Cold War→ A state of hostility that exists between two states characterized by an ideological struggle rather than open warfare
Between the Soviet Union and the US
Allied powers were affected economically due to the WWII
Two Global Powers emerged as a result→ The United states and the Soviet Union
Economic and technological advantages
The reason why US and USSR emerged as global powers
Economic advantages
United States
WWII affected the economy as more women were involved in the work force
The US avoids geographical and economic damage outside of Pearl Harbor due to its distant geographical location
Marshall Plan→sent money in aid for economic recovery in war-torn nations which lead to those nations experiencing a revival
Balance of power shifts to the USA
Soviet Union
Economy was heavily directed by the state
Command economy draws skepticism from free market minded folks+ in years leading up to WWII, the soviet economy grew rapidly, growth led to suffering and death of Soviet citizens
Soviet Economy
Natural Resources
Enormous territory
Large population
Investment before WWII
infrastructure was already in place
Technological Advances
US develops most advanced + devastating weapon→ Atomic Bomb
Deployed two on Japan ending war in the Pacific Theatre
The US was high on the scale of most advanced military tech
The Soviet Union refuses to be intimidated and begins to advance their own weapon art and tech
Arms Race→ A lot of money was invested into developing bombs
Nuclear and Hydrogen bombs
WWs create the stage for this
Colonies had to fight for the imperial parents against their will in hopes that their sacrifice would be honored with indépendance
Woodrow Wilson→ Insisted on self-determination for all nations
vetoed and Mandate system was enacted instead
Mandate system→ Divided the colonies of world into a hierarchical system with varying degrees of self-rule based upon their ability to sustain themselves
Did not follow through leading to the Colonies becoming infuriated
Massive anti-imperial movement broke out due to no effort being made toward indépendance after fighting for others outside colony
Due to the WWs draining European powers from resources and military, the rebellions were more successful