Last saved 4 days ago

Development of the atomic theory

Periodic Table

  • is a representation of all elements that man has encountered throughout time

Dmitri Mendeleev

  • a Russian chemist in 1869.

  • recognized the arrangement of elements in the periodic table reflects the properties of the elements

Robert Boyle

  • critical of the ideas of alchemy

  • supports the corpuscular theory wherein all forms of matter are composed of minute particles.

  • corpuscles were certainly primitive and simple, unmingled indivisible bodies

  • suggests that observation and testing are two important features of an experiment

  • his experiment is called "mechanical philosophy.


  • simplest unit of substances

  • cannot be simplified or decomposed into simpler substances through any chemical reaction.

Antoine Lavoisier

  • demonstrated the Law of Conservation of Mass

  • phlogiston theory

  • air is not an element but a mixture of different gases

  • water is not an element but a compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

  • able to identify 33 elements

  • wrote the first chemistry textbook

Traite Elementaire De Chimie

  • 33 elements and wrote the first chemistry textbook

Johann Becher

  • phlogiston theory

Phlogiston Theory

  • combustion of materials led to a release of a fire-like element called phlogiston.


  • fire-like element


  • concept of atomism

John Dalton

  • published his atomic theory in 1808.

  • each has its own postulates

  • law of definite proportion

  • law of multiple proportions

Joseph Gay-Lussac

  • oxygen exist in molecular form than single free atom

Amedeo Avogrado

  • masses of atoms and molecules can be determined through gasses


  • horizontal alignment of elements


  • vertical alignment of elements

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Development of the atomic theory

Periodic Table

  • is a representation of all elements that man has encountered throughout time

Dmitri Mendeleev

  • a Russian chemist in 1869.

  • recognized the arrangement of elements in the periodic table reflects the properties of the elements

Robert Boyle

  • critical of the ideas of alchemy

  • supports the corpuscular theory wherein all forms of matter are composed of minute particles.

  • corpuscles were certainly primitive and simple, unmingled indivisible bodies

  • suggests that observation and testing are two important features of an experiment

  • his experiment is called "mechanical philosophy.


  • simplest unit of substances

  • cannot be simplified or decomposed into simpler substances through any chemical reaction.

Antoine Lavoisier

  • demonstrated the Law of Conservation of Mass

  • phlogiston theory

  • air is not an element but a mixture of different gases

  • water is not an element but a compound composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

  • able to identify 33 elements

  • wrote the first chemistry textbook

Traite Elementaire De Chimie

  • 33 elements and wrote the first chemistry textbook

Johann Becher

  • phlogiston theory

Phlogiston Theory

  • combustion of materials led to a release of a fire-like element called phlogiston.


  • fire-like element


  • concept of atomism

John Dalton

  • published his atomic theory in 1808.

  • each has its own postulates

  • law of definite proportion

  • law of multiple proportions

Joseph Gay-Lussac

  • oxygen exist in molecular form than single free atom

Amedeo Avogrado

  • masses of atoms and molecules can be determined through gasses


  • horizontal alignment of elements


  • vertical alignment of elements