AP Lit Vocab 7 (reused words)
Stifle Definitions: 1)(transitive) to withhold from circulation or expression 2) to cut off (the voice or breath) 3) muffle or smother 4) to kill by depriving oxygen 5)(intransitive) to be or become unable to breathe easily
Stifle Forms: 1) stifle (intransitive and transitive verb) 2) stifler (noun) 3) stiflingly (adverb)
Stifle Synonyms: strangle, choke, smother, suffocate, suppress, swallow, repress, muffle
Stifle Antonyms: inspire, breathe, express, increase, advance, deepen, heighten, enhance
Sardonic Definitions: 1) disdainfully or skeptically humorous: derisively mocking 2) marked by the use of wit that is intended to hurt feelings.
Sardonic Forms: 1) Sardonic (adjective) 2) sardonically (adverb)
Sardonic Synonyms: acerbic, acid, barbed, biting, caustic, sarcastic, satiric, scalding, scathing, sharp, snarky, tart
Sardonic Antonyms: NONE
Precipice Definitions: 1) a very steep or overhanging place 2) a hazardous situation, brink
Precipice Forms: 1) Precipice (Noun)
Precipice Synonyms: bluff, cliff, crag, escarpment, scarp
Precipice Antonyms: NONE
Ardor Definitions: 1) an often restless or transitory warmth of feeling 2) extreme vigor, energy, or intensity 3) zeal or loyalty 4) sexual excitement
Ardor Forms: 1) ardor (noun)
Ardor Synonyms: enthusiasm, intensity, emotion, passion, warmth, fervor, lust
Ardor Antonyms: indifference, unconcern, apathy, frigidity
Paltry Definitions: 1) inferior, trashy 2) mean, despicable 3) trivial 4) meager, measly
Paltry Forms: 1) paltry (adjective) 2) paltriness (noun)
Paltry Synonyms: pitiful, lame, cheap, wretched, unacceptable, poor, wrong, bad, deficient, pathetic, terrible, vile, nasty, dirty, ignominious, cruel, low
Paltry Antonyms: admirable, laudable, creditability, commendable, praiseworthy, adequate, decent, standard, respectable
Insidious Definitions: 1) having a gradual and continuous effect, subtle 2) a disease developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent 3) awaiting a chance to entrap, treacherous 4) harmful but enticing, seductive
Insidious Forms: 1) insidious (adjective) 2) insidiously (adverb) 3) insidiousness (noun)
Insidious Synonyms: subtle, treacherous, deceptive, perfidious, false, wrong, deceitful, misleading, cunning, sneaky
Insidious Antonyms: direct, plain, outspoken, frank, illuminating, candid, open, explanatory, revealing
Gregarious Definitions: 1) tending to associate with others 2) marked by or indicating a liking for companionship 3) of or relating to a social group 4) growing or living in a cluster or colony
Gregarious Forms: 1) gregarious (adjective) 2) gregariously (adverb) 3) gregariousness (noun)
Gregarious Synonyms: social, extraverted, outgoing, companionable, sociable, colonial
Gregarious Antonyms: antisocial, introverted, reclusive, solitary
Deride Definitions: 1) to make someone or something the object of unkind laughter .) to laugh at or insult contemptuously 3) to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule or criticism 4) to express a lack of approval or respect.
Deride Forms: 1) Deride (transitive verb) 2) Derider (noun) 3) Deridingly (adverb)
Deride Synonyms: jeer, jibe, laugh at, mock, ridicule, scout, shoot down, skewer
Deride Near Antonyms: applaud, approve, commend, endorse, sanction
Sagacious Definition: 1) of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment 2) caused by or indicating acute discernment 3) keen in sense of perception
Sagacious Forms: 1) sagacious (adjective) 2) sagaciously (adverb) 3) sagaciousness (noun)
Sagacious Synonyms: wise, prudent, insightful, perceptive, sage, clever, discerning, thoughtful, intelligent, brilliant, scholarly
Sagacious Antonyms: unwise, unperceptive, purblind, obtuse, foolish, dense, dumb, thoughtless, stupid
Benevolent Definitions: 1) having or marked by sympathy and consideration for others 2) having or showing a concern for the welfare of others 3) marked by or disposed to doing good 4) organized for the purpose of doing good 5) marked by or suggestive of goodwill
Benevolent Forms: 1) benevolent (adjective) 2) benevolently (adverb) 3) benevolentness (noun)
Benevolent Synonyms: beneficent, benignant, compassionate, good-hearted, humane, kind, kindhearted, sympathetic, tender
Benevolent Antonyms: atrocious, barbaric, barbarous, bestial, brutal, brute, callous, cold-blooded, inhumane, savage, uncompassionate, unfeeling