Untitled Flashcards Set

  • Enjambment – When a sentence or phrase runs over from one line of poetry to the next without a pause.

  • Hyperbole – An extreme exaggeration used for emphasis or effect.

  • Satire – A way of using humor, irony, or sarcasm to criticize or expose flaws in society, people, or institutions.

  • Allusion – A reference to something well-known (like a book, event, or person) to create meaning without explaining it.

  • Imagery – Descriptive language that appeals to the senses:

    • Visual – Sight (e.g., "a golden sunset")

    • Auditory – Sound (e.g., "the rustling leaves")

    • Tactile – Touch (e.g., "the rough bark")

    • Gustatory – Taste (e.g., "the sour lemon")

    • Kinesthetic – Movement (e.g., "the runner’s quick strides")

    • Olfactory – Smell (e.g., "the scent of fresh bread")

    • Organic – Internal sensations (e.g., "a twisting pain in the stomach")

  • Anaphora/Repetition – The repeated use of words or phrases for emphasis, often at the start of sentences or lines.

  • Pathos – An appeal to emotions to persuade or move the audience.

  • Logos – An appeal to logic and reason, using facts and evidence.

  • Ethos – An appeal to credibility and ethics, showing the speaker is trustworthy.

  • Unreliable Narrator – A narrator whose perspective is biased, misleading, or untrustworthy, making the reader question what is true.
