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AP World History DBQ Prediction everything you need to know


Unit 3: Land-based empires

Manchu Ottoman Empire Mughal Empire Safavid Empire

listed in chronological order


How did the Ottoman Turks come to power? GUNPOWDER. They took over Constantinople (Byzantine) with cannons and Byzantine were demolished, GONE (that’s the end of them). The Ottomans then expanded outwards along trade routes, ruling over much of the Mediterranean.

How did the Ottomans maintain power? GUNPOWDER. The Ottomans created the Devshirme, a system where they kidnapped children from their territories in Eastern Europe, castrated them, converted them to islam and brought them back in Istanbul and trained them in four categories being a religious scholar, work in the place, work as a scribe, or be in the military as known as janessarie (they have the gunpowder). Ottomans also build a monumental architecture as their way of flexing off their power. Also used Tax farming, would let people bid on right to tax people so Ottomans didn’t have to worry about tax collecting. In exchange the sultan would get a garenteed set amount of money from the tax.

Who were the Ottomans clashing with? SAFAVIDS. Because of their power they fought with many, including the Austrian empire, Catholic regions of Europe (Holy League), but most notably the Safavid empire, because the Safavids where Shi’ite muslim and the Ottomans were Sunni muslim and they were both expanding towards each other 🤺🏔🤺, Ottomans heading east and the Safavids heading West.

What role did the belief systems play in the Ottoman Empire? They were majority Sunni Muslim but they did have A LOT of religious diversity (Ottomans were religiously TOLERANT). Ottomans had Millet system were they divided their empire into nations (jews, christians, catholics had their own millet) Each millet had their own court, collected taxes but in the end OWED THEIR LOYALTY TO THE SULTAN (Ottomans).


How did the Safavids come to power? They took over the power that existed after the demise of the truce Mongolian Tamarind in 1506. Shah Ishmael conquered a bunch of local rivals and declared a Shia Islamic state knows as Safavid empire.

How did the Safavids rule or maintain power? If you were in the Safavid empire, you HAD TO BE SHIA MUSLIM, they were NOT religiously tolerant, so this allowed them to use their faith as a way of painting power over their people.

Who were the Safavids clashing with? SUNNI MUGHALS. Had a similar relationship to the Ottomans, because they disagreed with religion. Sunni VS Shia scandal.

What role do the belief systems play in the Safavid Empires? SHIA. Since this religion was mandatory, it made them clash with their neighbors to the East and to the West. They were PROBLEMATIC.

MUGHAL (richest)

How did the Mughals come to power? GUNPOWDER. The Mughals invaded and TOOK DOWN Delhi sultanate (Central Asian Turkish Muslim Kingdom) on April 20, 1526 and converted them to Islam. People had to pay the Jizya. Merchants travel through Saharan and Indian Ocean trade routes which creates new converts.

How do Mughals rule or maintain power? They are ruling over an incredibly diverse group of people, just like the Ottomans, and therefor they have to be tolerant to survive. The majority of India is Hindu. They had a unique tax collection system, zamindar, made all local rulers (elites) have their empires responsible for collecting their empires taxes. Mughal mausoleum was the Taj Mahal.

Who are they clashing with? MARATHAS was a hindu alliance that a did not think Mughals were religiously tolerant. They were constantly fighting with the Mughal empire and eventually BRING DOWN MUGHAL EMPIRE.

What role do the belief systems play in the Mughal empire? The Mughal were Sunni and the masses of Indian population were Hindu, but a new religion was introduced called the Sikhs (mix go hinduism and islam).


How did the Manchus come to power? The previous dynasty, the Ming dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven and the Manchus, the people from Manchuria Northeast China invaded and took power, they then took the Chinese name, the Qing dynasty.

How did the Manchus maintain Power? They use the Banner system, the same as a Millet system used by the ottomans where each nation would ‘rule’, before they united, they were a bunch of different groups of the jurchen people, when they united, each tribe had semi autonomy or self rule under their banners. As they conquered, they added more banners. The Banners owed all they loyalty to the Manchu Empire. Used the civil service exam to appoint their leaders. For monumental architecture, they built the forbidden city.

