A severe mental illness. Negative symptoms include emotional withdrawal and flat affect. Positive symptoms include hallucinations and delusions
Positive symptoms
Abnormal behavioural states that have been gained
Negative symptoms
Reductions in typical functioning
Heritability of schizophrenia
Genes are only part of it 50% in identical twins who share same genes to it means at least half has to be environment
Structural changes in the brain & schizophrenia
More loss of gray matter, enlarged lateral ventricles
The frontal lobes are underactive in people with schizophrenia
Surgical separation of part of the frontal lobes to the brain. Used to be used to “treat” schizophrenia
Dopamine hypothesis
A hypothesis that people with schizophrenia either have an excess of dopamine release or dopamine receptors
Typical (“first-generation”) neuroleptics
D2 receptor antagonists. Alleviated schizophrenia by blocking dopamine receptors
Atypical (“second-generation”) neuroleptics
D2 receptor antagonists. Also has other functions (an example: clozapine binding to serotonin receptors)
Phencyclidine. A drug that strongly resembles both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia a Psycotomimetic
Glutamate receptor agonist. UNTER study to potentially treat depression since it works almost immediately.
Glutamate hypothesis
Too little Glutamate might be contributing to symptoms of schizophrenia (specifically in PFC).
Psychiatric condition characterized by unhappy mood, loss of interests, reduced energy, changes of appetite and sleep patterns, and loss of pleasure i most things
Neural activity (regions) & depression
Increased activation of the amygdala (even after depression is gone) and PFC. Decreased temporal cortex and habenulae
Electroconvulsive shock therapy
intention al induction of a siezure, last resort for treating depression
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation rTMS
Noninvasive treatment in which pulses of magnetic energy stimulate thecortex
MAO inhibitors
Inhibits MAO an Enzyme that breaks down monoamine neurotransmitters therefore making more monoamine transmitters. Treatment for depression. Serotonin agonist.
Inhibits the reuptake of monoamines boosts their synaptic activity. Treats depression
Antidepressants that block the reuptake of serotonin, making more serotonin in synaptic activity. Serotonin agonist
Bipolar disorder
This psychiatric disorder is characterized by periods of depression that alternate with excessive, expansive moods.
Treatment for bipolar disorder
Anxiety disorders
Any class of psychological disorder that includes recurrent panic states and generalized persistent anxiety disorder.
Anxiety treatment. GABA agonists.