for, you know, people may not come through Google, but they see it. So, I'm just keeping the brand awareness up that we still offer this.
Especially in all of our good markets.
Yes, so tip to see, so 36,000.
is what Google's taking credit for.
So it's a 10 to 11 over the last 30.
Based on spend send quite a few emails going out with all the big promo
got going on.
Are subscriber counts still going on?
It's kind of about even...
No, you're telling subscribe I'm talking about it
Is one of two
734 34
I'll do it when you need the one sir
I'll be the millionth
But yeah, the day I was still subscribing, not quite as a high
as they were when we first started.
That's pretty normal with
things like that.
The unsubscribes... it's... you know...
I looked at this one. I want to say we had like 1900 email unsubscribes and like 2200 subscribes, right? So it's a balance out of it.
people get what they want and they balance. They get a sent to an email and they balance.
Six hundred bucks. Pretty good.
So with the...
The bin rack.
the next time the bin rack banner for the installation campaign will be up, should be up tomorrow.
She's finalizing everything now. It's going to show just Orange County and it's going to go to a landing page.
that is specific just to that promo that we've seen landing page that all the Google ads hit and everything else that review doing with retargeting.
I'm working on Vindra Central with Amazon, KAUSTIB, you were interested in that. So we actually had someone reach out to remove.
from Range Meet about Venture Central. So I reached back out to them. They saw the message that I responded to about here from next week. I'll touch base with Becco or rather than just say, hey, we're interested.
exploring this again.
The Beardline Crop Ship Direct, you won.
Bake on the container and give her a good finish.
The downside about that is they control your inventory if they don't like it. They're not going to send it back to you.
It kind of sucks about shipping to them as they have everything. It's like selling to Costco or Lowe's.
So yeah, very looking bold.
We run a vendor central platform in the past and it's super problematic. Well a vendor central is the worst, they just didn't pay. Oh really? They didn't pay for it. Is that the one where they tell you how much they want to pay for it? No, it doesn't.
We want to pay 20 bucks for your mid rack and you're like no
Thank you.
It's funny. I don't understand. It's not too much down. Yeah. Yeah, I thought I told him the other way.
We used to have Monster X in there and they would just come and say, we want to pay $70 for a 4x8. And I'm like, what?
We do check the loads every day.
But I think it shifted to where it's basically just an algorithm. It's like, we want this, we want this quantity of it. Challenge it after VA. And it's like, here's the price we're going to.
working in. Working on conversation moving in an actual fire.
So we're going to email that agency sent you with messaging people. I don't know if you saw my response to you.
So it's called, if it's the one I'm thinking of, and I'm pretty sure as he said this in his email, but it's called the NYCD, it's like my, uh,
manage your customer experience or something like that.
Like follow your storefront. It's not like you can email your customers all the time. You can email people that have followed you, right?
that has been defunct for a year. So I don't know why.
So I asked Becca about it our rep and she was again on that program is not coming back
You said February 23. Yeah, probably. No, it was February 24. It was just last year. Because my Amazon guy was using it and we were we were utilizing that a little bit and we just never seen any results from it.
So because you're sending like 200 people
racecar. And so I said it and I was like, this is what they're saying. So I want to see if she comes back and says, oh, they might be talking about this.
trying to figure it out but right now as of now, it's a go-go.
You can message them through the normal platforms that we do.
emailing them or whatever.
I said not really true.
So, um...
so that we can better track
Track people with phone calls coming in for specific before install ads and link them
that data back to QR code scans and really kind of see what's going on. So I don't know the full extent of what Mark will be able to do with that, but he seemed very interested in having that information so that they could better tailor these ads and everything and better tailor our customers.
Hopefully we can get that set up in the next week or two. I don't know if it's going to be...
Developer thing or if it's simple enough to where you can just copy and paste in code and call it a date So I'm gonna explore how that goes
I imagine you have two audience. Yeah, I don't think I have them. Around marketing and these studies, in the next six months, it's going to double what it is right now. It's just ridiculous.
And you're selling yourself at that point, just the relationship, right?
Look at some of the...
I mentioned that we're already on camera.
Two weeks ago I thought that was unpause.
I didn't reach out to him because I wanted to get the E, see if we actually get the quality, it was as good as I expected it to be. And so once I see this, I'll touch base. So next week we should have some movement on.
