Agricultural Revolutions

Resulted in a change in society’s consumption patterns

Second Revolution

Diffused thanks to trade via the Silk Road

Neolithic Revolution

Made food more affordable and accessible 

Green Revolution

Resulted in fewer, larger, more productive farms

Second Revolution

Began in the Fertile Crescent 

Neolithic Revolution

Associated with the advancements of the Industrial Revolution

Second Revolution

Spread via contagious diffusion

Green Revolution

Involved the domestication of plants and animals 

Neolithic Revolution

Failed in Africa due to diverse conditions and lack of funding/infrastructure

Green Revolution

Resulted in the establishment of permanent human settlements

Neolithic Revolution

Caused a shift from subsistence to commercial farming

Second Revolution

Has had significant negative environmental effects

Green Revolution

Included the Columbian Exchange

Neolithic Revolution

Involved the use of biotechnology and genetic modification

Green Revolution

Involved selective breeding of plants and animals

Green Revolution

Led to a large increase in food production to support a fast-growing population

Green Revolution

Led to longer life expectancies

Second Revolution

Involved the mechanization of agricultural production

Second Revolution

Involved the development of large-scale irrigation projects

Green Revolution

Helped create a high rate of investment in research and development  

Green Revolution
