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Earth Science Unit 7

Lesson 56 - Climate

Climate = region's long term weather pattern

Weather = short term condition of region, daily changes in atmosphere

Factors that affect climate of region:

  • Angle of insolation

  • Global wind patterns

  • Heat absorption (Specific heat)

  • Topographic

Average yearly temperature = hot/cold it is in a region throughout the year

Yearly temperature range = Highest monthly average temperature through lowest monthly average temperature

Average yearly precipitation = average amt of precipitation that falls in a region

Yearly precipitation range = highest to lowest monthly average precipitation

Lesson 57 & 58 - Angle of Insolation

Earth’s axis = tilted by 23.5°

As earth revolves around the sun, where the tilt is facing changes → different seasons throughout the year

Angle of insolation = angle of the sun’s rays striking the Earth

Higher angles of insolation = sun shines more directly

Lower angles of insolation = sun shines indirectly

Duration of insolation = total amt of time the sun’s rays struck the earth on any particular day

Higher angle of insolation = Higher duration of insolation

Throughout the year, highest angle of insolation & duration of insolation changes based on the lines of latitude it lays on → unequal heating of Earth’s surface

Climate varies with latitude since direct sunlight = more solar radiation → warmer temperatures

Lower angles of insolation = larger area is covered

Sun shines more directly between the Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5°S) (These are lines of latitude) These areas are known as tropical climates = areas in this region have long, warm summers & short, mild winters

Less solar radiation → cooler temperatures

Sun shines indirectly above the Artic Circle (66.5°N) and the Antarctic Circle (66.5°S)

These areas are known as polar climates → long, cold winters and short, mild summers

Between the latitudes 23.5°N/S and 66.5°N/S, angle of insolation changes from high to low throughout the year

Sun’s rays doesn’t directly shine onto this area but it is enough for these areas to get warmed in specific seasons

These areas are known as temperate climates = experiences all four seasons

Insolation = Incoming Solar Radiation

Based on the Northern Hemisphere:

Vernal (Spring) Equinox - March 21st or 22nd

Summer Solstice - June 21st or 22nd

Autumnal (Fall) Equinox - September 22nd or 23rd

Winter solstice - December 21st or 22nd

Lesson 59 - Ocean Currents & Climate

Low latitudes = High angle of insolation → warmer temperatures

Higher latitudes = lower angle of insolation → cooler temperatures

Ocean currents = continuous flow of water

Surface ocean currents are driven by prevailing winds which are driven by the heat from the sun

Deep ocean currents are driven by differences in temperature and salt content (salinity)

Global ocean conveyor belt = connected system of deep & surface ocean currents which circulate around the globe on a 1000 year time span

Warm currents originate at the equator and flows towards the poles

Cool currents originate at the poles and flow towards the equator

Ocean currents change the climate of locations that are alongside the coasts of continents

Warm water transfers heat to the air → warmer air

This warmer air passes over land → warmer region

Cold water absorbs heat from the air → cooler air

The cooler air passes over land → cooler region

Warm currents that move towards the north and south cause cold regions to be warmer than what it would typically be without warm currents

Cold currents that move towards the equator cause hot regions to be cooler than what it would typically be without cold currents

Lesson 60 - Wind Currents & Climate

Wind = movement of air across Earth’s surface due to uneven heating of the Earth by the sun

Wind currents:

As air is heated, it rises which creates a region of low air pressure

As air cools, it sinks which creates a region of high air pressure

Air flows from an area of high pressure to low pressure

Wind currents form wind cells = convection currents of rising & sinking air in the atmosphere

The equator has a low-pressure zone due to direct heating of the sun’s rays causing the heated air to rise

The heated air will cool down once it rises high enough in the atmosphere and it eventually sinks along 30°N/S latitude

The sinking air will warm and travel towards 60°N/S or towards the equator where it eventually rises in both areas

The poles have high-pressure zone due to very cold air sinking and traveling towards 60°N/S where it eventually rises.