And then for the next promo we're trying to get rid of the red agreements so we're trying to suck the red agreements.
Yeah, we do. We only have a little stock left and it's not Christmas anymore. You can't try to push them. Yeah, it's a great being. Do it from a long period too, some people.
priest alone
I can promise you will see I
I waited for the wind to roll on down.
Oh, no, no, no, we're still making money.
we're making $10 on 10 or $12 in bins. We just don't like on the bins alone, but we're still making money here.
So, we're due from on that.
We've been right here and we had was 250 total green rents like 55 backs left. So
No books. Cool test.
Be a myself for St. Patrick's Day.
Ready? Go! Just drink my chocolates. Big bad, big deal. Beer and your topless, your topless beans. Drink, drink, and a lemon-coupled bacon. There you go. Ready? Just drink it.
I'm a little confused because I live in business, right?
Yeah, this is what it is a new country
How's the federate bookings? Does it look like they're...
I did pretty good on that.
Yeah, that's what we need.
everything about this year was a little slower. Normally things pick up right when January starts and it took a little bit, some will say it was built into February and then also
Just rack sales and anywhere super high rate so a couple more days in so it should I don't know if we hit three but
This is the one we did. Thanks. We go correct. Cleaning up a little bit. We ended up, so it's made more sense. I didn't start to pull the stuff that we talked to you about, but I don't know how well it is.
Yeah, I think yours we're gonna see
Our average spend on print hats should come down a bit this year already.
if we can
If we can figure out that we have a better way to sell the material installs like through Facebook or whatever, then
There's obviously some more that I'd like to pull.
Yeah, that's something good.
It's okay.
the second project. I think we should at some point talk about it.
with the plans for that. I think since we're gonna make money this year, this would be the year to take advantage of tax credits.
I'm gonna make sure we do that right in that little key.
tax credit and for the increase in the U.S. bill. Which still would make sense, you know, we can get 90% off of this.
Those guys are gonna be forming up overseas. They just have a tampo. Let's go inside a new company.
We were just talking about it. We probably had to sit down and preview because I totally forgot why we were doing it.
Yeah, I'm proud of you to talk about it.
What happened to the Metaverse?
It's around
It's a ball game. It's a ball game. I said wait, we do. I'm a triple. Cool.
Anyway, I think, yeah, we just need to talk about whether we're going to pull up the stakes and just try not to do it again.
Because like Pat said, we're going through all this discovery to a US company. We're going to have to go through it all again. So I pay twice.
Well, there's this one.
architects are supposed to be designing the house not building it so the new architects can't go this guy suck
I think the good news is, especially if we can get it at a little low price.
that every time we talk about it, we come up with more ideas and we realize things that maybe we forgot.
Yeah, I can write this shit.
Yeah, hopefully I can just do it any time.
And then it's awesome that it's capitalized and like time right now it's capitalized and then was you know
What you get as a credit is also relevant to what you've spent at R&D over the past several years. So if you spent the exact same R&D every single year,
the last three years if you spend the same amount and the credits a lot different than they were explaining. The goal is to get you to continually spend more. So if you're just averaging or if you spend less than your three-year average you might not end up getting really as much as you would.
Yeah, so I mean I was just not easy on the answer. I guess okay. Yes. It's not exactly like every dollar is just under free. There's a lot
that goes into whatever the credit ends up being, so...
He looked like a silver, looked like R&D.
That's an upstairs bar you'll hear you go
Oh, is it a white bar?
See you in the next one.
You guys
It's coming down. That's what I paid.
choice an elevator
The IK works. I mean it's a little creepy sometimes because it's held together.
bubblegum tape, you know, but um...
but it doesn't work. So I think only this would be worth it if we can get it a good deal and we can plan on maybe trying to sell it. I think those are the two things. We have to decide that both of those things are true.
Yeah, our Pittsburgh guy went to jail. So we canceled as we closed the storage unit.
You know the prison it's all it's so what he told me he might go to jail
which I don't know if it was a lie or not. Apparently he yelled at a code enforcer for not encoding, like not enforcing the code properly or something like that.
I guess he did some work and then someone who had like signed off on a permit Let all of his work get ruined because like a hill fell on him
or something. I'm not quite sure. So apparently he like accosted this person.
And yeah, they put out a warrant.
on them so he later got arrested like just living his life.
But, yes.
Yeah, so I
I mean, it's basically like, like, like, matter of.
