Feign - (verb) to pretend to have a feeling; to pretend to be affected by something
Anemic - (adj) lacking force, vitality or spirit. Or lacking in substance or quality.
Hauteur - (noun) pride, arrogance; cockiness
Disdain - (noun) a feeling of contempt fo anything regarded as unworthy’ aloof contempt or scorn; as mutual disdain
Strident - (adjective) loud, harsh, grating or shrill
Toiled (verb) - to work hard
Prodigal - (adj) given to wasteful expenditure; addicted to extravagance and waste
Malevolence (noun) - A desire to hurt others, evil
Poignant (adjective) - Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
Punctilious (adjective) - Painstaking; meticulous; strict attention to minute details
Retribution (noun) - Something justly deserved; taking revenge or correcting a wrong.
Somnambulatory (noun/adjective) - Sleepwalking
Tactless (adjective) - lacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others
Harrowed (verb) - To cause distress
Vestige (noun) - a mark, trace or visible evidence of something that is no longer present or in existence.
Nebulous (adjective) - Hazy, vague, indistinct or confused
Ineffable (adjective) - Incapable of being expressed, indescribable
Reverie (noun) - A state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a day dream.
Menagerie (noun) - A collection of wild or unusual animals, or an unusual and varied group of people.