
Ch.10-Early Modern World Quiz 1

  1. Ibn Rush- Renowned Islamic scholar who believed that faith and reason could be compatible 

  2. Alexandria was an entrepot for maritime trade in 1000-1300 and beyond. It’s located in today’s Egypt 

  3. Bronze was not achieved in Song China ( Compass, Gunpowder, and Porcelin were some of the things achieved in Song China) 

  4. Jizya- A tax paid by non-muslims to the Islamic states, so that non-muslims could maintain their own religious beliefs 

  5.  Manor in Western Europe- The estate of a lord that had a castle, a village, and fields 

  6. Kyiv, the capital of today’s Ukraine, was considered a small-scale Constantinople because it was heavily influenced by the Byzantine Empire both politically and religiously 

  7. France was not in the East Slavic Lands in the 1300s

  8. Chinggis Khan- Founding father of the Mongol Empire 

  9. The Delhi Sultanate was founded by Seljuk Turks 

  10. Dhows were ships with triangle-shaped sails used by Arabic merchants for maritime trade

  11. The Mongols DID NOT force the people in places conquered by them to use Mongolian as their everyday language 

  12. Sufism- A popular form of Islam 

  13. The Franciscan order DID NOT love to accumulate wealth 

  14. The first Crusades were launched by Pope Urban II in 1095 to free Jerusalem from Muslim rule

  15. The Atlantic Ocean was not involved in the global maritime trade in 1000-1300

  16. In Song Chind, the most prestigious group was scholar-officials 

  17. Hulagu- Mongol chief captured and ruined Baghdad and demolished the Abbasid dynasty in 1258, which parks the end of the Islamic Golden Age

  18. The territory of China’s Song Dynasty became drastically smaller in its latter part, the so-called “Southern Song” period, because foreign people, the Jurchen, from Manchuria, attacked and occupied the north of the Song Dynasty 

  19. Manors DID NOT emerge in Europe because the kings there were too powerful so landowners needed to build manors to resist their kings

  20. When the Seljuk Turks invaded India, most people in India were followers of Hinduism