You know, like this is a person that's related to the local government.
Yeah, he's not a narcissist.
Yeah, we're looking for a new installer and we have an installer in Seattle and he's actually great.
and then he's working. But he's very bad at problem solving. So if something comes up, he gets like his
his car wouldn't start. And that took him out of commission for like two weeks. He like, even with lots of suggestions from us, he just couldn't figure it out. So we're looking for another guy.
It was like dude like if your car doesn't start go rent other products You know like yeah, I just you know
Yeah, go triple A. So.
You know, you're all day
Yeah, Pittsburgh. We obviously need a new guy. And then Jacob Tripp will be moving to Dallas.
a couple months. Yeah, yeah, technically I think he'll be there in August, but he's leaving. He's going to take a road trip, I guess, to get there. So he'll be out of condition for a month.
Um, oh, I love you.
Yeah, we're already hiring
And well, it hurts a possibility.
We've already started looking about two months ago
Sounds like Pat should do.
Get me out of the office.
But yeah, so at the end the Orange County Market is actually doing pretty well, so
sure he's wrong
Print yeah, mainly, you know, we cut a good amount of prints on water
it closely.
We already got an update basically on the social stuff.
Yeah, we decided just to make bin rack install only available in all the markets right away
because there was a reason not to. I don't know how many.
sell but without like advertising or anything but it's bill
That's basically about it.
Storage updates.
in the last three months has gotten zero calls on their printout.
What happened to you?
Oh concepts I believe
Yeah, so, not three months ago. October, November, December is what I was looking at actually, so more than three months, it's like four months.
Zero calls in four months. Yeah, there's no way Well, I mean they don't send any in like
December so so there there was less but we spent we spent it was
$2,800 to get zero calls. So...
I stopped doing that and I think that for like
Northern LA what we call Los Angeles north which is George that does pretty well.
But just straight up LA doesn't do well.
So we're going to close that storage unit.
That's another full tip.
And bring it out.
I mean, it's got a lot going on right now, but I think... I mean, even before he was only doing like... Yeah, he just wasn't doing very much. Less than 10 installs a month. It's like...
They don't seem to want
Like, LAX North has good business, but anything...
part of it might, I think part of it is also some constructions like they can't do overhead in it, like Mark would
Have to leave appointments. Yeah a bunch because he wouldn't be able to do an install and he'd just like sell wall fills or something
It's like those
Yeah, so all those questions, yeah, Craigslist, they, uh...
You can go to any ad and hit report like this is a problem.
Someone's been doing something to various and they just delete it. Someone's been doing that to our Fortin. It's probably a local Fortin.
It's not like a car dealership like Marmax work it's on the lot for a certain amount of time price goes down. You can't just
I'm going to keep a kind of happy side like this one as well.
Especially every time Dan and I go to bed, right?
She's still trying to do it.
No, it's not. I'm gonna push it.
Yeah, I work. I find some awesome.
on YouTube.
so there's enough there's enough on you installers and the whole market that I probably
population to another round.
I've been trying to do.
is save my trips for when I can be efficient with it and then there's also something for me to do while I'm out there instead of just going out to
expensive beer
Yeah, last time I did East Coast, I had taps.
And we did see this. It was basically all Florida, not because. But it's been almost two years, I think.
I just need to get out of it. I need to get away from my flight.
I'll just come I'll do installs in LA whatever you want just tell me hey he could be the new OC installed
We're saving it so
housing project in LA that we were going to give to Park Polonsky, but I don't probably give to Park.
Knock it out way faster. Way faster.
So this will be boring
There's not really much to update. These were estimates. The actuals are almost the same. So there's going to be no change. We're also going to revamp and go through all the SKUs and try to get them updated, hopefully through 2024. So we can kind of look at the most normal trends and see which way we've been going in at least the last few months. We're going to be getting updated next time we talk. So just getting them more dialed in.
So we have to go off FedEx reporting and you saw how good FedEx has been looking. So we're trying to figure out the best way to get that dialed in so we can constantly get that reporting.
We want on that Biscuit basis and that's, that X can't get us so we have to merge the two.
1872 still on the over spot, right? And the ZW-4.
Yeah, okay, so we can we still keep
Did you get the point?
I rest you.
Yeah, I know.
It's not gonna be early until June.