Who are they clashing with? Europeans

What role do the belief systems play in the Manchu Empire? Manchus eventually take up buddhism and confucianism (CSE) as their guiding belief system


AP World History DBQ Prediction everything you need to know


Unit 3: Land-based empires

Manchu Ottoman Empire Mughal Empire Safavid Empire

listed in chronological order


How did the Ottoman Turks come to power? GUNPOWDER. They took over Constantinople (Byzantine) with cannons and Byzantine were demolished, GONE (that’s the end of them). The Ottomans then expanded outwards along trade routes, ruling over much of the Mediterranean.

How did the Ottomans maintain power? GUNPOWDER. The Ottomans created the Devshirme, a system where they kidnapped children from their territories in Eastern Europe, castrated them, converted them to islam and brought them back in Istanbul and trained them in four categories being a religious scholar, work in the place, work as a scribe, or be in the military as known as janessarie (they have the gunpowder). Ottomans also build a monumental architecture as their way of flexing off their power. Also used Tax farming, would let people bid on right to tax people so Ottomans didn’t have to worry about tax collecting. In exchange the sultan would get a garenteed set amount of money from the tax.

Who were the Ottomans clashing with? SAFAVIDS. Because of their power they fought with many, including the Austrian empire, Catholic regions of Europe (Holy League), but most notably the Safavid empire, because the Safavids where Shi’ite muslim and the Ottomans were Sunni muslim and they were both expanding towards each other 🤺🏔🤺, Ottomans heading east and the Safavids heading West.

What role did the belief systems play in the Ottoman Empire? They were majority Sunni Muslim but they did have A LOT of religious diversity (Ottomans were religiously TOLERANT). Ottomans had Millet system were they divided their empire into nations (jews, christians, catholics had their own millet) Each millet had their own court, collected taxes but in the end OWED THEIR LOYALTY TO THE SULTAN (Ottomans).


How did the Safavids come to power? They took over the power that existed after the demise of the truce Mongolian Tamarind in 1506. Shah Ishmael conquered a bunch of local rivals and declared a Shia Islamic state knows as Safavid empire.

How did the Safavids rule or maintain power? If you were in the Safavid empire, you HAD TO BE SHIA MUSLIM, they were NOT religiously tolerant, so this allowed them to use their faith as a way of painting power over their people.

Who were the Safavids clashing with? SUNNI MUGHALS. Had a similar relationship to the Ottomans, because they disagreed with religion. Sunni VS Shia scandal.

What role do the belief systems play in the Safavid Empires? SHIA. Since this religion was mandatory, it made them clash with their neighbors to the East and to the West. They were PROBLEMATIC.

MUGHAL (richest)

How did the Mughals come to power? GUNPOWDER. The Mughals invaded and TOOK DOWN Delhi sultanate (Central Asian Turkish Muslim Kingdom) on April 20, 1526 and converted them to Islam. People had to pay the Jizya. Merchants travel through Saharan and Indian Ocean trade routes which creates new converts.

How do Mughals rule or maintain power? They are ruling over an incredibly diverse group of people, just like the Ottomans, and therefor they have to be tolerant to survive. The majority of India is Hindu. They had a unique tax collection system, zamindar, made all local rulers (elites) have their empires responsible for collecting their empires taxes. Mughal mausoleum was the Taj Mahal.

Who are they clashing with? MARATHAS was a hindu alliance that a did not think Mughals were religiously tolerant. They were constantly fighting with the Mughal empire and eventually BRING DOWN MUGHAL EMPIRE.

What role do the belief systems play in the Mughal empire? The Mughal were Sunni and the masses of Indian population were Hindu, but a new religion was introduced called the Sikhs (mix go hinduism and islam).


How did the Manchus come to power? The previous dynasty, the Ming dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven and the Manchus, the people from Manchuria Northeast China invaded and took power, they then took the Chinese name, the Qing dynasty.

How did the Manchus maintain Power? They use the Banner system, the same as a Millet system used by the ottomans where each nation would ‘rule’, before they united, they were a bunch of different groups of the jurchen people, when they united, each tribe had semi autonomy or self rule under their banners. As they conquered, they added more banners. The Banners owed all they loyalty to the Manchu Empire. Used the civil service exam to appoint their leaders. For monumental architecture, they built the forbidden city.

Who are they clashing with? Europeans

What role do the belief systems play in the Manchu Empire? Manchus eventually take up buddhism and confucianism (CSE) as their guiding belief system