Stength perspective -client-centered approach that focuses on a person’s strengths and resources rather than their problems
empowerment - process that helps people gain control and autonomy in their lives
prejudice- negatie belief or attitude about a person or group based on their percieved membership in a socail group
discrimination-peope are treated differenlty based on asumptions about their differences, which can lead to inequality and oppression.
sterotype-belief that these professionals must lead perfect lives
system theory-framework that views people as part of interconnected system , and how thoe systems influence human behavior
ecological perspective- way of looking at a cliets problems as a result of a malfunctioning ecosystem , rather than individual pathology
Nonprofitsocial agencies seek to ac-complish some service provision goal, not to make aprofit for private owners
Social agency or social services agency is an organization providing social services that typically employ a range of helping professionals including social workers in addition to office staff, paraprofessionals (persons train to assist professionals or volunteers)
Public social agency are run by some desinated unit of government and are usually regulated by laws impacting policy.
Private socail agencies in contrast are privately owned and run by people not employes by government. provide individual and group counsling, family planning, other servies for children and older adults.
Nonprofit social agencies seek to acomplish some service provison goals, not to make a profit for private owners.
Properietary or for-profit private social agencies also provide some designed social services , often quite similar to those provided by nonprofit private social agencies.
Purchase-of-service contract or agreement -public agencies buy services from private agencies
Community -is a numner of people who have something in common with one another that connects them in some way and that distingushes them from others.
Rural community - one that is now an “urbanized area” ( a territory that contains 50,000 or more people) or an “urban cluster” ( least 2500 people but fewer )
Natural helping networks- networks can include family members , neighbors,coworkers,fellow church members,community benefactors and others not providing foraml agency services whoa re wiling to volunteer assistance.
Urban social work is practic within the context of large cities with their vast array of social problems, expectional diversity and potential range of resources.
Open questions are those that can be answered in few words.
closed questions enable you to obtain important species and can usually be answered in very few words.
Emotional support involves people who can listen to the client understand his situation , provide encouragment and celebrate his successes,
instrumental support- include others who can offer concrete types of help , such as money,ries,shelter, and so forth.
informational support embraces people who can provide important information to the client so that se can make the right connection and action.
appraisal support involves thise who can give honest feedback to the client on how he is performing and acting.
Treatment groups help individual solve personal problems, change unwanted behaviors , cope with stress and improve quality of life.
Macro practice is invervention involving organization and communites ( macro system)
Community organization has been the term used to refer to macro practice in social work that is a specific area of practice in its own right.
social action is coordinated effort to advocate for change in a social problem such as deliquency housing and mental health
locality development- empahsizes “community change pursued through broad participation by a wide spectrum of peole at the local community level in determing goals and taking civic action
social advocacy deems the application of pressure as the best course of action to take against people or institutions that may have the problem or that stand in the way of its solution which frequently involves promoting equality or social justice
policy practice entails efforts to change polices in legastive ,agency , and community settingswhether by estbalishing new polices improving exisitng ones or defeating th epolicy initiatives of other people. establishing policy becomes the objective
Stength perspective -client-centered approach that focuses on a person’s strengths and resources rather than their problems
empowerment - process that helps people gain control and autonomy in their lives
prejudice- negatie belief or attitude about a person or group based on their percieved membership in a socail group
discrimination-peope are treated differenlty based on asumptions about their differences, which can lead to inequality and oppression.
sterotype-belief that these professionals must lead perfect lives
system theory-framework that views people as part of interconnected system , and how thoe systems influence human behavior
ecological perspective- way of looking at a cliets problems as a result of a malfunctioning ecosystem , rather than individual pathology
Social Work- Aims at helping people , groups, or communities function socially
Social Welfare- Countys system of program , benefits,and service
Perspectives for viewing the Social Welfare System; Residual,Institutional,Development Persepective
Triple A Approach : Ask questions, Assess establish facts & issues involved,Assert a concluding Opinion
The Conservatism,Liberalism,Radicalism
How do You Fare on the Conservative Liberal Continuum?
Fields of Practice In social work: Different fileds focus on different populations & their needs
Current fields- children& families,aging ,disabilites & others
other contexts: occupational, rural,police,& forensic social work
Bassalaureate Social Work( BSWs)
Masters Social Work (MSWs)
Doctorates in Social Work
Uniqueness of social work - focus on any problem , targeting the environment for change,Advocacy,Professional values,Parternship with Ciente
Social Work knowledge Base:pSychology the scientific study of mind & behavior
Sociology - Th organized study of how groups develop ,interact,behave& function within the larger society
Political science- the study of political & government structures & functioning
economics -the study of the production distrubution & consumption of goods & services »Social work Profession»>Micro Practice- individual ,Micro/messo practice-families
Biology- the study of living organisms & their physical functions
Psychiatry-the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnoise & treatmetn of mental ,emotional & behavior disorders
Counsling-use of interviewing & problem - solving skills with clients to provide insights concerning psychology issues & change future behavior.
Culture anthroplogy- the branch of anthroplogy that deals with human culture ,especially its history,social structures,language& technology.
Social work-the practice application of knowledge,skills & values to enhance the well-being of individuals ,families groups, organizations & communities.
» Social work profession »> Mezzo practice(groups) ,macro practice (organizations& communites)