Exam 1 Blueprint
Structure and function of the components of the cell
Diffusion: moves from high to low concentration
Facilitated diffusion: allows glucose to enter body cells
Osmosis: is moved from low concentration to high concentration
Glycolysis: The breakdown of glucose by cells that do not need oxygen, releasing pyruvic acid and energy
Active Transport: Needs ATP to move against concentration gradient
Passive Transport: Does not need ATP to move against the concentration gradient
Anaerobic: Doesn’t need oxygen to break down stored nutrients to produce ATP
Aerobic: Needs oxygen to break down stored nutrients to produce ATP
ATP production
Varying number in each cell
DNA inherited from the mother
Ligands: First messengers, move directly across the membrane to bind to the intracellular receptor
Ribosomes: Cell’s factories, translate RNA into proteins
DNA: composed of four nitrogen bases, a phosphate molecule, and deoxyribose (a sugar)
Processes by which fats, protein, and carbs from foods we eat are converted into energy in the form of ATP
Consists of breaking down stored nutrients to produce ATP
Is a constructive process in which more complex molecules are formed from simpler ones
Cell membrane
Made of lipids and proteins
Separates intracellular from extracellular
Gives the cell selective permeability
Gives structure to the cell
Made of microtubules (cilia and flagella, transports materials) and microfilaments (aid in contraction of our muscles)
Signal Transduction: Is the pathway for cell communication from the receptor to the cell
Autocrine- a cell releases a chemical into the extracellular fluid affects its own activity
Paracrine: acts on nearby cells
Endocrine: relies on hormones carried in the bloodstream to cells throughout the body
Synaptic: occurs in nervous system, when neurotransmitters act only on adjacent cells
When does a mutation occur? What causes this- how is chromatin involved?
When DNA is duplicated, mutation can occur with a substitution of a base, or loss/addition of a base pair, or rearrangement
Substances that cause mutations are called mutagens
Caused by: chemicals, radiation, environmental changes, can be inherited
Endonucleases: DNA repair mechanism to correct, uses polymerase to fill the gap of DNA
Chromatin: Clusters of DNA and proteins in the nucleus of a cell that make up chromosome, must change its structure during DNA replication to prevent genetic abnormalities
Where are genes located? Inside of every celusing only a portion of it based on function
Intracellular Accumulation: is when the normal cells will accumulate abnormal amounts of substances that may harm the cell
Abnormal Endogenous Products: those that result from inborn errors of metabolism
Exogenous Products: environmental agents not broken down by cell
Ex: tattoos
In DNA that include the genetic information inherited from parents
What are the causes of chromosomal disorders?
Problems with our chromosomes cause a major of our genetic diseases
Results in congenital malformation in our babies, intellectual disability, and 60 identifiable syndromes
Can be caused by a problem in chromosome structure (breakage/deletion of a chromosome) ex: radiation, infections
Can involve translocation of genetic material from one chromosome to another
What are the type of disorders that babies are born with called?
Congenital Disorders
What causes birth defects?
