History chp 10 & 11 vocab

Andrew Jackson####First president who didn't come from a wealthy family. Represented the farmers of the west and supported states' rights.

Secession####The act of formally withdrawing from an organization/nation/ any other group in order to be independent

Tariff of Abominations.####The term used to refer to the Tariff of 1828 because it stirred feelings of disgust and hatred.

Indian Removal Act####A law that ended the U.S governments earlier policy of respecting the rights of native Americans to remain on their land

Trail of Tears####The route the Cherokees and other native Americans took during their forced migration from the southeast U.S. to Oklahoma

Panic of 1837####The widespread fear of a failing economy that caused the beginning of a U.S. economic recession that lasted to 1840

Inflation####A decrease in the value of money that causes an increase in prices of goods and services

Nullification####A legal theory that a state has the right to nullify, or reject, any federal laws that they deem unconstitutional with respect to the United States Constitution.

Factory system####A newly introduced method of production, in which large crews of people perform work in one location

Industrial revolution####An era in which widespread production by machinery replaced goods made by hand

Interchangeable parts####Parts of a mechanism that can be substitute of one for another.

Market Revolution####The transition from a pre-industrial economy to a market oriented, capitalist economy. Made the US more independent and connected.

Strike####A work stoppage in order to force an employer to comply with demands

Textile####The cloth and clothing made from cotton and other raw materials. How the US entered the industrial revolution.

Antebellum####Before the American civil war

Abolition####The act of putting an end to something , such as slavery

American system####a policy of promoting the U.S. industrial system through the use of tariffs, federal subsidies to build roads and other public works, and a national bank to control currency

Implied powers####A power not explicitly stated in the constitution, congress has this

Missouri Compromise####An agreement that stated the people of Missouri could own slaves and be admitted to the Union along with Maine ,a free state.

Monopoly####The complete and exclusive control of an industry by one company

Monroe Doctrine####An approach to foreign policy that stated the American continents were no longer under European influence

Sectionalism####A loyalty to which ever section or region of the country one was from, rather than to the nation as a whole

Subsidies####Government funds for improvements or support of commerce

Francis Cabot Lowell####Developed a better model of a mill grill, had a textile mill for girls

Eli Whitney####One of the most influential inventors. Invented interchangeable parts for guns, also invented the cotton gin which increased slavery.

Nat Turner####Led a small group of his fellow slaves in a violent rebellion. They were all captured and hung.

Henry clay####Argued for tariffs to promote American manufacturing and stimulate commerce.

James Monroe####He was elected president of the United States in 1816 and is remembered as the Era of Good Feelings.

Judith Sargent Murray####An American essayist and playwright in the early republic, known for commenting on public issues, especially women's rights.

Catharine Beecher####Founded the Hartford Female Semianry, a school for women in Connecticut.
