Chemistry Unit 2

Periodic Table Overview

  • Groups/Families: Vertical columns (1-18) with similar chemical properties.

  • Periods: Horizontal rows (1-7) indicating energy levels of electrons.

Key Groups

  • Hydrogen

    • Reactive, colorless, odorless at room temperature

    • 1 outer level electron

  • Alkali Metals: Group 1

    • Extremely Reactive, never found in nature in pure form

    • Silver Colored and Shiny

    • Density so low can be cut with a knife

    • 1 Outer Level Electron

  • Alkaline Earth Metals: Group 2

    • Slightly less reactive than alkali metals

    • Silver colored and more dense than alkali metals

    • 2 outer electrons

  • Transition Metals: Groups 3-12

    • Moderate range of reactivity

    • Wide range of properties

    • Shony and good conductors of heat and electricity

    • Higher density and melting points

    • 1 or 2 outer level electrons

  • Halogens: Group 17

    • Nonmetals

    • Very reactive

    • Poor conductors of heat and electric

    • Tends to form salt

    • 7 outer level electrons

  • Noble Gases: Group 18

    • Unreactive nonmetals

    • Colorless, odorless gases at room temperature

    • Small amounts

    • 8 outer level electrons

  • Boron Group: Group 13

    • Reactive

      • Most abundant metals in the earth’s crus

      • 3 outer level electrons

  • Carbon Group: Group 14

    • Varied Reactivity

    • 4 Outer Level Electrons

  • Nitrogen Group: Group 15

    • Varied Reactivity

    • 5 Outer Level Electrons

  • Oxygen Group: Group 16

    • Reactive Group

    • 6 Outer Level Electrons


  • Elements with properties of both metals and nonmetals have properties intermediate between metals and nonmetals. The commonly recognized metalloids are:

    • Boron (B)

    • Silicon (Si)

    • Germanium (Ge)

    • Arsenic (As)

    • Antimony (Sb)

    • Tellurium (Te)

    These elements are found in groups 13 to 16 of the periodic table.

Lanthanides and Actinides

Elements 95 through 103 are manufactured in a lab and do not exist in the lab

  • Lanthanides

    • Shiny

    • Reactive

  • Actinides:

    • Radioactive

    • Unstable

Dalton's Atomic Theory

  • Matter is composed of atoms.

  • Atoms of a given element are similar to one another and are different from atoms of other elements

  • Atoms of a given element are identical in mass and properties.

  • Compounds are formed by a combination of different atoms.

    • Particular compounds are always made of the same kinds of atoms and the same number of each kind of atoms

Definition of Atom

  • The smallest particle of an element that retains its chemical properties.

Subatomic Particle



Mass (amu)

Mass (Grams)






1.6726 x 10^-24






1.6750 x 10^-24






9.1094 x 10^-28

Electron cloud

Characteristics of Atoms

  • Chemical Symbols: One or two-letter notation for elements

  • Mass Number: Total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

  • Atomic Number: Number of protons in the nucleus, defines the element.

  • Neutral Atoms: Equal number of protons and electrons.


  • Atoms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons.

Nuclear Symbol

  • Represents an isotope with the format:

    • ( A ): Mass number, Superscript

    • ( Z ): Atomic number, Subscript

    • ( X ): Chemical symbol of the element.

      Molecular Basics

      • Molecule: A group of two or more NONMETAL atoms bonded together

      • Formula: Represented by molecular formulas where number of atoms of each element are subscript

      • Covalent Bonds: Bonds formed by the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms.

      Ion Basics

      • Ion: An atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons, resulting in a net charge.

        • Cation: A positively charged ion (loss of electrons).

          • Metal Atoms

        • Anion: A negatively charged ion (gain of electrons).

          • Nonmetal Atom

      Key Points

      • Molecules can consist of the same or different elements.

      • Ions are crucial in chemical reactions and electrical conductivity.

AMU (Atomic Mass Unit)

AMU is a unit of mass used to express atomic and molecular weights. It is defined as one twelfth of the mass of a carbon-12 atom.

1 AMU = 1.673 × 10-24

History of the Atom


  • From Russia, used playing cards with atomic properties

  • Developed modern periodic table

Democritus (Ancient Greek)

  • Proposed the concept of atoms as indivisible particles

  • Coined the term "atomos" meaning uncuttable or indivisible

John Dalton (Early 19th century)

  • Proposed elements are made of specific atoms

  • Suggested atoms combine in specific ratios to form compounds

  • Measure the mass of things

  • Split water up into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas,

    weighed the gases and found that the mass of oxygen

    was always eight times heavier than the mass of


    • Law of Definite Proportions

J.J. Thomson

  • Discovered the electron using cathode ray tubes

  • Electromagnetic fields, and cathode rays are negatively charged.