Wind belts form alongside some lines of latitudes due to rising and sinking air

There are three low pressure/wet belts at 0° 60°N and 60°S

At these latitudes, air rises and create regions of low pressure

As the air rises, it expands and cools → condensation → wet (rainy) regions

There are two high pressure/dry belts at 30°N and 30°S

At these latitudes, air sinks and create regions of high pressure

As the air sinks, it contracts and warms → regions of dry/arid weather

Between the wind belts though,

Prevailing winds = the wind blows in the same general direction alongside the Earth’s surface

These cause the movements of the surface ocean currents & affect the climates of different regions

Prevailing winds curve as they travel over Earth’s surfaces due to rotation of the Earth (Coriolis Effect)

Prevailing winds create four climates alongside the wind belts:

Locations near the equator are hot and wet since they’re areas of low pressure which results in high amts of precipitation

Locations near the 30°N and 30°S are hot and dry since they’re areas of high pressure which result in low amounts of precipitation

Locations near 60°N and 60°S are cool and wet since they’re areas of low pressure which result in high amounts of precipitation

Locations near the poles are cold and dry since they’re areas of high pressure which result in low amounts of precipitation

When warm and moist prevailing winds hit a mountain chain, the wind is forced up the mountain → change in climate on one side from the other

Windward side - Climate = more humid

Leeward side - Climate = more drier

The drier area is called a rain shadow

Lesson 61 - Absorption & Climate

Average surface temperature is also affected by specific heat, color, and texture

Heat energy is transferred by:

  • Conduction = Heat transferred from one material to the other through physical contact

  • Convection = Heat transferred through the movement of a fluid (liquids or gasses)

  • Radiation = Heat transferred through electromagnetic waves like solar radiation

Different Earth materials heat up and cool down at different rates due to differences in specific heat

The amount of heat energy to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1°C is called the specific heat of that substance

Higher specific heat value = longer it takes for the substance to heat up or cool down

Large bodies of water can affect the climate of coastal cities

Since the water heats up slowly in the summer and cools down slowly in the winter months → coastal cities having a smaller annual temperature range (less extreme temperatures) than cities further inland

Radiation will be reflected or absorbed depending on the color of the material

Dark colored material absorb more radiation

Lighter colored material reflect more radiation

Smooth surfaces reflect more radiation

Rough surfaces absorb more radiation

Lesson 62 - The Greenhouse Effect & Climate

Earth’s atmosphere traps heat with the help of greenhouse gases so that the average surface temperature is high enough for life to survive

Examples of greenhouse gases:

  • Water vapor (H2O)

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)

  • Nitrous oxide (N2O)

  • Methane(CH4)

Trapping of heat by greenhouse gases is called the Greenhouse Effect

Sun emits radiations in the form of electromagnetic waves (light)

  • Some is reflected off Earth’s atmosphere

  • Some reaches Earth’s surface

The radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface is absorbed by the land and water which causes Earth’s surface to heat up

The Earth then radiates the absorbed heat back into space in the form of infrared radiation which is trapped in the atmosphere

Since the industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased

Release of greenhouse gases through human activity = greenhouse gas emissions

Increasing emissions → increase in Earth’s average surface temperature (global warming)

Burning fossil fuels and contributing to deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere

Increase in average surface temperature → change in climate patterns, more specifically:

  • Changes in precipitation

  • More droughts & heatwaves

  • Stronger and intense hurricanes

  • Sea level will rise 1-4 feet by 2100

Increase in Earth’s global temperature → melting of the ice caps → sea level rising

Coastal cities are at risk of being flooded due to the ice caps melting

Different features of Earth (snow, ice, land, ocean, clouds) have different albedos

Albedos = percentage of solar radiation reflected back into space

Land and ocean have low albedo = they absorb more energy than they reflect

Snow, ice, and clouds have high albedos which mean they reflect more energy than they absorb

without ice caps, the oceans would absorb large amts of sunlight and become much warmer → change in climate & ocean current patterns

Lesson 63 - Weather: Air masses & Fronts

As the altitude of the atmosphere increases → the air pressure and water vapor content decreases

80% of the mass of the atmosphere is found in the troposphere

Altitude increase → temperature in each layer of atmosphere increases or decreases based on the layer

Ozone (O3) is formed when ultraviolet light strikes oxygen(O2) in the stratosphere

Ozone layer absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation and prevents it from reaching Earth’s surface

Air mass = large body of air that take on the characteristics of their source region (where they came from) which are temperature, pressure, and humidity

Movement of air masses is determined by winds

Air masses are identified by letters that describe the temperature and humidity characteristics they embody

  • c = continental (dry & formed on land)

  • m = maritime (humid & formed on water)

  • T = tropical (warm & formed at low latitudes near the tropics)

  • P = polar (cool & formed at high latitudes near the poles)

  • A = Artic (cold & formed at higher latitudes closest to the poles)

Jet stream = strong wind current that flows in the upper levels of the troposphere

These wind currents move west to east

The jet streams move southward during the winter and northward during the summer and this helps move air masses and their fronts to the east.

