
The Essentials of Local Government Law in the Philippines

Page 1: Understanding Local Government

Distribution of Powers to Local Governments

  • Horizontal Distribution: Government powers are divided among three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial.

  • Vertical Distribution: Power distribution exists between national and local governments, where the national government holds the upper position.

Local Governance Defined

  • Local governments are defined as political and territorial subdivisions of the state, subordinate to national authority.

  • Two essential elements in this definition:

    • Political element: signifies a higher authority.

    • Territorial boundary: defines the geographical area of governance.

Conceptual Significance

  • Local governments function within limitations set by national government powers, ensuring that authority at all levels is contained within the framework of the rule of law.

  • These subdivisions organize governance in a restricted geographic area, exemplified by locations such as Cabanatuan in Nueva Ecija.

Political Structure in the Philippines

  • The Philippines operates under a politically subdivided framework, with provinces comprising cities, which in turn contain barangays (smallest political units).

Page 2: The Local Government System in the Philippines

Historical Context of Local Government

  • Pre-Spanish Era: Local governance existed in independently operating communities like the Balangay, led by Datus.

  • Spanish Colonization: Introduction of centralized governance structures, such as cabildos (cities), pueblos (municipalities), and provincias (provinces).

  • Local units like barangays became less autonomous, with Datus demoted to Cabezas de Barangay, tasked only with tribute collection.

Legislative Development post-Spanish Rule

  • Following independence and political consolidation efforts during the Philippine Republic, attention shifted towards local governance but unity was prioritized over autonomy.

  • The American colonization led to the continuation of centralized governance, with transitions into English terminologies but without substantive shifts in authority.

Evolution and Current Framework

  • Post-people power revolution, local governments received more autonomy through the Local Government Code of 1991, allowing national government to create, merge, or abolish local units.

Page 3: Tiers of Local Government

Overview of Local Governance Structure

  • Local authorities exist at multiple tiers, with provinces overseeing municipalities and cities, which are divided into barangays.

  • Types of Cities: Cities categorized as component cities (under provincial supervision) or highly urbanized cities (independent from provinces if meeting specific criteria).

Unitary Government System

  • The Philippines is classified as a unitary state; local government autonomy remains limited and derived from congressional delegation.

  • National Congress holds primary legislative power, with local councils acting under delegated authority.

Page 4: Classification of Corporations

Types of Corporations in Relation to Local Governments

  • Public Corporation: Created for government functions and public use (e.g., local government units).

  • Private Corporation: Established for private benefit and interests.

  • Quasi-Public Corporation: Operated by private entities providing public services (e.g., NGOs).

Characteristics of Municipal Corporations

  • De Jure vs. De Facto: Municipal corporations may either be fully compliant with legal requirements (de jure) or may function without strict adherence yet still recognized (de facto).

Page 5: Elements and Powers of Municipal Corporations

Fundamental Elements of a Municipal Corporation

  1. Legal Creation: Defined by law.

  2. Corporate Name: Legally recognized name (e.g., City of Cebu).

  3. Inhabitants: Must have a resident population.

  4. Territory: Clearly defined geographic area including land and air resources.

Dual Functions of Municipal Corporations

  • Governmental Function: Administration of public power and welfare promotion.

  • Proprietary Function: Similar to private business operations within the public sector context.

Page 6: Powers of Municipal Corporations

Types of Powers:

  1. Essential Powers: Necessary for local governance.

  2. Implied Powers: Derived from those expressly granted.

  3. De Jure / De Facto Classification: Explains legal standing based on adherence to regulations.

Page 7: Local Autonomy and Decentralization

Constitutional Mandates

  • The 1987 Constitution mandates ensuring local governments' autonomy, leading to decentralization of administration.

  • Local autonomy propels responsiveness and accountability in governance, fostering self-reliant communities.

  • Principle of Subsidiarity: Local governments should take initiative in local matters due to their familiarity with on-ground conditions.

Forms of Decentralization

  • Administrative Decentralization: Delegation of administrative powers to facilitate local governance.

  • Political Decentralization: National government cedes political powers, transforming local governance accountability.

Page 8: Local Fiscal Autonomy

Overview of Local Fiscal Autonomy

  • Local governments possess the authority to generate their own income sources and receive a fair share of national taxes without holdbacks.

Categories of Decentralization

  1. Political Decentralization: Distribution of powers from the central to local governments.

  2. Administrative Decentralization: Transfer of authority to regional offices of national government agencies.

  3. Fiscal Decentralization: The power to create revenue sources, under national guidelines.

  4. Policy Decision-Making Decentralization: Local authorities have authority over certain policy issues.

Page 9: Principles of Decentralization

Important Principles

  • Allocation of local government powers must be effective and equitable.

  • Accountability structures must be robust.

  • Capacity enhancement for local units is essential in achieving community requires and public service delivery.

Page 10: Local Government Units Overview

Local Government Structure

  • The 1987 Constitution identifies provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays as established governance units.

Primary Functions

  • Each unit serves as the local governance structure, ensuring delivery of essential services efficiently.

