elite — a group of people with a common interest like fashion, art, etc.
“carnival” — a period of time where people fasted (varied by religion/region)
popular culture — culture of the (generally speaking) lower classes, often considered to be inferior to elite culture
“the world turned upside down” — a way of entertainment when roles were reversed (ppl rode horses backwards, women and men exchanged clothes, servants would give their masters orders)
East India Companies — trade with countries east of indies/ countries on Indian Ocean
plantation economy — the world’s economy based on American plantations
Duke of Orleans — Louis XV’s regent, gave nobles more power b/c he didn’t have the power of the king
Whigs — anglican bishops close to gov’t
Tories — men who were suspicious of the gov’t or didn’t align with it completely
“James III” — James II son, tried to reclaim English throne
John Law — founded a French central bank
“Mississippi bubble” — monopoly on trade with Louisiana, soon became monopoly on French colonial trade
“South Sea bubble” — took advantage of Spanish asiento to benefit themselves and their own slavery needs, eventually surpassed power of Bank of England
Cardinal Fleury — conducted French affairs after Duke of Orleans
George I — German who competed with James III for the throne
Robert Walpole — principal minister to George I, saved South Sea company, East India Company, and English Bank
“Bubble Act” — English parliament passed, stated only gov’t companies could raise money by selling stock
Maria Theresa — next heir to Austrian throne, officially recognized after Peace Settlement of 1763
Count Kaunitz — Austrian diplomatic leader, led Austria to ally with France and Russia against Prussia
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle — ended war of austrian succession, restored balance of power in Europe, set stage for 7 Years War
Diplomatic Revolution of 1756 — shift in alliances where Austria and France teamed up and Britain paired with Prussia
William Pitt — British statesman, strategic vision and support for military funding, strengthened global influence
Dupleix — French governor/general in India, actions led to expanded French influence in India
peace of Hubertusburg — formally ended 7 years war, affirmed Prussia's possession of Silesia, solidify Prussian status as a leading German state
Robert Clive — British military officer, victory in India led to British dominance over French
French and Indian Wars — conflict in North America between British and French forces, expanded British territory and set stage for American Revolution and colonial tensions
Battle of Plassey — victory for British East India Company, beginning of British dominance in India
Treaty of Paris of 1763 — ended 7 Years War, Britain gets more colonies, turning point in imperial dynamics
“sepoys” — Indian soldiers employed by European colonial powers, maintained control and enforced authority in places like India