We're having, like I said, there's no smart facilities. So we're going to be looking very closely over that promotion.
how that affects our zoning. And then we're going to start looking at a spice cue basis, maybe then moving us around between the send in and smart.
So I don't think the overall inventory will increase because we're having the facilities. It's only going to increase, you know, the promotions or we want to bulk up on stuff.
I think overall our inventory value isn't getting increased just because we have more facilities.
You know, just a little.
That's definitely a top mover, top five. Have you looked at doing black in that one?
No one can get it. Okay.
We're going to think that's going to be a skip for the NSF.
Yeah, probably. Yeah.
Yeah, no we can do that. It's kind of interesting. Black.
wired doesn't
It doesn't really, it's unknowable.
We're 16 okay, but he owns smaller stuff you definitely
like 6024 I we kind of thought that the black was who's gonna be 5050 maybe even more black than zinc and it's been like I I don't know the last time I dived into it but I glanced at it not too long ago I think black was like
30 40 percent of the point the zinc which I thought was surprising
6040 maybe I was like, huh so sure why but but definitely
sales. Yeah, for sure. So, yeah.
with the right because bin rack were really limiting the turn.
in the constable shelf. But these, I mean, somebody in theory could have 600 pounds on four or five shelves. So you need to hear the post.
probably one million.
Don't get this on too low.
I'm excited. Our facilities, there is some...
key locations that I think we're going to be able to bring it down.
I don't want to eat crazy, but I mean the low to's.
Well because
And Joe is showing us this FedEx pockets, like the concentrations, like big dark circles.
the smart facilities in Phoenix and Salt Lake, hover like all the
dark pockets of your missing.
The biggest world in the Houston. So really, South Carolina's going to help us. Salt Lake and Phoenix are going to be some of the biggest.
It's like the big black circles were the height of the constipated
Yeah, those are only one and twos now.
That's a little one.
We can make it.
So various bicycles don't let them work
Thank you.
I see it's gone. It charges the credit card.
He's still charging in.
Henry Dunley was in there for a while, but I think...
That's Jason.
She's working.
You're looking at two bond problems. Oh, I thought you meant where after the annual leave. That was a good one.
Yeah, that should have been a one time thing. It was kind of over the situation. But IPA like wicked out.
like we ended up getting all the money for
appointment so we had to get him.
This isn't a bigger look than a big sweet curry.
She's not fit as I put the week and only managed 200.
I wasn't gonna do none, so it's probably gonna happen to me after this.
If I can do more than 200 next week.
So yeah, we'll see what comes in tomorrow much less for the other day. Let's see helping along we get
We felt a new payroll tomorrow.
So hungry for filming you through. Yeah.
He doesn't get that much. Not enough for a life payment.
Something can be carried today.
Oh, I don't see him. He's a mail donor from Canada.
You should think that a page quarter
Like usually it's the beginning of the year they'll send like, oh,
reassess your security.
Sorry, our just in some love. Yeah
We actually have sales.
as you should really have one.
We have like real sales now. Yeah.
It's a customer service issue that you can't get Instagram.
And uh...
I guess we're going to get to the church.
There's a there's a support issue that came through our Instagram messages only
She's basically ranting about Brenda. Is it for Catherine?
Catherine, about how she's affected by the fires.
Oh yes. Yes. So she's definitely not.
Yeah, she Originally we were sending her out a unit but originally she called in and she was like I want I ordered the wrong she ordered two by eight by seven She ordered the wrong unit and she's like I want to return it
told her return policy and she was like, I don't like that. And then she got mad and we told her, you know, you could come and drop it off at RSM. And she was like, okay, great. When can I drop it off?
And then we told her you can come drop it off this week. And then she's like, oh, I'm not gonna be here. Can I drop it off in three months?
And we're like, no, like that's beyond the warranty. And then she started going apeshit again. And then we told her fine, we'll waive it. You can drop it off in three months. And she's like, oh, I can drop it off this week.
We're like, alright, and then we told her it's going to be minus outbound shipping and then she went and that's when she started like, oh my God, I can't believe you guys are doing this. Like I'm affected.
My friends are affected by the fire. I'm too busy saving the animals. I'm too busy helping out my friends. And we're like, okay.
So, but she emote
Yes, we emailed her yesterday and we were still talking her today.
3 1 9 cover
from our tape set 25 percent of our time on that death
I'm sure if you call me you'll see I'm kind and reasonable person.
