Similarities between Religions Regarding Human Sexuality
Sex within Marriage: All religions view sex as appropriate within marriage.
Control of Sexuality: Regulation of sexual behavior is common, prohibiting adultery.
Sexual Modesty: Emphasis on modesty and restraint in sexual behavior.
Adultery Prohibited: General disapproval of adultery across religions.
Recognition of Sexual Diversity: Recognition of different sexual identities, especially in Hinduism.
Reasons for These Similarities:
Need to maintain social order, family stability, and protect against harm (such as disease).
Religions often reflect societal needs concerning human sexuality.
Human Universals:
Defined as features or behaviors common to all cultures.
Five Human Universals:
Sexual Attraction
Sexual Modesty
Rape and Rape Condemnation
Romantic Love
Incest Taboos
Kinsey’s Research Practice:
Used trained interviewers and nuanced questions to normalize sexual behavior and reduce shame, helping participants open up during interviews.
Sexual vs. Asexual Species:
Sexual Species: Require two sexes (male and female) to combine genetic material (sperm and egg), promoting genetic diversity.
Asexual Species: Reproduce independently, creating genetically identical offspring.
Cost of Males:
In sexually reproducing populations, only females can gestate offspring, leading to a situation where males contribute less to reproduction (termed 'cost of males').
Extinction of Asexual Species:
They accumulate harmful mutations over generations due to lack of genetic recombination, leading to decreased genetic fitness and eventual extinction.
Importance of Sexual Reproduction:
Allows genetic recombination, reducing the accumulation of harmful mutations, aiding survival and adaptation.
Fisher-Muller Hypothesis:
Suggests that sexual reproduction helps rapidly combine beneficial mutations, enhancing survival and fitness.
Muller’s Ratchet:
A process which describes how asexual populations accumulate harmful mutations over time due to lack of genetic recombination.
Red Queen Hypothesis:
States that continuous evolution is necessary to stay ahead of predators, parasites, and competitors.
Promotes the advantages of sexual reproduction through genetic diversity.
Refers to the fusion of dissimilar gametes (small, mobile sperm and large, nutrient-rich eggs), creating two distinct sexes with different reproductive strategies.
Small Gametes (Sperm):
Pros: Cost-effective, fast, and mobile, allowing males to produce numerous offspring.
Cons: Lack nutrients for zygote development and face high competition.
Large Gametes (Eggs):
Pros: Contain necessary nutrients for developing zygote; higher survival rates.
Cons: Costly to produce, immobile, and require longer development.
Why Midsize Gametes Don’t Work:
Midsize gametes lack competitiveness and necessary nutrients; thus, natural selection favors extremes (small and large).
Impact of Gamete Size on Sexual Strategies:
Small gametes lead to a quantitative strategy (more sperm), while large gametes lead to a qualitative strategy (selective mating).
A type of natural selection where traits enhance mate attraction and reproduction, regardless of survival benefits.
Competition Types:
Intersexual Competition: One sex (usually females) chooses mates (e.g., based on beauty).
Intrasexual Competition: Same sex competes directly for mates (e.g., males fighting for female attention).
Dual Selection: Both natural and sexual selection influence traits affecting survival and mate attraction.
Sexual Dimorphism: Differences between male and female species often shaped by sexual selection (size, appearance).
Males’ Mate Valuation:
Prioritize physical attractiveness and youth, which signal fertility.
Females’ Mate Valuation:
Value resources, status, and reliability, essential for offspring upbringing.
Parental Investment:
Time/resources spent on raising offspring, crucial for mate choice due to its impact on offspring success.
Grandmother Hypothesis:
Suggests older women enhance grandchildren's survival chances, explaining longevity beyond reproductive years.
Mate Choice Across Orientations:
Influenced by similar factors (attraction, resources), though preferences may vary across orientations and genders.
Monogamy in Humans:
Prevalent due to high parental investment needs, benefiting from two caregivers.
Polyamory in Humans:
Reflects differing reproductive strategies and social arrangements, explaining cooperation benefits through game theory.
Tendency to pair with others sharing similar traits (appearance, intelligence).
Traits of Importance:
Physical appearance and personality are most influential; traits like political views may be lesser factors.
Five Anatomical Features:
Testes: Produce sperm and testosterone.
Ovaries: Produce eggs and hormones.
Penis: Delivers sperm during intercourse.
Vagina: Receives sperm; birth canal.
Uterus: Houses and nourishes developing fetus.
Sperm Count Decline:
Due to endocrine disruptors, environmental toxins, and lifestyle changes.
Declining at a rate of ~1% annually.
