Eating Considerations
Understand challenges older adults face (e.g., dementia, Alzheimer’s).
Meals should be easier to eat, similar to children (e.g., finger foods).
Offer small, manageable portions instead of large plates.
Fluid Intake
Older adults may have a decreased thirst response, leading to risk of dehydration.
Dehydration can lead to UTIs and other complications. Encourage fluid intake consistently.
Monitor hydration levels closely, particularly in those living alone.
Dietary Focus
Emphasize low-sodium options to avoid complications in patients with renal or cardiac issues.
Encourage protein intake for healing and maintaining muscle mass (e.g., protein shakes like Boost).
Recommended Activity
Aim for at least 30 minutes of low-impact exercise.
Activities can include swimming or walking to reduce joint strain.
Vaccinations and Screenings
Important vaccines: shingles, pneumonia, COVID.
Regular health screenings should be part of overall health promotion.
Core Priorities
Top five priorities:
Infection Prevention
Always assess safety factors: medication administration, living conditions, mobility aids, etc.
Risk Factors
Consider environmental hazards (e.g., clutter, medications).
Be mindful of physical limitations (e.g., vision issues, mobility issues affecting driving).
Hypothermia and Hyperthermia
Understand signs of both conditions: shivering, discoloration, increased body temperatures, dehydration, etc.
Ensure older clients dress appropriately for weather and stay hydrated.
Definition and signs: elevated temperature, high heart rate, low blood pressure.
Consider the significance of urinary infections that may escalate to sepsis.
Alzheimer's vs. Dementia
Alzheimer's is a severe cognitive disorder; dementia is a broader category of cognitive decline.
Common symptoms include forgetfulness, mood changes, and confusion.
Management Techniques
Redirect behavior rather than confronting delusions.
Fluid Volume Deficit and Overload
Understand signs: high/low heart rate, low blood pressure, dry skin, etc.
Recognize symptoms of fluid overload (e.g., weight gain, swelling, respiratory issues).
Key Electrolytes
Importance of potassium for cardiac function; low potassium linked to kidney issues.
Sodium reference range: 135-145 mEq/L; potassium: 3.5-5.0 mEq/L.
Emotional Support
Address grief or loss—encourage discussion and professional help if needed.
Understand the impact of stress on bodily functions and overall health.
Movement Importance
Encourage regular physical activity to prevent loss of mobility.
Simple exercises, resistance training, and walking impact long-term health positively.
Sleep Needs
Importance of sleep for recovery and mental health.
Challenges in sleep quality often relate to fears or discomfort.
Understanding Age-Related Changes
Postmenopausal women may face issues like vaginal bleeding; men may experience BPH.
Both genders experience decreased libido but still have sexual needs.
Cultural Awareness
Recognize and respect cultural differences in beliefs, dietary needs, and communication preferences.
Be prepared to offer culturally sensitive support.