You didn't deserve to.
Reinters us for the shipping cost of sending the product to you?
Yeah, that was a 30 minute to an hour phone call. I don't think you are.
There's the opposite. It's like when people say they're smart.
I can't wait to risk telling us he's strong.
Every day
and always tries to shake it.
I don't think
Go tell them to pause.
This month has been pretty hectic.
We've got an obviously record number of text and we've had more calls than we've had for a while.
Well this year
We'll call you.
We have gotten a couple a lot of the emails some of them were about the
the restock or the pre-order because nobody's reading that. A lot of them are scheduled appointments and most of the text messages that we get are appointment related.
Are you still getting calls on the bin?
getting wrong rails.
No, honestly, we really haven't gotten that many.
If any, honestly. The only time we still get about the Benrach is
I am missing the left side or the right side and it's like, please flip it.
So you set that goal down a little bit.
so you're still getting some of them?
Yeah, those yes, I thought you were talking about the 12 gallon
We did. We did. We did.
If we can make a video on that
I was told it was very shocking.
I'm spinning it like this. I think that's what I did.
So is that total texts or like text conversations?
That is total text, I believe, yeah.
text me a conversation often.
Yeah, the next slide or the next slide after that it shows the breakdown.
I said thank you.
Make sense, but divide it by eight.
Right, more 8, 10, text. Okay.
Yeah, depending the slide after that kind of breaks that down
Right there so, mesh it, the light green one is how many we that actually came in and then the orange one is our response and then the blue one is the actual conversation.
So we had 211 conversations.
I wonder if that's indicative of our clientele getting younger.
Thanks, growing.
I want post-test.
I need some passion.
8-0, 67. Be seated for your touch, okay?
These complete curtains.
This was as of today.
No bolts. No bolts.
Order related has been mostly the pre-order.
We've gotten quite a lot of those.
Try to have the ability to change the program
No, I know I'm saying that if it's generating it that they can all speaking to partial payment upfront
It's not more of the payment. It's a lot of people just didn't read the big pre-order sign or the delivery date.
Yeah, so they're asking about ETA.
check out are we
those landed and cleared out over 150 that were
That's just been clear bins that are coming. So Monday, tentatively scheduled to have those. So it'll be next week. We'll get that. We'll clear out all of those.
Also, US merchants, they don't have two colors, so once we run out of them...
Yeah, it's like it's military green and dark gray
So once those get super low, we're just going to have to zero the inventory and we will have to
until we check back with you as margins. We're going to do it every probably three weeks to see if they started a production.
and then we can look at ordering and we get
So if you stop seeing some less things over the next month, that's
because we cannot get the bit length.
It's okay.
They need a few more machine.
I think they'll have asked for
Yeah, I'm done pricing just like, hey, here's green beans.
They said they really can't
We are what we did already.
or does
That was when we did the person like, wait, what colors do you have? And they said, here's all of our colors. And we said, OK, we order.
You go under the ball and he said hold on.
unless we already have some. And then he gave us all the colors that they had in inventory. And then we just took a full inventory.
And then now we're trying to reorder them.
And they only have some of them now.
You were all the way gone.
I don't know if I still have 10,000 lights.
Yeah, we're selling 2005 packs a month.
maybe some of those get pushed to colors.
We need to go to that additional warehouse.
Right trumpet
If it was just lit, yeah, that's right, you're blue.
That's probably why I didn't think that.
Can I get you a second? Because your mouth is rolling small truckloads.
We need the old picture where I fell.
I said do it.
We got 10 killers coming in.
The other thing to consider also
But you order them separately, it's I think $2 more
and if you were to order the combo.
The bed and the lid.
Wearing those together is cheaper than if you were to just wear the bed on that separate
Yes, Manny is pushing the envelope over.
She's just a little represses and send off and then they just send the invoices back and she's like hey they didn't tell me the wrong
So she got like 50 cents off of one yellow
Dennis is moving to life and different stuff. I don't know.
I've always considered like when I have to sign a printout or whatever
and give you the price that I need, it's editable. So what did I just do?
You know, that's it. We're shooting, yo.
anything on the signals? Oh, yeah, where's the where's the sales slide? Oh, it was the same as the last last weeks or two weeks ago since it's monthly. Yeah, so be updated next slide.
next week, next meeting.
huge updates from two weeks ago we got on top
You kind of saw some of those dolly samples
The casters are custom to fit within the box easily and they did not
make them to the drawing so we can't actually bolt four bolts with the casters.
