Untitled Flashcards Set

  • Schizophrenia

    • A severe mental illness. Negative symptoms include emotional withdrawal and flat affect. Positive symptoms include hallucinations and delusions

  •   Positive symptoms

    • Abnormal behavioural states that have been gained

  •   Negative symptoms

    • Reductions in typical functioning

  •   Heritability of schizophrenia

    • Genes are only part of it 50% in identical twins who share same genes to it means at least half has to be environment

  •   Structural changes in the brain & schizophrenia

    • More loss of gray matter, enlarged lateral ventricles

  •   Hypofrontality

    • The frontal lobes are underactive in people with schizophrenia

  •   Lobotomy

    • Surgical separation of part of the frontal lobes to the brain. Used to be used to “treat” schizophrenia

  •   Dopamine hypothesis

    • A hypothesis that people with schizophrenia either have an excess of dopamine release or dopamine receptors

  •   Typical (“first-generation”) neuroleptics

    • D2 receptor antagonists. Alleviated schizophrenia by blocking dopamine receptors

  •   Atypical (“second-generation”) neuroleptics

    • D2 receptor antagonists. Also has other functions (an example: clozapine binding to serotonin receptors)

  •   PCP

    • Phencyclidine. A drug that strongly resembles both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia a Psycotomimetic

  •   Ketamine

    • Glutamate receptor agonist. UNTER study to potentially treat depression since it works almost immediately.

  •   Glutamate hypothesis

    • Too little Glutamate might be contributing to symptoms of schizophrenia (specifically in PFC).

  •   Depression

    • Psychiatric condition characterized by unhappy mood, loss of interests, reduced energy, changes of appetite and sleep patterns, and loss of pleasure i most things

  •   Neural activity (regions) & depression

    • Increased activation of the amygdala (even after depression is gone) and PFC. Decreased temporal cortex and habenulae

  •   Electroconvulsive shock therapy

    • intention al induction of a siezure, last resort for treating depression

  •   Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation rTMS

    • Noninvasive treatment in which pulses of magnetic energy stimulate thecortex

  •   MAO inhibitors

    • Inhibits MAO an Enzyme that breaks down monoamine neurotransmitters therefore making more monoamine transmitters. Treatment for depression. Serotonin agonist.

  •   Tricyclics

    • Inhibits the reuptake of monoamines boosts their synaptic activity. Treats depression

  •   SSRIs

    • Antidepressants that block the reuptake of serotonin, making more serotonin in synaptic activity. Serotonin agonist

  •   Bipolar disorder

    • This psychiatric disorder is characterized by periods of depression that alternate with excessive, expansive moods.

  •   Lithium

    • Treatment for bipolar disorder

  •   Anxiety disorders

    • Any class of psychological disorder that includes recurrent panic states and generalized persistent anxiety disorder.

  •   Benzodiazepines

    • Anxiety treatment. GABA agonists.