Front = boundary between two air masses

  • Cold front

  • Warm front

  • Occluded front

  • Stationary front

The moist, less dense, warmer air will always be forced to rise over the drier, denser colder air

This would mean that the hot air mass will always rise over the cold air mass

Air masses’ symbols will always point at the direction their heading

Cloud = large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals that float in the atmosphere

Warm air rises → expands and cools and water vapor condenses (turns into a liquid)

Condensation nuclei = microscopic particles of dust or salt in the atmosphere where droplets & ice crystals can form

Cold fronts move quickly → weather changes quickly along a cold front & the more severe the weather becomes

Warm fronts moves slower than cold fronts → weather changes slowly = light precipitation

Lesson 64 - Weather: Barometric Pressure & Winds

Barometric pressure (atmospheric pressure) = pressure within the atmosphere of Earth

Measured with a barometer in millibars (mb)

Normal barometric pressure at Earth’s surface = 1000 millibars (mb)

Values above 1000 mb = high pressure

Values below 1000 mb = low pressure

On weather station model, barometric pressure is written with 3 digit code

Formula to find true barometric pressure:

  • Above 500 - place a 9 at front & place a decimal point before the last number

  • Below 500 - place a 10 at front & place a decimal point before the last number

Barometric trend tells us how much the pressure has changed over the past 3 hours

Formula to find true barometric pressure 3 hours ago:

  • Trend is negative - Add a decimal before the last number of the trend and add it to the current barometric pressure

  • Trend is positive - Add a decimal before the last number of the trend and subtract it from the current barometric pressure

Difference in air pressure between locations → air movement

High pressure areas causes wind to move clockwise and outward

Low pressure areas causes wind to move counterclockwise and inward

Isolines show air pressure, isolines that connect equal air pressure values are called isobars

Isobars are close together → wind speed increases

Sea breeze = Wind moves from the ocean towards the lands due to warm air from the land rising, condensing and cooling down and sinking towards the ocean

Land breeze = wind moves from land out to sea since in the night, the ocean takes long to cool down so the warm air will rise from the ocean, form clouds and the cooler air will sink onto the land

Lesson 65 - Weather: Dew Point & Relative Humidity

Dew point temperature = the temperature where condensation begins

Warm air needs to cool down in order to begin condensation

Relative humidity = percentage of water vapor in the air

Warm air holds more water vapor than cooler air

Relative humidity is 100% = air is fully saturated with water vapor

Sling psychrometer measures the relative humidity and dew point of the air

It involves a dry bulb thermometer & wet bulb thermometer

Determine the difference of the dry and wet bulb temperatures:

  • Subtract the wet bulb temperature from the dry bulb temperature

Use the dew point temperature chart to find dewpoint

Use the relative humidity chart to find relative humidity

Lesson 66 - Weather Station Models

Weather station model represents the current weather conditions for a specific location

Cloud cover (Percent) is represented by a pie graph

Amount of the circle that is shaded = the percentage of the sky covered by clouds

Temperature (Fahrenheit), also known as dry-bulb temperature, is found on the left upper corner of a weather station model

Visibility (Miles) = Greatest distance at which objects can be seen, it is found underneath the temperature

Present weather = atmospheric conditions (precipitation) It is found right beside the visibility

Dewpoint = Temperature at which air would be saturated with water vapor, It can be found beneath the visibility

When the air temperature and the dew point temperature are the same or close enough, this indicates high humidity

Wind direction is measured with a wind vane, determined by the direction the wind is coming from, this is placed attached to the pie graph

Wind speed is measured in knots

  • 1 knot = 1.15 mph

  • A whole feather = 10 knots

  • A half feather = 5 knots

Measures with an anemometer

Precipitation = amt of rain or snow that has fallen in the past 6 hours, measured by a rain gauge, it is found below the barometric trend

Barometric Pressure is measured with a barometer and it is found above the barometric trend.

