Chapter Title: Chapter 12 Personality
Authors: Schacter, Gilbert, Nock, Johnsrude
Edition: Canadian Sixth Edition, 2023 by Macmillan Learning
Key Topics Covered:
Personality: What It Is and How It Is Measured
The Trait Approach: Identifying Patterns of Behaviour
The Psychodynamic Approach: Forces That Lie Beneath Awareness
The Humanistic–Existential Approach: Personality as Choice
The Social–Cognitive Approach: Personalities in Situations
The Self: Personality in the Mirror
Definition of Personality:
Characteristic style of behaving, thinking, and feeling.
Explained through four main approaches:
Study Focus:
Developing explanations for psychological differences among individuals.
Strategies to Explain Personality Differences:
Consideration of past events and anticipated future events as influences on personality traits.
Personality Inventories:
Typically based on self-reporting.
Utilizes multiple choice or forced-choice formats.
Effectiveness determined by answering questionnaires indicating personal behavior or mental states.
Example: MMPI-2-RF, widely researched clinical questionnaire assessing personality and psychological issues.
Clinical Problems Assessed via MMPI:
Antisocial behavior and thought dysfunction
Somatic problems (e.g., headaches, cognitive complaints)
Internalizing problems (e.g., anxiety, self-doubt)
Externalizing problems (e.g., aggression, substance abuse)
Interpersonal problems (e.g., family issues)
Techniques using ambiguous stimuli to elicit unique individual responses revealing deeper personality aspects.
Open to subjective interpretation.
Example: Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) where respondents interpret ambiguous images, revealing underlying motives and concerns.
Debate Among Psychologists:
Subjectivity in analysis can introduce biases.
Rorschach test and TAT's reliability and validity in predicting behavior are questionable.
Modern Approaches:
Integration of high-tech methods: smartphone apps, real-time computer analysis, social media, and the Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR).
Categorization of differences in personality using trait descriptors.
Narrowing an infinite set of adjectives to finite categories.
Exploring the origins and hereditary basis of traits.
Definition of Trait:
A relatively stable predisposition to behave consistently (Gordon Allport, 1937).
Can be seen as preexisting dispositions or motivations guiding behavior.
Research Trends:
Interest has shifted from traits like authoritarianism to more contemporary characteristics such as sensation-seeking and cognitive complexity.
Historical Research:
Focus on adjectives describing personality, leading to hierarchical trait classification.
Example Theories:
Raymond Cattell's 16-factor theory
Hans Eysenck’s model featuring Extraversion and Neuroticism (later adding Psychoticism).
Openness to Experience
The model accounts for variability without overlapping traits.
Suggested universality across cultures.
Skepticism Among Experts:
Many tests questioned for reliability, validity, and designer bias (e.g., Myers–Briggs Type Indicator criticized for poor reliability).
Accepted Models:
Simple, no trait typing models like the Big Five based on extensive research are more reliable.
Influence Factors:
Brain damage, pathologies, and pharmaceutical treatments can alter personality traits.
Genetic Correlations:
Behavioral genetics studies link personality similarity between twins with genetic overlap; estimates reveal about 40% of variability in personality attributed to genes.
Twin Studies:
Show the significance of genetics in personality formation.
Heritability estimates for Big Five traits typically between 0.44 to 0.54, indicating limited impact from shared environment.
Research Findings:
Small differences in traits; women tend to score higher on agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism; men generally present higher assertiveness and self-esteem.
Differences attributed to culture and sex hormones, becoming apparent during adolescence.
Hans Eysenck's Hypothesis:
Extraversion linked to variations in brain alertness systems.
Jeffrey Gray’s Proposal:
Identified behavioral activation and inhibition systems relevant to personality traits.
Sam Gosling’s Research:
Identified five personality dimensions in hyenas, paralleling those in other species suggesting animals display consistent personality traits over time.
Research Trends:
Analyzing digital behavior for insights into personality; correlations found between smartphone behavior and expected personality traits.