Primary parts of an egg
Shell, yolk, albumen
What are the thick, twisted strands of egg white that anchor the egg in place
Chalazae cords
What are the three grades of eggs
AA, A, and B
The process of heating something to a certain temperature for a specific period in order to destroy pathogenic bacteria
Either a sweet or savory fluffy dish made with a custard base lightened with whipped egg whites and then baked; the whipped egg whites cause the dish to puff when baked
What are baked eggs also referred to as?
Shirred eggs
What the difference between an omelet and and french style omelet
The eggs are cooked while constantly shaking the pan to keep them light and fluffy
What types of eggs come from dry heat cooking methods
Shirred eggs, quiches, scrambled eggs, omelets, frittatas, pan-fried eggs (sunny side up, over easy, over medium, over hard), basted eggs
What types of eggs come from moist heat cooking methods
Soft boiled, hard boiled, and poached eggs
Pancakes and waffles are also known as
Crepes cooked on only one side, then filled with cheese, browned in butter, and served with sour cream, fruit compote or preserves
A breakfast cereal made from raw or toasted cereal grains, dried fruits, nuts, and dried milk solids and usually eaten with milk or yogurt, sometimes known as granola
What are the two types of coffee bean commonly used
Arabica and robusta
Boiling a substance until it’s flavor is removed
The extraction of flavors at temperatures below boiling
What are the two types of ways to brew coffee
Drip brewing and espresso brewing
Testing coffee or tea for taste and quality, often performed by a professional taster trained to identify key coffee or tea characteristics
Milk that is heated with steam generated by an espresso machine
Steamed milk
Milk that is heated and frothed with air and steam generated by an espresso machine; slightly cooler than steamed milk
Foamed milk
Italian for ‘bartender; now used to describe someone who has been professionally trained in the art of preparing espresso and espresso-based beverages
Tea to which flavorings such as oils, dried fruit, spices, flowers, and herbs have been added
Flavored tea
Herbal infusions in tea popular in countries such as europe and asia for their perceived health benefits and healing properties
What does the acronym SHU stand for?
Scoville heat units
A complex carbohydrate found in the cell wall of plants; it is edible but indigestible by humans
What method employs blasts of cold air, refrigerated plates, liquid nitrogen, or other techniques to chill vegetables quickly (IQF)
Individually quick frozen
Submerging a food in cold water to quickly cool it ans prevent further cooking
Refreshing, shocking
An alkaloid found in a chile peppers placental ribs that provides the peppers heat
A naturally occurring pigment that predominates in green vegetables such as cabbage
A naturally occurring pigment that predominates in red and yellow vegetables such as carrots and red peppers
Plant pigments that dissolve readily in water, found in red, purple, and white vegetables such as blueberries, red cabbage, onions, and tea
Small, immature potatoes that are harvested before their starches develop
New potatoes
Potatoes that have a high starch content, thick skin, and low moisture
Starchy potatoes, mealy potatoes
Potatoes that have low starch content, thin skin, and high moisture
Waxy potatoes
Two methods to sauteing potatoes
Tossing, and still-frying
Most grain kernels are protected by what?
Hull or husk
3 parts of a kernel
Bran, endosperm, germ
A milling process in which grains are broken open
A milling process in which grains are reduced to a powder; the powder can be of differing degrees of fineness or coarseness
A milling process in which the hull or husk is removed from grains
A milling process in which all or part of the hull, bran, and germ are removed from the grains
Three types of rice
Long, medium, and short grain
Rice that still has the bran attached
Brown rice
Rice that has been pearled in the milling process
White rice
Tice that is parboiled to remove surface starch
Converted rice
Rice that is fully cooked and then flash-froze
Instant or quick cooking rice
A finely ground flour made from dried hominy, is used for making breads, tortillas, tamales and other mexican and southwestern dishes
Masa harina
A species of vary hard wheat with a particularly high amount of protein, it is used to make couscous or milled into semolina, which is used for making pasta
Durum wheat
A whole buckwheat kernel is known as
A groat
A whole wheat kernel is known as
A berry
The process of forcing pasta dough through perforated plates to create various shapes
Basic form for pasta that is a thin, flat sheet of dough
Italian for ‘to the tooth’; used to describe a food, usually pasta, that is cooked only until it gives slight resistance when one bites into it
Al dente
The science that studies nutrients
The unit of energy measured by the amount of heat required to raise 1000 grams of water one degree celsius
Three sugar monosaccharides
Glucose (blood sugar)
Fructose (fruit sugar)
Galactose (part of milk sugar)
Three sugar disaccharides
Lactose (glucose + galactose)
Fructose (glucose + glucose)
Sucrose (glucose + fructose)
2 types of fiber
Soluble and insoluble
3 essential macronutrients
Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins
2 essential micronutrients
Minerals and vitamins
Whats the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients
Macro- needed in large quantities
Micro- needed in small categories
BOTH are necessary for humans
Fats found mainly in animal products such as milk, butter, cheese, eggs and meat as well as in tropical oils such as coconut and palm; usually solid at room temperature
Saturated fat
Fats from plants and plant foods such as avocados, corn, cottonseed, olives, rapeseed (canola), safflower and sunflower; liquid at room temp
Unsaturated fat
Unsaturated, liquid fats that are chemically altered to remain solid at room temperature, such as solid shortening or margarine
Hydrogenated fat
A type of fat created when vegetable oils are solidified through hydrogenation
Trans fats
All chemical reactions and physical processes that occur continuously in living cells and organisms
2 categories of vitamins
Fat soluble and water soluble
2 categories of minerals
Trace minerals and major minerals
Educational tool developed by CNPP and FDA designed to promote healthy eating recommendations
Substances that may cause allergic reactions to people
Substances added to many foods to prevent spoilage or improve appearance, texture, flavor or nutritional value; they may be synthetic materials copied from nature or naturally occurring substances.
Cooked beans include chickpeas, soybeans, and white beans that are dried, then ground into a fine powder.
Bean flour
A dark, nutty-tasting flour milled from the seams of the buckwheat plant
Buckwheat flour
A grain plant also known as linseed; rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a compound in oily fish found to be beneficial for promoting heart and arterial health
A high protein cereal grain cooked and eaten like rice
Tiny, spherical seeds of a plant native to south america; cooked like grain or ground and used like flour
Grain harvested from a plant the resembles corn, used primarily for animal feed and food processing applications