So the doctor is going to get those corrected once they're back in training new year and send us updated casters.
of the bin rack that has six tiers you can hold both sides is a 15 gallon 27 gallon
and the bin lid and the bin inserts.
This is probably kind of real
next up on this list on the list. The bins are we're gonna get 3d printed.
sample of what we've got a bit focusing on.
the bin rack and uh
the patent on that so that's kind of been consumed the last two weeks or
I won't pad stuff early, so there's a couple more.
So we've been talking with Costco about June July promo
for the bins we're going to do an mvm
I think it's gonna be $13 off. So it should be a pretty killer price point
$15 off to the customer. Initially they were talking about 400,000 units.
units. They're now talking 630,000 units. Who knows?
So maybe that changes again once they get feedback from the regions. We've got the Black Bin Rack added to the BPM this week. The quote,
agreement, all the specs and container loading, got all that done.
They seem to be moving up there since I'm actually way faster than the sink which is nice.
We got a box sample for the black but the gray was a little green and
After that was requested because we're trying to get in front of everything but we're gonna add
The manufacturing date probably just go to the month
And right now the factories have to label every box with the PO number. So we're going to expand that section and have the PO number and then the FFF.
g-date and it's going to be a single label that has the PO number and then won't let those produced it and then we're also going to have them update the label that's on the post the tip label tip warning and then add
them update those and have the month and year of the manufacturing date on that label. So if there is ever an issue
We out with the manufacturer.
month and year on the box and on the product.
So we could, we could sell which she added some free uh, like a battery, two letters and
So yeah
Yeah, from the PO in the box we'll know, but on the label itself I did think about how I think I'm gonna
If we just do a date from the customer, we don't know what we all can.
Yes, but they have blocks they can tell us the local country of origin and then the date and then if they just have the product.
My plan was to have the
Vietnam factory, maybe do XF month and year and then any new factory factory in
and then maybe just have, I haven't decided yet, but maybe just have Roy have just the date and we know internally if it's just the date, it's Roy, rather than Roy.
than raising the flag of, no, no, we need you to specify it's your factory. Even though I'm not concerned with him going, but see why.
That was that was probably
on WeChat over the last couple weeks of kind of honing in the traceability and tracking of it. So that was kind of the plan is probably going to be.
g y
or XF or whatever the factor is.
The initials are so we have a factory and a year and it's tied to the product and then also on the box as well.
So anyways, Kayla made that update just earlier. So we're going to update the file with Costco.
and then ask the factories to print a new sample that they'll
sent to us, we'll then send it to Costco and then probably within the next two weeks once they have the first hundred units produced
in these boxes. We'll do the product testing. Maybe there's a cap, hopefully not, but I
I don't feel that concerned with any of the timeline and stuff because it can move pretty quickly and we're kind of getting a lot better at it.
4-way in-store
Again, we started focusing on the pattern stuff, but we're going to try to maybe build a prototype of some sort of display fixture, 4x4x8.
and then maybe start showing something like that to Kevin, possibly, you know, a banner of some sort.
And then we are going nuts on us.
bin rat pad expansion so
We have, uh, Noah.
has drawn up I think he said 60 like 60 different
designs of sliding rails ranging from great and feasible to what even is this?
And then we'll probably have.
You know four or five different upper and lower shelves like by different. I mean like the perimeter of this
shelf and then maybe like three or four different shelf.
solid steel wood deck perforated Kevin
Try to pack every combination of all of them.
So, uh, let's check the order.
I think she's right below the stairs.
So we're really gonna try to
every conceivable idea on the map.
So if somebody wants to go make their own, good luck in thinking of something we haven't already patented.
That's what we see out well that work, but that's the goal
I'm gonna do it on board too.
that 60 rail designs. 60 rails of this shelf, 60 rails of this shelf, 60 rails of this shelf, but we don't exactly know.
That can be any combination thereof or if we
Well, we don't exactly know if it's going to really end up being in the hundreds or not. You have to pick one, one, one. Yeah, so.
And then just, you know, I was gonna jump in earlier, but the kind of transition to the single box.
