Excerpt Matching Section
10 excerpts from syllabus text.
Match each excerpt to its respective author (each author is represented once).
Excerpts are not random; they represent main ideas discussed in lectures.
You may bring notes to the exam (max. 3 printed pages).
Upload study guide to type notes under each question.
Print and bring for the exam.
Settler Colonialism
Define settler colonialism.
Characteristics of Canada and The US as settler colonial states.
Compare colonial experiences of indigenous peoples in US island territories to North America.
Use research from class discussions for examples.
Nation Language
Describe three characteristics of nation language in your own words (Brathwaite's description of sounds).
Discuss how Caribbean Dove Poets convey experiences to challenge British imperialism.
Provide examples from specific songs, poems, or documentaries.
Cesaire’s Discourse
Rephrase Kelly’s perspective on Cesaire's text as poetry and revolt.
Provide historical context from Kelly or Cesaire’s own text.
Anthropocene Debates
Discuss the significance of debates about the golden spike and Anthropocene’s origins.
Use Youssef, Verges, and Talbert for examples.
Anzaldua's Linguistic Strategy
Discuss the linguistic strategies Anzaldua uses to overcome silence.
Explain importance of recognizing the border tongue.
Reference texts from the anthology "Written English".
Cultural Identity and Sustainability
Examine the film "Foragers" regarding cultural identity, environmental sustainability, and food politics.
Critique modern conservation systems and discuss food sovereignty.
Repatriation of Treasures in "Dahomey"
Debate perspectives presented in the film regarding the repatriation of treasures to Benin.
Note opposing viewpoints and evaluate stylistic choices made by Diop.
Family Recipe Assignment Reflections
Discuss what surprised you in classmates’ responses to the family recipe assignment.
Reflect on learned connections or provoke questions.
Total Points: Each question is worth 5 points.
Include 5 different points per question; examples count towards points.
Answers should be in paragraph form, addressing all parts of the question.
Only three pages of notes can be used, double-sided is okay.
Bring guides with you to the classroom; laptops not required unless needed for class afterward.
Summarize main points and themes of each assigned text to aid recall.
Focus on creating personal summaries to understand authors' main arguments.
Prepare to synthesize ideas and examples from multiple texts as needed for questions.
Lectures and text discussions will continue until the day of the exam.
Post-exam review session will occur the following Wednesday after the exam.