MIS (Management Information Systems)
Information Technology (IT)
any computer-based tool that people use to work with information and to support the information and information-processing needs of an organization.
It collects, processes, stores, analyzes, and disseminates information for specific purpose.
Become an informed user
Helps you keep up with new technologies and the rapid development of existing technologies.
Big data are too large and complex to be processed by traditional methos. (Instagram stories, tweets, YouTube videos)
The 3 vs plus 2 are volume, velocity, variety, variability, and veracity.
IOT (internet of things) anything that connects to and share data through the internet
IOT 3 main parts (things, networks/connections, and systems)
Things (objects, machine and other IOT devices that use embedded sensors to collect data)
Networks/ connections (networks- usually wireless- that connect IoT devices)
Systems (streaming analytics processes data on the fly, cleaning it, then triggering actions, if needed.
Jobs (Software Developer, Web Developer, Project Manager, business Analyst, and Database Administrator
Cybersecurity & Cybercrime
Virus is an executable program that gets installed unintentionally and harms a user and their computer. It’s possible for a virus to spread itself to other computers.
Viruses can happen by someone luring the victim into installing a program with deception about the programs purpose, many are described as security updates which are fake.
Another way is that the software on your computer has a vulnerability so an attacker can install itself without even needing explicit permission,
Once a virus is on the computer it can steal or delete any files, control other programs, even allow someone else to remotely control that computer.
Many hackers use the computers they take over as a digital army also known as a botnet.
Distributed Denial of Service
Attacks come from many computers all at once
Hackers overwhelm a website with too many requests and cause the websites and computers to overload and stop responding.
Cybercriminals uses tricks like sending large amounts of spam email so that the person can share sensitive personal information (phishing scam)
Phishing scam is when you get something that seems like a trustworthy email that ask you to log into your account and clicking it takes you to fake website which tricks you to login and give your password away.
Hackers use your login credentials to access your real accounts to steal information and to probably steal your money
90% of the time security hacks happen because of a simple mistake made by a human.
Calculate and summarize data in a way that makes it easier to read
To create a pivotable, select the table of cells (including column headers) you want to be included in the PivotTable
Create PivotTable, place on new worksheet
Decides which fields to add (columns, filters, rows and values)
Sort the data by using the sort and filter command
To manually update select the table and then go to analyze refresh
Pivot tables help you quickly pivot or reorganize the data so that the worksheet can be examined in several ways, helping answer different questions and experiments.
Management works to put the right people in the right places with the right training and
reward them with the right benefits.
Get the right materials into the right processes at the right time with the right quality
Assemble the right tools and technologies to provide successful solutions and build the business
Different managment
Management of people
Management divides the work into job-sized chunks
Creating the circumstances that enable employees to succeed in, prosper in, and enjoy
the work of the business
Management of processes
Management divides the work into steps over time
Organizing the scale, order, pace, and content of the processes to get the work done
Management of tools to build the business
Management divides the work across people, machines, and tools
- Assembling the tools for planning and creating, for designing and producing, for developing and improving the business
Human resources
Determine the number of jobs the company needs, designs the job, and decides who reports to whom.
The people who work in the business – the employees – have knowledge, skills, experience, time, and enthusiasm.
Human resources organize and channels those elements toward accomplishing the objective of the business.
Multiple Steps, Processes, and Supplies
Management divides the work into steps over time and obtains supplies needed for each step.
These process tasks are referred to as supply chain management, operations, and production.
Combine and organize the activities to create the product or service the business sells.
There is an order to the steps, time scheduled for each one, and money budgeted for each one. These processes bring in raw materials and components, make something, and ship it out to customers.
Different Tools for Different Purposes
Management divides the work of the business across people, machines, and tools.
There are many different types of tools, such as a few pictured here:
Analysis, planning, and design technologies
Automation technologies
Integrating, coordinating, and learning technologies
Managing the Tools of the Business
Analysis, planning, and design technologies
Computers can process data in very large quantities and at very fast speeds so that humans can test designs, build prototypes, create business plans, and analyze scenarios.
Automation technologies
Machines can be designed and deployed to do physical, manual labor that had been done by humans. The work might be tedious or even dangerous if done by humans, but not for machines. The people, then, shift to designing, maintaining, and managing the machines.
