marcescent | withering |
Makgadikgadi Pans | salt pan in Botswana |
Kannada | dravidian language |
sorrel | brown color |
tanager | bird |
hominin | human species |
swale | piece of land |
toorie | scottish cap |
transience | temporary |
trellis | architecture |
ufology | study of ufos |
attacca | music direction |
baleen | whale bone |
Bernoulli effect | physics term |
Bessemer | a process of making steel from pig iron |
bozzetto | a small rough clay study |
de rigueur | prescribed or required by fashion, etiquette, or custom |
Feldenkrais | used for a system of aided body movements |
penitentiary | prison |
philtrum | vertical groove |
polonium | element |
rabato | laced collar |
saltern | saltworks |
reagent | a person who governs a kingdom in the minority, absence, or disability of the sovereign |
gaudery | showiness |
lossy | involving loss of data (adjective) |
minacious | menacing |
caduceus | staff |
catadromous | living in fresh water and going to the sea to spawn |
abscond | to depart secretly and hide oneself |
aficionado | someone who is passionate about something |
agoraphobia | fear of public spaces |
astur | Hawk |
cannoli | pastry |
colocate | locate two things at the same time |
appetitost | |
coqui | frog |
corroborate | To confirm a story |
deprivation | To prevent someone from having something |
dolma | Turkish food |
eminent* | prominent |
derelict* | Run-down |
Belgravia | city in London |
Berber | Afro-Asiatic tribe |
bloviate | talk at length |
borough | a district |
catalina | place in California |
Cheshire cat | cat from Alice and Wonderland |
clarion | trumpet |
collectanea | collected writings |
commodious | spacy |
commove | agitate |
condign | deserved |
conticent | quiet |
cornel | shrub |
cribo | snake |
dandle | pamper/pet |
diaulos | Ancient Greek race |
diptych | altarpiece |
effusive | gushy |
emissary | diplomat |
entente | agreement |
eructation* | |
exogenous* | |
diocese* | |
dietetic* | |
Edwardian* | |
Ecuador* | |
finial | foliated ornament |
flagon | pottery vessel |
flauta | tortilla |
frass | excrement of insects |
frittata | omelet |
furcula | wishbone |
greaves | armon for shins |
grazioso | graceful in music |
impresario | conductor of an opera |
laity | people of a religious faith |
Michaelmas | September 29 celebrated as the feast of St. Michael |
musketeers | soldiers armed with a musket |
Neapolitan | a native or inhabitant of Naples, Italy |
genealogical* | an account of the descent of a person, |
goji berry* | red berry |
largesses* | liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior |
groats* | old British coin worth four pennies |
hagiographer* | one who writes biographies of saints or venerated persons |
hydrophobia* | |
pongee | fabric |
proletarian | the laboring class |
proviant | dry food for domestic animals |
quirt | whip |
rhizome | plant stem |
rosin | resin |
schnell | in a rapid manner : quickly |
senecio | plant stem |
shenanigans | devious trick used especially for an underhand purpose |
statusy* | having, showing, or conferring prestige |
reagent* | a substance used because of its chemical or biological activity |
repercussion* | reflection, reverberation |
quadriceps* | thigh muscle |
pomato* | a plant chimera |
pecuniary* | |
turgor | rigidity of cells or tissues |
uveal | relating to middle layer of eye |
aerocele | cavity or pouch swollen with gas |
arenaceous | consisting of sand or particles of a substance similar to sand |
astilbe | plant |
balbriggan | fabric |
beaux arts | architecture |
blottesque | painted with heavy touches or blotlike brushwork |
boudin | sausage |
bruschetta | thick slices of bread grilled, rubbed with garlic |
caisson | a chest to hold ammunition |
cecidium | A gall produced on a plant by infection from insects |
certiorari | a writ of superior court to call up the records of an inferior court or a body acting in a quasi-judicial capacity |
chauve-souris | a bat |
croquignole | a method used in waving the hair by winding it on curlers from the ends of the hair toward the scalp |
crokinole | a game resembling squails |
diaphanous | translucent |
élan | energy, style, and enthusiasm. |
epinicion | song of triumph or a choral ode |
epixylous | growing on wood |
ergatogyne | a wingless queen ant resembling a worker |
Esau | the elder son of Isaac and Rebekah who sold his birthright to his twin brother Jacob |
étouffée | stew |
faipule | councillor |
fatimid | descendant of a Muslim leader |
fracas | a brawl |
acetaminophen* | pain reliever |
Feldenkrais* | system of aided body movements intended to increase bodily awarenes |
Galatea | a female figure sculpture |
galena | mineral |
gasthaus | a German inn or tavern |
gelilah | rolling of a scroll of Jewish religious text (torah) |
ichthyology | study of fish |
goondie | an Australian aboriginal hut |
Guarnerius | violin |
Jahiliya | the pre-Islamic period in Arabia |
kapparah | Jewish ceremony |
marcel | deep soft wave made in the hair by the use of a heated curling iron |
Merak | a blue star |
micellar | structure built up from polymeric molecules or ions |
piccata | thin slice of meat |
Nethinim | servants in Jewish temple |
pitanga | cherry |
recamier | couch |
rescissible | removable |
salmagundi | salad |
serin | bird |
skerrick | not the least bit |
tambour | drum |
internecine* | relating to conflict within a group or deadly |
hemorrhage* | a copious or heavy discharge of blood from the blood vessels |
glengarry* | Scottish cap |
hominin* | taxonomic tribe that includes recent humans |
kwashiorkor* | malnutrition |
lobscouse* | stew |
Orinoco* | river in Venezuela |
prajna* |