definitions for ww2 test!
Bracero - let the mexican people in the us for a limited time as an agricultural worker
Knights of the Clock - interracial marriage club
Japanese Civilians - internment camps in us, brainwashed in japan
Executive Order 9981 - banned segregation in the miltary
Curtis Lemay - another us flight boy (us commander air force of pacific fleet)
Robert McNamara - us flight altitudes
Potsdam Declaration - made by the allied powers telling japan to surrender unconditionally
Fascism - mix of communism and a dictatorship leaning towards nationalism
Communism - no class, noone has more power over the other or more ways to succeed, government controls everything
WWII Technology Causes Death - the technology created in ww2 by all countries contributed to death
Battle of the Bulge - germanys last invasion
VE Day - victory in europe day
Wansee Conference - conference in which the final solution was discussed
Atlantic Charter - us and britain goals after the end of ww2
Hirohito - god in human form
Round the month soldier - propeganda used by the us to make women work on their periods
Blitzkrieg - suprise attack with a lot of armed forces
Rape of Nanking - japanese jews invading china and raping and killing people
Kristallnacht - civilians targeting jews, or night of broken glass
Einsatzgruppen - mobile killing group