Genetic factors: single gene inheritance or chromosomal aberrations (down syndrome)
Environmental factors: infections, or drugs taken during pregnancy
Intrauterine factors(rare): positioning of fetal parts with the covering of the embryo, or fetal crowding
Inherited Multifactorial Disorders
Caused by multiple genes and environmental factors
More than one factor that causes a health problem/deficit
Expressed; Clubfoot, congenital heart disease, Urinary tract malformation
Alteration in Sex Chromosome Number
Nondisjunction: Failure to separate chromosomes
Monosomy: Presence of one of the sex chromosome pair
Monosomy X (Turner Syndrome): In women only, child will be infertile, short, web necked
Polysomy: Presence of 2+ chromosomes to a set of germ cells
Polysomy X (Klinefelter Syndrome): Males have an extra X chromosome, more female than male characteristics
Inability to produce sperm, enlarged breast tissue
Mitochondrial Gene Disorders
Can be caused by changes in the mitochondrial DNA/ nuclear DNA that has led to dysfunction of the mitochondria
Disorders of mitochondrial genes interfere with production of cellular energy
Without normally functioning DNA, our body does not have enough energy to carry out our normal functions
Only inherited maternally
Commonly associated with neuromuscular disorders
Single gene disorders
Autosomal dominant: single mutant allele transmitted to offspring
Phenotype is seen in the homozygous or heterozygous genotype
Marfan Syndrome
Autosomal recessive: When the parents have the effected gene, only carriers, phenotype is only seen in the homozygous recessive genotype
PKU- rare metabolic disorder
Tay- Sachs disease
X-linked recessive
Almost always associated with the X-chromosome and predominantly recessive
Fragile X Syndrome
Exemplar: Down Syndrome
Most trisomy’s are severe and don’t live past 1 year except Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) which is the most common Trisomy- m
Caused by having deficient genetic material from chromosome 21
Risk factors
Women over 35, increases risk with age
Clinical Manifestations
Small square head and flat facial profile
Upward slanting of the eyes
Short stubby hands
Small nose with depressed ridge, small ridge, small folds on inner corner of eyes
DNA base pairs and what goes together
Thymine with Adenine
Cytosine with Guanine
Progeny: means the offspring of a living thing
Genotype: Refers to the genetic makeup of a person
Mendel Laws
A diploid individual possesses a pair of alleles for any particular trait and each parent passes one of these randomly to its offspring
Homozygous: an organism which has both copies of the sane allele RR (dominant) or rr (recessive)
Heterozygous: of an organism with 2 different alleles, Rr
The study of the structure and numeric characteristics of the cell’s chromosomes
The chromosomal appearance, ordered display based on length and location
Sets up how protein synthesis will take place, by a process called transcription
Physical structure in the cytoplasm where protein synthesis takes place
Occurs in the nucleolus
Clover shaped molecule that helps deliver activated form of amino acid to protein molecule in the ribosome
Teratogenic agents:
Produce abnormalities during embryonic or fetal development(due to radiation, chemicals, drugs, infectious agents)
Most susceptible to these agents during organogenesis (when organs are being formed in the womb)
Epithelial Tissue
Description: Forms the covering of body surfaces, lines the hollow organs, and are the major tissue and glands
Classification: According to the number of layers (simple, stratifies, pseudostratified) and shape (squamous, cuboidal, columnar)
Function: Protection, absorption, secretion, diffusion, excretion, filtration, sensory reception
Connective Supportive Tissue
Description: Most abundant tissue, forms our bones and skeletal system, joints, blood, and intracellular substances
Classification: Areolar, Adipose, Dense Connective
Function: Bind and support, store fuel, transport substances, insulate, protect
Muscle Tissue
Description: Actin and myosin filaments
Types: Cardiac muscle (contracts heart for blood flow)
Smooth muscle: forms the organs and changes to facilitate functions of the body
Skeletal muscle: moves bones and other structures
Nervous Tissue
Description: provides the means of body functions, and sensing and moving about the environment
Neurons: nerve cells that function around communication
Neuroglia: these help support and keep neurons together
Extracellular Matrix
Consists of extracellular macromolecules and minerals
Helps cells bind together and regulate differentiation, adhesion, and proliferation
ABC’s of nursing priorities
Exemplar: Cancer
Tissue biopsy and screening
Screening is a secondary prevention measure, best way to diagnose cancer early on
This includes checking on a mole, and pap smears
Tissue biopsy (also including blood tests, CT scans, MRI) is done when you may be suspecting cancer and staging it
Done through ultrasounds and Xray
Describe cancer cells
Caused by mutations of DNA within cells
Can be Hereditary or a genetic mutation after birth (due to poor diet, smoking, obesity, etc.)
How cancer spreads
Adhesion: cancer cells fail to make this adhesion and float away infecting the rest of the body
Metastasis(spreading): travel to other regions of the body
Unregulated growth, undifferentiated (immature cancer cells), don’t listen to neighboring cells to stop growing when nearing tissue
Malignant vs benign
A benign Tumor is composed of cells that are not cancerous and won’t spread
Contained by fibrous capsule that doesn’t invade nearby tissue
A Malignant Tumor is composed of cells that are cancerous and can spread to other tissues and organs
Very invasive, grows rapidly, invades nearby tissues through the lymph channels and blood vessels
What type of tumors invade surrounding tissues and can be spread through the lymph channels and blood vessels?
