Breathing Control during Childbirth
Concentration on controlling breathing can distract from pain.
Holding breath increases CO2 and hydrogen ions, decreases oxygen.
Chemoreceptors stimulated by increased CO2, leading to the need to inhale.
Hyperventilation can increase breath-holding time by lowering CO2 concentration.
Factors affecting breathing discussed in Table 19.6.
Effects of Hyperventilation
Hyperventilation can lead to lowered CO2 concentration, dizziness, and loss of consciousness.
Lowered CO2 concentration causes respiratory alkalosis and vasoconstriction of cerebral arterioles.
Hyperventilating while swimming can lead to loss of consciousness and drowning.
Exercise and Breathing
Moderate to heavy exercise increases oxygen use by skeletal muscles.
Exercise stimulates proprioceptors and triggers joint reflex, increasing respiratory rate.
Blood oxygen and CO2 levels do not change significantly during exercise, but breathing rate does.
Alveoli contain alveolar macrophages that phagocytize airborne agents.
Alveoli and Respiratory System
Alveoli are microscopic air sacs at the distal ends of respiratory tubes.
Alveolar pores allow air to pass between alveoli.
Alveolar walls consist of type II cells that secrete pulmonary surfactant.
Alveolar macrophages clean alveoli by phagocytizing airborne agents.
Respiratory Membrane Structure
Alveoli are associated with a network of capillaries with walls of simple squamous epithelial cells.
Thin basement membranes separate alveoli and capillaries.
Elastic and collagen fibers support alveolar walls.
Respiratory membrane consists of two thicknesses of epithelial cells and basement membranes.
Gas Exchange
Gas exchange occurs between alveolar air and blood through the respiratory membrane.
Oxygen is added to the blood in the capillaries as long as breathing continues.
Alveolar Po2 stays relatively constant at 104 mm Hg.
Blood leaves alveolar capillaries with a PO2 of 104 mm Hg.
Diffusion Through the Respiratory Membrane
Solutes diffuse from higher to lower concentration regions.
Gas diffusion depends on partial pressure gradients.
Gases diffuse from higher to lower partial pressure areas until equilibrium is reached.
Effects of High Altitude
Altitude sickness affects mountain climbers due to decreased oxygen levels at high elevations.
High-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) can lead to severe symptoms like headache, rapid heart rate, and cyanosis.
Hypoxia at high altitudes can vasoconstrict pulmonary blood vessels.
Regular exercise at moderate altitudes can strengthen the respiratory system.
Impaired Gas Exchange
Illnesses resulting from impaired gas exchange may require treatment.
Breath analysis can reveal substances like alcohol, acetone, and markers of kidney, digestive, and liver diseases.
Frequency combs can detect various compounds in exhaled breath, providing health clues.
Practice Questions
Describe the structure of the respiratory membrane.
Explain the factors causing oxygen and carbon dioxide movement across the respiratory membrane.
Diseases like pneumonia can harm the respiratory membrane, affecting gas exchange.
Symptoms: rapid and shallow breathing, chest pain, high fever.
Caused by bacteria infecting lower respiratory structures.
Treated with antibiotics.
Definition: collapse of a lung or part of it, leading to collapse of blood vessels.
Causes: obstruction of respiratory tube, inhaled foreign object, excess mucus secretion.
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS):
Special form of atelectasis where alveoli collapse.
Causes: pneumonia, near drowning, shock, sepsis, aspiration of stomach acid.
Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Formation of fibrous tissue around infected areas.
Treatment with various drugs.
Oxygen Transport:
Hemoglobin carries over 98% of oxygen in blood.
Oxygen binds to iron in hemoglobin, forming oxyhemoglobin.
Factors affecting oxygen release: PO2 levels, acidity, temperature.
Carbon Monoxide (CO):
Toxic gas that binds to hemoglobin, preventing oxygen delivery.
Treatment involves administering high partial pressure oxygen.
Carbon Dioxide Transport:
Generated during cellular metabolism.
Carried in blood as dissolved CO2, bound to hemoglobin, or as bicarbonate ions.
Influences on Oxygen Release:
Increased Pco2, acidity, and temperature enhance oxygen release to tissues during exercise.
Carbon Dioxide Transport
Carbon dioxide bonds with amino groups of hemoglobin molecules.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide do not directly compete for binding sites.
Carbon dioxide binding hemoglobin forms carbaminohemoglobin.
Bicarbonate ions form the most important CO2 transport mechanism.
Blood carries oxygen through oxyhemoglobin.
Carbon Dioxide Transport Mechanisms
Deoxyhemoglobin is generated in systemic capillaries.
Bicarbonate ions diffuse out of red blood cells into the blood plasma.
Chloride shift maintains ionic balance between red blood cells and plasma.
Carbonic anhydrase catalyzes the formation of carbonic acid from hydrogen and bicarbonate ions.
Carbon Dioxide Transport Process
Carbon dioxide is carried in blood plasma in dissolved state, bound to hemoglobin, or as bicarbonate ions.
Chloride shift maintains electrical balance between ions in red blood cells.
In the lungs, carbon dioxide diffuses from blood into alveoli.
Respiratory System Changes with Age
Muscle Weakness and Diaphragm Dependency
Fibrous connective tissue replaces smooth muscle in bronchioles.
Breathing relies more on the diaphragm as muscles weaken.
Decrease in Vital Capacity
Vital capacity peaks at age forty and may drop by a third at seventy.
Challenges in Lung Function
Difficulty in keeping fresh air in lungs due to thinning bronchiole walls.
Residual air trapped in lower lung portions.
Effects of Aging on Breathing
Widening of bronchioles and alveolar ducts increases dead space.
Maximum minute ventilation decreases around age thirty.
Microscopic Changes in Aging
Alveoli and Gas Exchange
Alveoli decrease in number and surface area with age.
Collagen increase and elastin decrease affect gas exchange efficiency.
Impact of Environmental Factors
Pollution and smoking lead to respiratory issues like bronchitis and emphysema.
Long-term exposure to workplace particulates raises respiratory illness risk.
Changes in Lung Protection
Ciliated epithelial cells decrease, mucus thickens, and macrophages lose efficiency.
Slowing of air flow and increased susceptibility to infections.
Influence of Environment and Aging
Effort Required for Breathing
Calcification of cartilage and skeletal shifts increase breathing effort.
Risk of Respiratory Infections
Changes in alveoli decrease efficiency in gas exchange