  • the subject is illuminated not by light, but by electrons, shorter wavelength than visible light, so they are capable of imaging much finer and smaller details

  • Proposed the "plum pudding" model of the atom

    • Positive charge inside but also have negative charges embedded

Ernest Rutherford

  • Conducted the gold foil experiment

  • Shot alpha particles at gold foil

  • Few went through, some deflected and some bounced

  • Discovered the nucleus, had a positive charge, because positive particles were being shot back

  • Proposed the nuclear model of the atom with positive electrons in the middle, and negative electrons going around the outside of the nucleus, most of it is easy

James Chadwick

  • Discovered the neutron, took longer no charge

Niels Bohr

  • Proposed electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels

  • Positive charge on the inside, negative charge on the outside

  • Electrons travel on the outside in specific orbitals

  • High Energy to Low energy levels

Erwin Schrödinger

  • Introduced wave mechanics to describe electron behavior

Werner Heisenberg

  • Bohr and Schroignder were right

  • Electron is a particle but is desired by Scroginder’s idea of wave (Quantum Theory of Atom)


Element: A pure substance consisting of atoms with the same number of protons in their nuclei.

Shell: A group of orbitals with the same principal quantum number, representing the main energy levels of electrons around an atom's nucleus.

Sublevel: A subdivision of an electron shell, corresponding to different orbital shapes (s, p, d, f).

Orbital: A region in an atom where an electron is likely to be found, described by a set of quantum numbers.

Orbital notation: A method of representing electron configuration using boxes or lines to show orbital occupancy.

Quantum number: A set of numerical values that describe the properties of electrons in atoms.

Ground state: The lowest energy state of an atom or molecule.

Excited state: A higher energy state of an atom or molecule, typically unstable and short-lived.

Photon: A particle of light or electromagnetic radiation.

Electronegativity: The tendency of an atom to attract electrons in a chemical bond.

Ionization energy: The energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion in its ground state.

Ionic radius: The effective size of an ion in a crystal lattice.

Oxidation: The loss of electrons by an atom, molecule, or ion.

Reduction: The gain of electrons by an atom, molecule, or ion.

Stable octet: An atom with eight valence electrons, typically associated with noble gas configuration.

Kernel: In atomic physics, the nucleus plus the inner electrons that are not involved in chemical bonding.



  • First is capital, second lowercase

  • 118 known

    • 91 that occur naturally


  • This can be seen through atomic force microscopes

Radiation and Radioactive Decay

Radiation - Parts of atoms that are given off or energy that’s given off by radioactive atoms

  • Measure it with a Geiger counter

    • Has been hit by a piece of radiation gives off a bit of electrical charge that can be picked up

  • Hear static because of background radiation

As a number of protons increases more neutrons are needed to keep it stable. The nucleus is held together by something called the strong nucleus force.

Alpha Decay

  • Positive Charge

  • α

  • Helium - 4 (2 protons 2 neutrons)

    • Nuclide

  • So weak can’t go through paper

  • Nucleus is very large and have too few neutrons

  • Atomic number decreases by 2 and mass decreases by 2

Beta Decay

  • Negative Charge

  • β

  • High Energy Electron with a charge of -1

  • Stopped by aluminum sheet

  • Neutron mits high energy electron that changes and gains a proton

  • Atomic number increases, no change in mass

Gamma Decay

  • Neutral Charge

  • γ

  • Every radioactive disintegration

Artificially Created in Lab

Positron Decay

  • Positive Charge

  • Anit-particular electrons

  • β

  • Electron with a charge of 1

  • Stopped by aluminum sheet

  • A proton is changed into a neutron and releases a positron

  • Atom decreases by 1, mass stays the same

K-Electron Capture

  • The nucleus absorbs atom electron

  • The proton is changed into a neutron

  • The atomic number decreased by 1, mass stayed the same

  • Only in atoms with atomic number higher than 20

Nuclear Chemistry - The study of how nuclei of unstable isotopes undergo changes to become more stable, the changes occur with the emission of large amounts of energy

N:P Ratio

  • Lighter Elements

    • 1:`

  • Heavier Elements

    • 1:5

Half-Life- Amount of time for half the radioactive particles to undergo decay

Half-Life Equation - N(t) = N(0)(1/2)t/t1/2

Artificial Transmuations (Bombardment Reactions) - Occurs in laboratory

  • Stable nuclei are converted to one that is radioactive and then decay into stable products

  • Medical Purposes

  • Bombarding Particle

    • Neutron

    • Charged Particle

Rate of Radioactive Decay

  • Number of atoms decaying in unit time

  • Measured in

    • Curies (Ci) - 3.700 × 1010 atoms/s

    • Becquerels (Bq) - 1 atom/s

Binding Energy - Energy required to tear apart a nucleus by separating protons and neutrons in the nucleus or the energy released by nucleons combining to form a nucleus, a measure of stability

Nuclear Fission

  • Nucleus splits into smaller fragments, each with higher nuclear binding energies

  • Bombarding a large heavy nuclear with a smaller one

  • Atomic bomb and nuclear reactions, mass is lost

  • Mass goes to energy

Chain Reaction - Self-sustaining nuclear or chemical reaction from which the product of one step acts like a reactant

Critical Mass - Minimum amount of fissile material needed to maintain a nuclear chain reaction, the sample must be large enough so neutrons react with more of the sample than escape

Nuclear Fusion

  • Two nuclei combine to make a heavier nucleus

  • Low masses fuse to form heavier more stable nuclei with higher binding energies

  • Large amounts of energy

  • Powers the Sun, hydrogen bombs