Integrating, coordinating, and learning technologies
Machines can be connected to control the flow of work and to alert humans to problems. Companies can be connected directly to their suppliers and customers. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can provide humans with machine-generated predictions and recommendations.
Frameworks: Some Tools of the Trade
Frameworks help us to communicate about the jobs, processes, and analysis of the business. Specifically, we’ll look at the following:
Management of jobs
organizational hierarchy
organization chart
Management of processes
Gantt chart for scheduling
Management of analyses of the business
Organizational Hierarchy
Responsibilities and typical activities differ at different levels of the hierarchy.
Lower levels
detailed understanding of a specific area
work on immediate solutions to daily
problems in those areas.
Upper levels
high-level, big picture view of how the pieces of the company all fit together
Work on designing strategic solutions for the whole organization.
Management interacts with the other functions of business in many
ways. Here are some examples:
Management takes the specifications that Marketing obtains from customers
and determines how to build the product or deliver the service.
Management places orders for necessary raw materials, then asks Accounting to pay the invoice using cash that Finance obtained from the bank.
Management uses the demand forecast from Economics to schedule quantities to produce and determine how many employees to hire.
Management provides salary and wage rates to Accounting so that they can process the payroll to pay the employees.
Management - “Gets the work done.”
Gathering and managing money
Budgeting, borrowing, lending, saving, investing, and forecasting
Financial Analyst
Provide input to businesses and individuals with decisions about investments like stocks, bonds and mutual funds
Analyze companies, industries and economic trends to help decision makers anticipate risks and
Credit Analyst
Investigate the credit worthiness of potential borrowers
Estimate the likelihood of default, if a loan is given
Data Analyst
Provide financial input for managers to make decisions about investments, acquisitions (getting something), building expansions and other new projects
Applied to many parts of organizational planning
Budget Analyst
Help public and private companies organize their money and financial strength
develop cost estimates for future expansion programs
Make recommendations to managers to identify areas of possible budget reductions
Personal Financial Advisor
Evaluate the people’s financial needs
Assist in decisions on investments, tax laws, tax planning, and insurance
Help plan for long-term and short-term financial goals
May provide tax advice or sell insurance as well as provide financial advice
Characteristics of the trade
Great communication skills
Taking initiative
Being inquisitive
Hard worker
Problem solver
Interest rate
The money a person, bank or any other moneylender will charge for the money you borrowed
The money (or property, stock, etc.) you put into your business to make a profit or earn interest
Your money or your assets
Any kind of borrowing (loans, mortgages (payments on property))
Must be repaid at later date with interest
Credit rating
Estimation or formal evaluation of persons credit history
Indicates the potential ability to repay a new loan
Short-term loan
Borrowing money for a short amount of time
Usually less than 5 years
Long-term loan
Borrowing money for a longer period of time
Usually, five years or more
May offer a smaller interest rate than a short-loan loan
How society uses its limited resources
Examines the choices that people, companies, and government use in allocating those limited resources
Scare resources
The build of study that examines the choices that people, government and businesses use in allocating those limited resources
Opportunity cost
The value of the next highest valued alternative use of that resource
Cant have everything have to look at the cost and make a choice
Analyze decisions by made countries and governments
Unemployment rate
Decisions made by individuals and business
A company makes coffee so they have to take into account what the demand will be and when people will more likely to purchase them
Demand will be high around college move- in dates and Christmas
Supply and Demand
Reflect the interactions between the buyer and sellers
If people are willing to buy something at a higher price the seller will be able to produce more of those products (concept of supply)
If the prices go up the quantity goes down
Equilibrium price is neither a shortage or a surplus of a product but it is the point in which quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied
Supply is the quantity of goods and services that businesses are willing to offer at different prices
Demand is the quantity of goods and services that customers are willing to buy at different prices.
Economic Systems
Capitalism is a free-market system meaning businesses can decide how much they will produce and charge and then individuals can decide how much they will buy and how much their willing to pay. Capitalism is the primary economic system of the US. Private ownership
Socialism is based down on the idea that the government owns and operate key industries that impact public law fair things like health care, telecommunication, utilities. Socialism has higher taxes for those who make more.
Communism is based down on a very strong central government controls all businesses and enterprises, today north Korea and Cuba have communism. This mean Indvidual's aren't really allowed to even make the most basic choices from themselves.
Socialism and Communism are controlled by the government