The Supreme Court has been involved in making policy decisions throughout history.
During the New Deal era, Congress passed laws to end the Depression, but the conservative Court ruled these laws unconstitutional.
- In response, President Franklin Roosevelt proposed a court-packing plan to increase the number of justices and appoint supportive justices. The plan was not passed, but two justices began voting in favor of New Deal legislation.
The Warren Court, under Chief Justice Earl Warren, was especially active in civil rights and civil liberties. The Court declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional, expanded the rights of criminal defendants, and heard other landmark cases.
The Burger Court, under Chief Justice Warren Burger, returned the Court to a more conservative ideology with regard to defendants' rights, but upheld the legality of affirmative action.
The Rehnquist and Roberts Courts, under Chief Justices William Rehnquist and John Roberts, respectively, continued the conservative ideology of limiting decisions made by earlier liberal courts in areas such as defendants' rights, abortion, and affirmative action.
New justices have been appointed during recent administrations, and their impact on the Court is yet to be determined.