Lyman Beecher played a very important role as leading reformer in the temperance movement
The economic name where you arent rich but you arent poor is to be described as middle class
Romance about the southern life style was the main focus that southern writers wrote their novels about
Seneca Falls Convention held and launched the very first womens rights movement
Many of the slaves did the work in southern cities
Growing and harvesting cotton increased slave trade because it needed many people to do the jobs
Thomas Gallaudet played an important role during this time period for education, he was the founder of the first FREE U.S. school for hearing impaired students
Slave Traders from the north often sold free african americans back into slavery for some cash
The cotton gin was a unique machine that helped remove short staple cotton seeds that were an issue
Southern residents had huge love for their land
All children regardless of their backround history were educated and became known as the common school movement
Angelina and Sarah Grimke had many disagreements with their parents and led them to lead the anti-slavery movement
The Utopian community wanted nothing but perfect for their soceity on earth, they wanted to form a “perfect” life
Urban churches was the main lifestyle that African Americans centered upon
Many different cultural and religious backgrounds made many Native born American citizens feel threatened
A very famous book in 1863 written by Margret Fuller gave an idea about how slavery needed to end and the book was called Christian Women in the South
Horace Greenley made a huge splash in his stance In abolition that the New York Tribune wrote a paper about it
Societies formed like to American Temperance Society and the American Temperance UNion were great societies to limit or even stop people from the consumption of alcohol
Jemima Hunt played a special role in Virginia and buying her husbands freedom as a free African American
Yeomen had the idea of not wanting to work side by side with other slaves. They would rather do it themselves
Southern Farmers were so dependent on cotton that they started getting concerns about soil lasting long enough for the harvest year
The sweet spot of all the countries cotton ws named the cotton belt
Farmers who had very few slaves at all were called Yeomen
Racism, fear, and the souths economic dependence on slavery was a difficult goal to achieve for abolinistists emancipation
Eli Whitney was a big inventor and helped invent the cotton gin to help process cotton
The name of farmers who held many slaves were called planters
Stories that parents told their children to never forget where they came from were called folktales
One of the biggest fights was demanding immediate emancipation and racial equality for African Americans and the American Anti-Slavery Society started just that
Tennements is when a big group of people live in the same over-crowded and dirty building
The process to end slavery COMPLETELY became known as Abolition
Eli Whitney visited a Georgia plantation that helped him learn how to invent the cotton gin
Joseph R. ANdersoin graduated from west point and had a very successful iron works factory