Earth Science Unit 7

Lesson 56 - Climate

Climate = region's long term weather pattern

Weather = short term condition of region, daily changes in atmosphere

Factors that affect climate of region:

  • Angle of insolation

  • Global wind patterns

  • Heat absorption (Specific heat)

  • Topographic

Average yearly temperature = hot/cold it is in a region throughout the year

Yearly temperature range = Highest monthly average temperature through lowest monthly average temperature

Average yearly precipitation = average amt of precipitation that falls in a region

Yearly precipitation range = highest to lowest monthly average precipitation

Lesson 57 & 58 - Angle of Insolation

Earth’s axis = tilted by 23.5°

As earth revolves around the sun, where the tilt is facing changes → different seasons throughout the year

Angle of insolation = angle of the sun’s rays striking the Earth

Higher angles of insolation = sun shines more directly

Lower angles of insolation = sun shines indirectly

Duration of insolation = total amt of time the sun’s rays struck the earth on any particular day

Higher angle of insolation = Higher duration of insolation

Throughout the year, highest angle of insolation & duration of insolation changes based on the lines of latitude it lays on → unequal heating of Earth’s surface

Climate varies with latitude since direct sunlight = more solar radiation → warmer temperatures

Lower angles of insolation = larger area is covered

Sun shines more directly between the Tropic of Cancer (23.5°N) and the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5°S) (These are lines of latitude) These areas are known as tropical climates = areas in this region have long, warm summers & short, mild winters

Less solar radiation → cooler temperatures

Sun shines indirectly above the Artic Circle (66.5°N) and the Antarctic Circle (66.5°S)

These areas are known as polar climates → long, cold winters and short, mild summers

Between the latitudes 23.5°N/S and 66.5°N/S, angle of insolation changes from high to low throughout the year

Sun’s rays doesn’t directly shine onto this area but it is enough for these areas to get warmed in specific seasons

These areas are known as temperate climates = experiences all four seasons

Insolation = Incoming Solar Radiation

Based on the Northern Hemisphere:

Vernal (Spring) Equinox - March 21st or 22nd

Summer Solstice - June 21st or 22nd

Autumnal (Fall) Equinox - September 22nd or 23rd

Winter solstice - December 21st or 22nd

Lesson 59 - Ocean Currents & Climate

Low latitudes = High angle of insolation → warmer temperatures

Higher latitudes = lower angle of insolation → cooler temperatures

Ocean currents = continuous flow of water

Surface ocean currents are driven by prevailing winds which are driven by the heat from the sun

Deep ocean currents are driven by differences in temperature and salt content (salinity)

Global ocean conveyor belt = connected system of deep & surface ocean currents which circulate around the globe on a 1000 year time span

Warm currents originate at the equator and flows towards the poles

Cool currents originate at the poles and flow towards the equator

Ocean currents change the climate of locations that are alongside the coasts of continents

Warm water transfers heat to the air → warmer air

This warmer air passes over land → warmer region

Cold water absorbs heat from the air → cooler air

The cooler air passes over land → cooler region

Warm currents that move towards the north and south cause cold regions to be warmer than what it would typically be without warm currents

Cold currents that move towards the equator cause hot regions to be cooler than what it would typically be without cold currents

Lesson 60 - Wind Currents & Climate

Wind = movement of air across Earth’s surface due to uneven heating of the Earth by the sun

Wind currents:

As air is heated, it rises which creates a region of low air pressure

As air cools, it sinks which creates a region of high air pressure

Air flows from an area of high pressure to low pressure

Wind currents form wind cells = convection currents of rising & sinking air in the atmosphere

The equator has a low-pressure zone due to direct heating of the sun’s rays causing the heated air to rise

The heated air will cool down once it rises high enough in the atmosphere and it eventually sinks along 30°N/S latitude

The sinking air will warm and travel towards 60°N/S or towards the equator where it eventually rises in both areas

The poles have high-pressure zone due to very cold air sinking and traveling towards 60°N/S where it eventually rises.