Prior is getting in the super duty single box and these super duty multi box
with three center supports for Costco because I think the goal is for the June July, to be the new super duty version which is
It's the urgency on the multi-box version so we can get the savings, which should be awesome.
in the Saferax single box just yet because whatever inventory we have of current 4x8s when the super duties go live on Costco, we can then only sell the regular 4x8s through our website. So we might still be doing Saferax version multi-box
Or whatever the inventory dictates it could be through the end of the year But at least we'll have all the cost goes in the single box and new version and all monster acts as a new version probably
box that should be good and then we need update we can get artwork on those boxes
the factory does the safe racks center support label on white racks, monster racks hammertone. We're now going to actually separate them and if it's a monster X skew and a monster X box, it's getting a monster X center support label with monster racks weight capacities on it on white and hammertone.
and Safer X is going to get a Safer X label that will probably say Safer X Super Duty 4x800 pounds, Safer X 4x600, 3x8, etc, etc. And those will go on all Costco in Safer X White and Antler Tone.
So this change will really...
but totally separate. Now when we sell Monster Axe on Amazon, we make more money because it's cheaper without the hooks. It doesn't have extra center supports. Single box.
Costco is superior and then safe racks begin now started, you know playing for pricing because we're no longer really competing with it also multi bucks for
We're doing two long boxes in one box. That is another another cost saving service issues. This boxes boxes can be split.
from a factory level.
We no longer have to pay for two boxes. We'll pay for one heavier duty with slightly larger box. So it should be cheaper and actually more protective.
We don't have to pay the 75 cents for the DCs to tape or not tape.
I have two particles.
Yeah, so that will really sound just dialing with the body exactly how we're going to do that. But Chris and I were kind of running the numbers to do two current long boxes, put it into a Master Garden.
We could probably go with a long box, a larger long box for two bundles.
like the quality of a single box cardboard and it would probably be cheaper than doing two boxes in a Master Carton and you'd be far more protected.
is you got the four flaps and if we do a three wall corrugated heavy duty cardboard
those corners and ends will be protected by an inch of cardboard and it's still going to be cheaper than what we're currently doing. We're taking two lock boxes together.
So that should also be nice and easy for the factory, it'll be easy for the DCs. No boxes can get split. Probably be an end load, so the flap that runs down the whole length of the box can't catch on stuff and tear.
Um, so
kind of a huge revamp that we've sort of been putting into place for the last few months.
kind of finally
actually rolling forward and we have POs on all of it. We actually took all of our December POs and reshuffled everything around so that Bobby can start shipping everything.
So kind of exciting, kind of unnerving, because it's a pretty big change. But I think we've got to do it.
Oh, what did you try to look like on?
Ah, I'm sorry, but it was on prime.
I'm still working. Yes it does. Yes I would say it's a little bit extended only because this is to the forefront getting the smart facilities up getting all the cops go.
motion stuff dialed in so Bob you can start producing and shipping that so I would
If I were to put a date on it, I would say in the next couple of months, we can circle back and really push on it.
And then it'll take. Yeah, I mean, yeah, cause it's gonna have to.
take understanding the inventory loss a little bit better and
and when to bring him in because
once you deliver to a facility.
the next time they're going to get a container, it's already in the process. So it's like, how do we backfill it?
Well smart facilities can backfill that so that they might need to have inventory as well
So none of that is even going to happen before June. So we still have a lot of time to talk with the Senate and figure out how this process is going to happen.
and then really understand how we need to start ordering. The variable is we don't know what the
volume is going to do, unless you turn it on on Prime with better
We hope it's gonna increase, but if it goes like that...
Now we're in stock and are listening to them.
Yeah, because you can't run out of any of their facilities.
And somebody said it's a real disrever. I commercial
Yes, and listing can revert back to version, can fill.
We say we're crying and it's not in their Dallas facility and they get a crime order and
This must be the open Dallas repeat.
or some other people crime. They also have the Adobe.
they update Amazon. So the Amazon knows based on what their
where like their goals...
I think they're just making a little problem right.
They still got to feed their warehouses to like independent individuals.
But what I'm saying is that that's another variable in this whole thing of point
or let's say more.
say they've got 100 in stock.
We drop orders for 100.
Now they don't have that 100 in stock for Prime, but an order for Prime also came in.
There's some variability to it.
our orders once we send it to them.
Yeah, there's a lot more to work out, but we
have taught it.
we think will work. So we'll be able to get it to work with that in a couple of months.
Okay, thanks everybody.
My goodness