Malignant Tumor
Goes from one cell type to another type
Substitutes cells that are not typical to organ tissue
Ex: when smoking, squamous cells can withstand damage better
Deranged cell growth varying in shape/size
Precursor to cancer
Ex: cervical dysplasia- cells in this area can turn cancerous
Increased cell and tissue size due to increased work demands
Can be physiologic (working out) or pathologic (myocardial hypertrophy- heart muscle thickens and stops blood flow)
Increased number of cells in an organ or tissue
Physiologic (hormonal or compensatory- for example, pregnancy increases breast tissue) or pathologic (excessive hormones or growth factors- for example, when removing a part of an organ, it regenerates)
Refers to cell death in an organ or tissue that is still part of a living person
Characterized by swelling, rupture, inflammation of cell membrane
Triggers the inflammatory response
Interferes with cell replacement and tissue regeneration
Leads to patient getting Gangrene which occurs when a large mass of tissue undergoes necrosis
Highly selective process
Gets rid of old and damaged cells
Helps new tissue/cells regenerate
Makes our cells shrink, condense, break apart-> then engulfed by a phagocytic cell
Cells decrease to a smaller size in order to work more efficiently
Reduce oxygen level intake and organelles that are functioning
Caused by
Disuse- when you stop exercising, or break a bone in your arm and stop using your arm for awhile
Denervation- caused by peripheral neuropathy and motor neurons diseases(paralyzed)
Loss of endocrine stimulation (ex: menopause causes shrinking of breast tissue)
Inadequate nutrition
Ischemia- decreased blood flow
What is pyrexia?
Is another word for Fever
Raised body temperature
Cytokine release that increases the set temp in the hypothalamus to kill the bacteria
What part of the brain and which organ /s are responsible for temperature regulation in the body?
Fevers vs hyperthermia
4 stages of a fever
Prodromal stage: Pathogen enters cell and releases cytokines to the hypothalamus
Second stage: Chill stage/shivering in order to generate heat
Third stage: When the shivering stops we get super warm and appear flushed once the body starts releasing the heat
Defervescence: Heat is released through the sweat signaling the end of the fever and body temperature goes back to normal
Types of Fevers
Intermittent: Fever that fluctuates throughout the day
Remittent: Fever stays predominantly high with small fluctuations
Sustained: High fever that stays up throughout the day
Relapsing: Fever that starts high that normalized until it sky rockets by the end of the day
When body loses heat faster than it produces it causing a drastic drop in body temperature
Heart and organs can’t work at such low temperatures causing vasoconstriction
Because blood flow stops, oxygen stops reaching these vital organs leading to Hypoxia-> leading to frostbite and that tissue dies
Mechanisms of Heat Loss
Radiation: transfer of heat through an air vaccum, ex: heat form the sun
Conduction: Transfer of heat from one molecule to another, ex: using a cold towel when you have a fever
Convection: heat transfer through circulation of air
Evaporation: using the body heat to change the water on skin to vapor, ex: sweat
Mechanisms of Heat Production
Causes of muscle atrophy
Can occur due to malnutrition, age, genetics, a lack of physical activity, or other medical conditions
Muscle will shrink after exercise is discontinued
Can be caused by Disuse when you don’t use your muscles enough
What causes frostbite?
Caused by the cut off of blood flow to the tissue and dies
Due to exposure to extreme cold weather conditions
Needed when the core temperature is too hot, Dilation of the blood capillaries near the skin to release the heat in order to cool down
Deeper vessels constrict to keep heat by the vital organs
Increases core temperature when too cold by constricting of the blood flows through the capillaries on the surface of the skin to conserve heat
Deeper vessels are going to dilate
Includes shivering, goosebumps
Pathologic Calcifications
Abnormal deposition of calcium salts in the tissue other than osteoid or enamel
In addition small amounts of magnesium, iron, and other salts are also deposited
Dystrophic Calcification
Calcification occurs in dead and degenerated tissues
Plasma calcium levels and phosphate levels are normal
Metastatic Calcification
Calcification occurs in conditions where their hypercalcemia
Calcium from bone is moved out and deposited in the distant tissues