TWO TUTORIAL PAPERS Weighting: 40% (20% per paper).
Word length: 1000 words per paper.
Due date: 2 weeks after the tutorial in which the essay question was discussed.
Marking-criteria: Tutorial papers are assessed against the marking-criteria in HPI’s essay rubric. This rubric is available in the course’s ECP and on its BlackBoard site.
Submission: Tutorial papers can only be submitted electronically. To do so students use the relevant Turn-It-In hyperlink on the Assessment webpage of the BlackBoard site. Every student submits 2 tutorial papers of 1000 words each.
The first paper must answer the 4 set questions for a numbered tutorial in the first half of the course (weeks 1 to 7) and the second paper must do the same for the second half (weeks 8 to 13). You are completely free to choose the tutorials for which you write essays. Your answers to the 4 set tutorials questions should be based on the set primary source as well as the essential or recommended pieces of modern scholarship. An answer to a tutorial question should be around 250 words with the total length of the paper being no more than 1000 words.
Weighting: 50% (25% per question).
Duration: 120 minutes + 10 minutes reading time.
Format: 2 exam essays (750 words per essay)
Due date: In the examination period after week 13. Marking-criteria: Your exam will be marked against the following criteria:
1. an ability to recognise key issues in the exam question,
2. an ability to structure an argument,
3. the ability to tailor content for answering the exam question,
4. appropriate use of ancient evidence,
4. engagement with scholarship and/or academic debates, and
5. clear and concise written expression.
This exam is based on the course’s lectures. You must answer 1 question from the course’s first half (weeks 1 to 7) and 1 other question from its second half (weeks 8 to 13). Your answers will be short essays. Part A of this exam contains an essay question for each of the numbered lectures in the course’s first half. Part B does the same for the second half. Each exam question will be similar to the lecture discussion question that is discussed at the end of each 2-hour lecture.
Weighting: 10%
Marking-criteria: Your tutorial participation will be marked against the following criteria:
1. participation in group discussion,
2. evidence of preparation for the tutorials,
3. relevancy of contributions to group discussion,
4. evidence of teamwork, and
5. attendance.
Every student is required to read the ancient source or sources and no less than 2 pieces of scholarship that are set for each tutorial and to contribute actively to the general discussions of the course. There is no requirement to do an in-class presentation. There will be a roll call at each tutorial.