Electoral Systems- The formal rules and procedures for selecting the executive or members of the legislative.
Pluralist System- When a candidate wins the most votes in a single election. This happens in Mexico, and a candidate doesn’t need a majority to win.
Mandate- The broad support of the people to carry out proposed policies.
Run-off election- A second and final election held between the top two votes gather when no candidate wins a majority of the votes in the first round of voting. This happens in Russia, Nigeria, and Iran.
Multi-Member District- A method for electing members of a legislative in which two or more representatives are elected from a district.
Single-Member District- Whoever wins the majority of the votes, needs over 50%, this causes a two-party system.
First Post the Party (FPTP)- A Single-Member District (SMD) where the candidate with the most votes wins in a legislature.
Proportional Representation (PR) - An electoral system in which members of the legislature in which seats are awarded according to the percentage of votes a party receives.
Duvergeris Law- Single-member districts lead to 2 catch-all parties.
Party System- The number and strength of political parties within a country.
Interest Groups- An association of individuals that attempts to influence governments. They bring like-minded individuals to reach a goal, they don’t run for office.
Umbrella Organization- A group of institutions that coordinate activities and share resources. An example is the Nigerian Congress.
Interest Groups try to change legislation and civil society comes together for a similar reason.
Pluralism- A system of groups that are allowed to form and advocate for their interest outside of government control.
Corporatism- A system in which the state controls interest groups and choose which to recognize.
Single peak organizations- An organization that brings together all interest groups in a particular sector to influence and negotiate agreements with the governments.
Social Movements- Groups that have a loose or organizational structure and seek major socioeconomic or political charges through collective action.
Grassroot movement- When citizens at a local level get together to advocate for a cause.
Populist- A president or figure that is for the people, usually has a charming personality that attracts attention and helps his/her character be more likable. (AMLO, Trump, Regan)
Social Movements in course countries include: BLM, ME2, Zapatista Rebellion, LGTBA, MAD.