” (“anointed”) title literally
Laying on of hands: Apostles laid hands when conferring “powers” of Holy Spirit upon others
Seal of the Holy Spirit: Seal makes a document official, a “Seal” is left permanently on the person’s soul
Sponsor: A role model of faith who supports and inspires growth in faith
Confirmation Name: Reminds of Baptism as new creation, new name to inspire new life in Christ, name of a saint who inspires one’s faith
Celebration finds its roots/institution in: the Last Supper
Eucharist involves a sacrifice: of Jesus’ body and blood
Celebrating the Sacrament of Eucharist: perpetuates that sacrifice every time
Transubstantiation: In consecration, bread & wine changes in substance (what is truly is) but not in accidents (what it looks/tastes like) into body & blood of Christ
Real Presence: The real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is the Christian doctrine that Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist, not merely symbolically or metaphorically, but in a true, real and substantial way.
Holy Communion: In sharing & receiving Body & Blood of Christ, we the community become one – Body of Christ.
Why do we consume the Eucharist?: It strengthens us to love God & others, It deepens unity of community, It makes us physically present to Christ’s sacrifice for our salvation