Wind belts form alongside some lines of latitudes due to rising and sinking air

There are three low pressure/wet belts at 0° 60°N and 60°S

At these latitudes, air rises and create regions of low pressure

As the air rises, it expands and cools → condensation → wet (rainy) regions

There are two high pressure/dry belts at 30°N and 30°S

At these latitudes, air sinks and create regions of high pressure

As the air sinks, it contracts and warms → regions of dry/arid weather

Between the wind belts though,

Prevailing winds = the wind blows in the same general direction alongside the Earth’s surface

These cause the movements of the surface ocean currents & affect the climates of different regions

Prevailing winds curve as they travel over Earth’s surfaces due to rotation of the Earth (Coriolis Effect)

Prevailing winds create four climates alongside the wind belts:

Locations near the equator are hot and wet since they’re areas of low pressure which results in high amts of precipitation

Locations near the 30°N and 30°S are hot and dry since they’re areas of high pressure which result in low amounts of precipitation

Locations near 60°N and 60°S are cool and wet since they’re areas of low pressure which result in high amounts of precipitation

Locations near the poles are cold and dry since they’re areas of high pressure which result in low amounts of precipitation

When warm and moist prevailing winds hit a mountain chain, the wind is forced up the mountain → change in climate on one side from the other

Windward side - Climate = more humid

Leeward side - Climate = more drier

The drier area is called a rain shadow

Lesson 61 - Absorption & Climate

Average surface temperature is also affected by specific heat, color, and texture

Heat energy is transferred by:

  • Conduction = Heat transferred from one material to the other through physical contact

  • Convection = Heat transferred through the movement of a fluid (liquids or gasses)

  • Radiation = Heat transferred through electromagnetic waves like solar radiation

Different Earth materials heat up and cool down at different rates due to differences in specific heat

The amount of heat energy to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by 1°C is called the specific heat of that substance

Higher specific heat value = longer it takes for the substance to heat up or cool down

Large bodies of water can affect the climate of coastal cities

Since the water heats up slowly in the summer and cools down slowly in the winter months → coastal cities having a smaller annual temperature range (less extreme temperatures) than cities further inland

Radiation will be reflected or absorbed depending on the color of the material

Dark colored material absorb more radiation

Lighter colored material reflect more radiation

Smooth surfaces reflect more radiation

Rough surfaces absorb more radiation

Lesson 62 - The Greenhouse Effect & Climate

Earth’s atmosphere traps heat with the help of greenhouse gases so that the average surface temperature is high enough for life to survive

Examples of greenhouse gases:

  • Water vapor (H2O)

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)

  • Nitrous oxide (N2O)

  • Methane(CH4)

Trapping of heat by greenhouse gases is called the Greenhouse Effect

Sun emits radiations in the form of electromagnetic waves (light)

  • Some is reflected off Earth’s atmosphere

  • Some reaches Earth’s surface

The radiation that reaches the Earth’s surface is absorbed by the land and water which causes Earth’s surface to heat up

The Earth then radiates the absorbed heat back into space in the form of infrared radiation which is trapped in the atmosphere

Since the industrial Revolution, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased

Release of greenhouse gases through human activity = greenhouse gas emissions

Increasing emissions → increase in Earth’s average surface temperature (global warming)

Burning fossil fuels and contributing to deforestation increases the amount of carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere

Increase in average surface temperature → change in climate patterns, more specifically:

  • Changes in precipitation

  • More droughts & heatwaves

  • Stronger and intense hurricanes

  • Sea level will rise 1-4 feet by 2100

Increase in Earth’s global temperature → melting of the ice caps → sea level rising

Coastal cities are at risk of being flooded due to the ice caps melting

Different features of Earth (snow, ice, land, ocean, clouds) have different albedos

Albedos = percentage of solar radiation reflected back into space

Land and ocean have low albedo = they absorb more energy than they reflect

Snow, ice, and clouds have high albedos which mean they reflect more energy than they absorb

without ice caps, the oceans would absorb large amts of sunlight and become much warmer → change in climate & ocean current patterns

Lesson 63 - Weather: Air masses & Fronts

As the altitude of the atmosphere increases → the air pressure and water vapor content decreases

80% of the mass of the atmosphere is found in the troposphere

Altitude increase → temperature in each layer of atmosphere increases or decreases based on the layer

Ozone (O3) is formed when ultraviolet light strikes oxygen(O2) in the stratosphere

Ozone layer absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation and prevents it from reaching Earth’s surface

Air mass = large body of air that take on the characteristics of their source region (where they came from) which are temperature, pressure, and humidity

Movement of air masses is determined by winds

Air masses are identified by letters that describe the temperature and humidity characteristics they embody

  • c = continental (dry & formed on land)

  • m = maritime (humid & formed on water)

  • T = tropical (warm & formed at low latitudes near the tropics)

  • P = polar (cool & formed at high latitudes near the poles)

  • A = Artic (cold & formed at higher latitudes closest to the poles)

Jet stream = strong wind current that flows in the upper levels of the troposphere

These wind currents move west to east

The jet streams move southward during the winter and northward during the summer and this helps move air masses and their fronts to the east.