Page 11: Description of Local Units

Basic Political Units

  1. Barangay: Foundational administrative unit implementing government policies.

  2. Municipality: Composed of cluster barangays for coordinated governance.

  3. City: More urbanized area delivering a structured governance.

  4. Province: Larger political unit, accommodating multiple municipalities.

Special Political Units

  • Identification of independent component cities and highly urbanized cities set under unique criteria.

Page 12: Special Metropolitan Political Subdivisions

Definitions and Characteristics

  • Special subdivisions operate under established laws, needing pleas for legal authority.

Case Examples

  • Judicial interpretations regarding the MMDA's standing illustrate the complexities of political subdivisions and governance control.

Page 13: Local Government Code of 1991

Legislative Framework

  • The Local Government Code establishes functional definitions and powers for local governance.

Page 14: Creating Local Governments

Creation Process

  • Establishing local governments requires legislative action and public consensus via plebiscite.

Guidelines and Criteria

  • Referencing income, population, and geographic area requirements highlights the structured governance approach.

page 15: Income, Population, and Land Area Requirements

Criteria for Establishing Local Units

  1. Income: Defined revenue levels.

  2. Population: Verified minimum resident figures.

  3. Land Area: Clear territorial limits are mandatory.

Page 16: City Governance

Regulatory Framework for Cities

  • The establishment mechanisms and governance frameworks for cities remain under strict congressional guidelines.

Page 17: De Jure and De Facto Municipal Corporations


  • Municipal Corporations can be recognized based on adherence to legal requirements.

Jurisprudential Precedents

  • Reflections on legal decisions concerning de facto municipal status and challenges emphasize the complexities of local governance.

Page 18: Relations with National Government

Local Government’s Legislative and Political Hierarchy

  • Local governments remain instruments of the national government under the legislative framework defined by the Congress.

  • The President has supervisory control but not direct intervention beyond legal parameters.

Page 19: Powers of Local Government Units

Overview of Power Structures

  • Local authorities derive their powers from national legislation and exercise them under determined regulations.

Judicial Oversight

  • Established frameworks ensure local government actions remain subject to national laws and guidelines.

Page 20: Local Taxation Power

Taxation Understanding

  • Local governments have designated taxation powers but these remain under national legislation and control.

Legal Framework

  • Article provisions detail local taxation capabilities and limitations.

Page 21: Tax Exemption Issues

Implications of Tax Exemptions

  • Various cases illustrate limitations and interactions with national governance structures, defining boundaries of local taxation efforts.

Page 22: Fundamental Principles of Local Taxation

Governing Principles

  1. Uniformity: Taxation must remain consistent within local jurisdictions.

  2. Equity: Taxes must consider taxpayers' ability to pay.

  3. Publicly Beneficial: Tax usage should align with public interest principles only.

Page 23: Limitations on Taxing Powers

Taxing Constraints

  • Limits defined within the local government code clarify permissible taxation boundaries.

Page 24: Procedural Matters Affecting Tax Ordinances

Rehabilitation of Tax Issues

  • Public hearings are mandatory in tax ordinance enactment processes to ensure transparency and public participation.

Page 25: Allocation and Distribution of National Wealth

Local Government Shares from National Resources

  • Establishment of equitable protocols surrounding the revenue shares from national resource utilization and administrative fiscal practices.

Page 26: Local Development Expenditures

Development Appropriations

  • Local governments are encouraged to allocate budgets towards community developments, ensuring practical engagement with local needs.

Page 27: Governance of National Wealth Utilization

Governance and Expenditures

  • Local units can leverage portions of the national wealth for local community development, benefitting constituents directly.

Page 28: Powers over Patrimonial Properties

Resource Management and Utilization

  • Local governments are empowered to manage resources for community development purposes.

Page 29: Police Power Regulations

Understanding Police Power

  • Inherent power of the State to regulate for public welfare; important for local governments to recognize limits inherent in their authority while exercising police powers.

Legal Validations

  • Local ordinances must uphold certain standards to ensure validity and consistency with national interests and the general welfare of the populace.

Page 30: Validity of Local Ordinances

Requisites for Local Ordinances

  • Ordinances must align neither with the constitution nor unjust standards, ensuring utility and consistency with public welfare.

Judicial Challenges

  • Courts uphold local ordinances unless clearly invalidated through significant legal scrutiny.

Page 31: Supreme Court Interpretations

Case Jurisprudence Studies

  • Numerous cases examining legislative actions, local ordinances, and their implications on local and national governance structures.

Page 32: Judicial Standards on Local Ordinances

Presumption of Validity

  • Local ordinances hold favor in matters of legality unless demonstrable conflicts arise with foundational law.

Page 33: Outreach in Local Police Power

Emphasis on Societal Improvement

  • Safety and welfare considerations underscored as legitimate purviews for local governance exercised through regulatory actions.

Page 34: Balancing Local and National Governance

The Interplay of Regulations

  • Delve into constraints on local authorities aiming to yield local governance that adheres to broader legislative parameters.