Impact of Endocrine Disruptors:
Interfere with hormonal production, affecting sexual development and fertility.
Sexual Differentiation:
Process of developing male or female characteristics based on chromosomes and hormones.
Key Genes and Hormones:
SRY gene (Y chromosome) initiates male differentiation.
Testosterone and AMH guide male traits; estrogen influences female traits.
Genital Tubercle & Urogenital Folds:
Genital tubercle develops into the penis (males) or clitoris (females).
Urogenital folds become scrotum (males) or labia (females).
Intersex refers to individuals with physical characteristics that do not fit typical definitions of male or female.
Key Causes of Intersex Diagnosis:
Chromosomal Abnormalities: E.g., Turner Syndrome (45,X) affecting females or Klinefelter Syndrome (47,XXY) affecting males.
Hormonal Imbalances/Insensitivity: E.g., AIS leads to atypical physical traits.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): Excess androgen production causing virilization.
Detailed Features of Intersex Conditions:
Turner Syndrome (45, X): Short stature, infertility, webbed neck, affects females.
Klinefelter’s Syndrome (47, XXY): Reduced testosterone, breast development, affects males.
Triple X Syndrome (47, XXX): Often mild symptoms in females.
Jacobs Syndrome (47, XYY): Taller height, acne in males.
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS): XY individuals with female characteristics.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH): Hormonal disorder affecting both sexes.
Masters and Johnson Model:
Excitement: Initial arousal
Plateau: Increased arousal tension preceding orgasm.
Orgasm: Peak pleasure experience.
Resolution: Body returns to baseline.
Vasocongestion: Increased blood flow causing swelling and erection.
Myotonia: Muscle tension/contractions during arousal.
Triphasic Model: Adds a desire phase separate from excitement.
Dual Control Model: Focus on the balance of excitation (arousal triggers) and inhibition (factors preventing arousal).
Erotic Stimulus Pathway Theory:
Stages include: Seduction, Sensations, Surrender, Reflection.
Critiqued for being overly psychological.
Definition of Sexual Dysfunctions:
Difficulties preventing fulfilling sexual experience, including issues with desire and arousal.
Spectatoring: Mental observation during sex, potentially hindering pleasure and contributing to dysfunction.
Importance of Treatability: Understanding that sexual dysfunctions are curable can alleviate stigma, promoting treatment seeking.
Dopamine and Sexual Dysfunction:
Plays a key role in pleasure and motivation. Imbalances affect desire/arousal negatively.
Prolactin's Role: High levels can reduce libido and lead to sexual dysfunctions.
Serotonin's Impact: Affects mood/arousal; imbalances may lead to various sexual dysfunctions.
Neuroticism's Influence: High levels can increase anxiety during sex, negatively impacting desire and performance.
Conscientiousness and Extraversion Impacts:
Conscientiousness relates to better sexual health practices, whereas extraversion can enhance communication but risks compulsive behaviors.
Agreeableness in Relationships: High levels improve communication and intimacy, potentially reducing dysfunction.
Narcissism Effects: Can create unrealistic expectations and hinder emotional connections, contributing to dysfunction.
Types of Sexual Dysfunction:
Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) and female sexual interest/arousal disorder, among others.
Scarcity Effects: The greater the unavailability of a person, the higher their desirability, prompting more significant investment of time/resources to gain their attention.
Mistakenly attributing arousal to incorrect sources, enhancing attraction.
Proximity and Attraction: Close proximity increases relationship likelihood through mere exposure effects.
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC):
Influences mate attraction; individuals prefer partners with dissimilar MHC alleles for increased immune diversity in offspring.
Birth Control Effects on MHC Preference: Women on hormonal birth control show a preference for men with similar MHC alleles, unlike their general preference.
Components of Love:
Intimacy: Emotional closeness.
Passion: Physical attraction.
Commitment: Decision to maintain the relationship.
Types of Love:
Infatuation, romantic love, liking, companionate love, fatuous love, and consummate love based on combinations of the three components.
Attachment Styles:
Secure: Trust and comfort.
Anxious: Dependency issues.
Avoidant: Emotional distance.
Impact of Parenting Styles on Attachment:
Authoritative style promotes secure attachment; authoritarian and permissive styles can lead to insecure attachments.
Relationship Satisfaction Cycle: Satisfaction may peak at the beginning and plateau or decline over time due to communication and frequency changes.
Critical, contemptuous, defensive, and stonewalling behaviors disrupt relationship dynamics.
Ideal Sexual Frequency: Generally once a week; however, mutual satisfaction and communication are key.