Front = boundary between two air masses

  • Cold front

  • Warm front

  • Occluded front

  • Stationary front

The moist, less dense, warmer air will always be forced to rise over the drier, denser colder air

This would mean that the hot air mass will always rise over the cold air mass

Air masses’ symbols will always point at the direction their heading

Cloud = large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals that float in the atmosphere

Warm air rises → expands and cools and water vapor condenses (turns into a liquid)

Condensation nuclei = microscopic particles of dust or salt in the atmosphere where droplets & ice crystals can form

Cold fronts move quickly → weather changes quickly along a cold front & the more severe the weather becomes

Warm fronts moves slower than cold fronts → weather changes slowly = light precipitation

Lesson 64 - Weather: Barometric Pressure & Winds

Barometric pressure (atmospheric pressure) = pressure within the atmosphere of Earth

Measured with a barometer in millibars (mb)

Normal barometric pressure at Earth’s surface = 1000 millibars (mb)

Values above 1000 mb = high pressure

Values below 1000 mb = low pressure

On weather station model, barometric pressure is written with 3 digit code

Formula to find true barometric pressure:

  • Above 500 - place a 9 at front & place a decimal point before the last number

  • Below 500 - place a 10 at front & place a decimal point before the last number

Barometric trend tells us how much the pressure has changed over the past 3 hours

Formula to find true barometric pressure 3 hours ago:

  • Trend is negative - Add a decimal before the last number of the trend and add it to the current barometric pressure

  • Trend is positive - Add a decimal before the last number of the trend and subtract it from the current barometric pressure

Difference in air pressure between locations → air movement

High pressure areas causes wind to move clockwise and outward

Low pressure areas causes wind to move counterclockwise and inward

Isolines show air pressure, isolines that connect equal air pressure values are called isobars

Isobars are close together → wind speed increases

Sea breeze = Wind moves from the ocean towards the lands due to warm air from the land rising, condensing and cooling down and sinking towards the ocean

Land breeze = wind moves from land out to sea since in the night, the ocean takes long to cool down so the warm air will rise from the ocean, form clouds and the cooler air will sink onto the land

Lesson 65 - Weather: Dew Point & Relative Humidity

Dew point temperature = the temperature where condensation begins

Warm air needs to cool down in order to begin condensation

Relative humidity = percentage of water vapor in the air

Warm air holds more water vapor than cooler air

Relative humidity is 100% = air is fully saturated with water vapor

Sling psychrometer measures the relative humidity and dew point of the air

It involves a dry bulb thermometer & wet bulb thermometer

Determine the difference of the dry and wet bulb temperatures:

  • Subtract the wet bulb temperature from the dry bulb temperature

Use the dew point temperature chart to find dewpoint

Use the relative humidity chart to find relative humidity

Lesson 66 - Weather Station Models

Weather station model represents the current weather conditions for a specific location

Cloud cover (Percent) is represented by a pie graph

Amount of the circle that is shaded = the percentage of the sky covered by clouds

Temperature (Fahrenheit), also known as dry-bulb temperature, is found on the left upper corner of a weather station model

Visibility (Miles) = Greatest distance at which objects can be seen, it is found underneath the temperature

Present weather = atmospheric conditions (precipitation) It is found right beside the visibility

Dewpoint = Temperature at which air would be saturated with water vapor, It can be found beneath the visibility

When the air temperature and the dew point temperature are the same or close enough, this indicates high humidity

Wind direction is measured with a wind vane, determined by the direction the wind is coming from, this is placed attached to the pie graph

Wind speed is measured in knots

  • 1 knot = 1.15 mph

  • A whole feather = 10 knots

  • A half feather = 5 knots

Measures with an anemometer

Precipitation = amt of rain or snow that has fallen in the past 6 hours, measured by a rain gauge, it is found below the barometric trend

Barometric Pressure is measured with a barometer and it is found above the barometric trend.
