

Beliefs of the Philosophers

  • The philosophers are French social critics in the mid-1700s
  • Value reason, nature, happiness, progress, liberty

Voltaire Combats Intolerance

  • Voltaire — influential philosopher, pen name of Francois Marie Aorta
  • Publishers many works arguing for tolerance, reason.
  • Makes powerful enemies and is imprisoned twice for his views
  • He believed in freedom of speech & religion.

Montesquieu and the Separation of Powers

  • Montesquieu—- a french writer who admires Britain's government system.
  • Favors separations of powers to keep one body from running government.

Rousseau: Champion of Freedom

  • Rousseau— philosopher who favors individual freedom, direct democracy.
  • Views Social contract as agreement by free people to form government.

Beccaria Promotes Criminal Justice

  • Italian philosopher Cesare Bebecca works to reform justice system
  • Calls for speedy trials, greater rights for criminal defendants.

Women and the Enlightenment

  • Many Enlightenment thinkers take traditional views of women’s role
  • Prominent writer Mary Wollstonecraft urge greater rights for women
  1. argues women need quality education to be virtuous and useful
  2. urges women to go into traditionally male professions like politics and medicine/health.
