Unit 3.1 Basic Concepts:
Integumentary System = The skin
Roots for skin: cutaneo/dermo
Outermost layer that is visible = epidermis
Describe the epidermis: Made of large cells that look like scales of a fish under the microscope
Scaly apperance = Squamous
Deeper layer under epidermis = dermis
Dermis Charteristics:
Thicker than the epidermis,
Fewer cells
More thick fibers to give skin strength and flexablity
Home to hair follicles, nerves and glands
Hair follicles:
Definition: Root of ur hair
Roots: pilo/tricho
Purpose: Follicles anchor the hair to the skin and provide nerves in ur skin make it the largest sensory organ in ur body
2 types of glands: Sweat and sebacous gland
Sweat glands:
Roots: hidro
Purpose: relases sweat to RID body waste AND cool the body
Sebaceous glands:
Roots: sebaceo
Purpose: Secrete oil as a natural noisturizer for skin and hair
Fat = adip / o, lip / o, steat / o
Skin = cutane/ o, /derm/ o, / dermat/o
Hair = pil/ o, trich/o
Sweat = hidr/o
Scale = squam/o
Nail = onych/o, ungu/o
Oil = seb/o, sebace/o
Hidden = crypt/o
Hard, horny = kerat/o
Dry = xer/o
Yellow = xanth/o
Red = erythr/o
white = leuk/o, alb/o
black = melan/o
Unit 3.2 Patient History, Problems and Complaints
Common reason to seek medical attention relating to skin = rash
Painful = dermatalgia/ dermatondiyna
Itchy = pruritus
Hives = urticaria
Oily secretion = seborrhea
Very dry = xerosis
Very wet = macerate
Too much sweat = hyperhidrosis
Not enough sweat = anhidrosis
Loss of pigment = depigmentation
Darkening of the skin = hypermelanosis
Albinism = lack pigment
Hair follicles = embedded in the skin
Hypertrichosis = hair problem is too much
abrasion = scraping away of skin
ab / rasion
albinism = lack of pigment in skin causing patient to look white
albin/ ism
albino = person afflicted with albinism
alopecia = baldness
Greek for fox
anhidrosis = lack of sweating
comedo = a hair follicle that is plugged with sebum(black heads)
Latin for to eat up
cyanhidrosis = blue sweat
depigmentation = loss of pigmenitation
dermatalgia = skin pain
dermat / algia
dermatodynia = skin pain
dermato/ dynia
dermatolysis = loose skin
erythema = redness
erythroderma = red skin
erythro/ derma
hemathidrosis = sweating blood
hemat / hidr / osis
hisropoiesis = formation of sweat
hidro / poiesis
hyperhidrosis = excessive sweating
hyper/ hidr / osis
hyperkerotosis = excessive growth of horny skin
hyper/ kerat/ osis
hypermelanosis = excessive melanin in the skin
hyper/ melan / osis
hyperpigmentation = excessive sweating in the skin
hypomelanosis = diminished melanin in the skin
hyp/ melan/ osis
hypopigmentation = diminsed pigment in the skin
hypo/ pigment/ ation
leukoderma = white skin
leuko / derma
macerate = to soften the skin
Latin for make soft
onychophagia = eating or biting the nails
onycho / phagia
pruritus = an itch (Latin)
rhytidermia = wrinkled skin
sebopoiesis = formation of oil
sebo/ poiesis
seborrhea = discharge of oil (sebum)
sebo / rrhea
trichomegaly = abnormmally thick hair
urticaria = swollen raised itchy areas of the skin
Latin for burning nettle
xanthoderma =. yellow skin
xantho / derma
xeroderma = dry skin
xero/ derma
xerosis = condition of dryness
xer/ osis
Unit 3.3 Observation and Discovery
Descriptions relate to the location, size, color, texture and filling or the rash or its pustules. Describes if rash is flat or raised
Unit 3.4
Unit 3.5
Unit 3.6 Abberavtions of the Integumentary System
ABCDE = Asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving
AK = actinic keratosis
Bx = biopsy
C & S = culture and senstivity
Derm = dermatology
ID = intradermal
SC = subcutaneous
SQ = subcutaneous