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AP Lang Midterm Exam Study Guide Fall 2023

AP English Language and Composition

Ms. Kayla Daley

Midterm Exam Overview and Study Guide

The final exam for first semester is worth 100 points and counts for 15% of your first semester grade. The midterm will consist of two parts: multiple choice and timed writing.

I highly recommend using OneNote as the basis of your studying. I made the exam by going through old files in OneNote and basing question off of that material, so it will greatly benefit you to revisit these same pages. Review those formative documents that we have been storing all semester.

Part I: A multiple choice section worth 50 points. It will include the following topics. You will have 35 minutes to complete this section.

  • AP Exam style questions (5 questions) – passage will be short in the interest of time
  • The remaining multiple-choice questions will cover the following topics from our class:

Unit #1 – Rhetorical Analysis

  • Rhetorical devices (definitions + identifying in passages)
    • Diction
    • Tone
    • Ethos, pathos, and logos
    • Other devices including imagery, foreshadowing, syntax (see list from Unit #1 of OneNote)
  • Elements of a Rhetorical Situation/Triangle:
    • Speaker, audience, subject
    • Exigence
  • Matching claims and evidence
  • Thesis Statements
    • Arguable or Not?
    • Types of thesis statements (opened, closed, counterclaim)
      • Elements of a thesis: subject, position, and subtopics

Unit #2 – Argument

  • MLA formatting and essay formatting:
    • Eliminating “you”
    • MLA text features
    • Elements of a header
  • Types of claims: fact, value, and policy
  • Logical fallacies
  • Elements and goals of satire
    • A Modest Proposal
      • Be familiar with Swift’s main points, style of argument, organization, and reasoning
  • Organizing an argumentative essay – Requirements for:
    • Writing topic sentences
    • Incorporating quotes

Unit #2 – In Cold Blood

  • Be able to discuss passages from the novel and connect their significance to overall themes
  • Character personalities, motivations, and depiction
  • Capote’s purpose, writing style, and overall argument
  • Murders’ impact on the town and community members
  • Be able to discuss the American Dream and Capote’s thoughts on the idea

*Special Note: Do not expect plot questions on this section. It will be focused on analysis and overall purpose.

Part II: A timed writing essay worth 50 points. You will have 40 minutes to complete the timed writing.

So far this year, we have completed two styles of AP timed writing: a rhetorical analysis and an argument essay.

On the exam, you will receive either a rhetorical analysis or an argument prompt from a previous AP exam. You should be prepared to write either essay. We will review the requirements together briefly, but you should revisit your files from these timed situations earlier in the semester. Again – look back in OneNote. You have rubrics and student samples for both styles of essay. Revisit them.

The timed writing will be scored based on its thesis statement, evidence, topic sentences and structure, commentary, and mechanics.

A Friendly Reminder from an Experienced Student:

We have been working on these skills all semester. While a midterm feels intimidating, have confidence in your skills. You have learned so much this semester, and I know each of you have what you need to be successful.

Go back through your notes, remind yourself of places you might be rusty, and take a deep breath. You are strong readers and writers and with a little prep work, you will be okay 😊


AP Lang Midterm Exam Study Guide Fall 2023

AP English Language and Composition

Ms. Kayla Daley

Midterm Exam Overview and Study Guide

The final exam for first semester is worth 100 points and counts for 15% of your first semester grade. The midterm will consist of two parts: multiple choice and timed writing.

I highly recommend using OneNote as the basis of your studying. I made the exam by going through old files in OneNote and basing question off of that material, so it will greatly benefit you to revisit these same pages. Review those formative documents that we have been storing all semester.

Part I: A multiple choice section worth 50 points. It will include the following topics. You will have 35 minutes to complete this section.

  • AP Exam style questions (5 questions) – passage will be short in the interest of time
  • The remaining multiple-choice questions will cover the following topics from our class:

Unit #1 – Rhetorical Analysis

  • Rhetorical devices (definitions + identifying in passages)
    • Diction
    • Tone
    • Ethos, pathos, and logos
    • Other devices including imagery, foreshadowing, syntax (see list from Unit #1 of OneNote)
  • Elements of a Rhetorical Situation/Triangle:
    • Speaker, audience, subject
    • Exigence
  • Matching claims and evidence
  • Thesis Statements
    • Arguable or Not?
    • Types of thesis statements (opened, closed, counterclaim)
      • Elements of a thesis: subject, position, and subtopics

Unit #2 – Argument

  • MLA formatting and essay formatting:
    • Eliminating “you”
    • MLA text features
    • Elements of a header
  • Types of claims: fact, value, and policy
  • Logical fallacies
  • Elements and goals of satire
    • A Modest Proposal
      • Be familiar with Swift’s main points, style of argument, organization, and reasoning
  • Organizing an argumentative essay – Requirements for:
    • Writing topic sentences
    • Incorporating quotes

Unit #2 – In Cold Blood

  • Be able to discuss passages from the novel and connect their significance to overall themes
  • Character personalities, motivations, and depiction
  • Capote’s purpose, writing style, and overall argument
  • Murders’ impact on the town and community members
  • Be able to discuss the American Dream and Capote’s thoughts on the idea

*Special Note: Do not expect plot questions on this section. It will be focused on analysis and overall purpose.

Part II: A timed writing essay worth 50 points. You will have 40 minutes to complete the timed writing.

So far this year, we have completed two styles of AP timed writing: a rhetorical analysis and an argument essay.

On the exam, you will receive either a rhetorical analysis or an argument prompt from a previous AP exam. You should be prepared to write either essay. We will review the requirements together briefly, but you should revisit your files from these timed situations earlier in the semester. Again – look back in OneNote. You have rubrics and student samples for both styles of essay. Revisit them.

The timed writing will be scored based on its thesis statement, evidence, topic sentences and structure, commentary, and mechanics.

A Friendly Reminder from an Experienced Student:

We have been working on these skills all semester. While a midterm feels intimidating, have confidence in your skills. You have learned so much this semester, and I know each of you have what you need to be successful.

Go back through your notes, remind yourself of places you might be rusty, and take a deep breath. You are strong readers and writers and with a little prep work, you will be okay 😊