Age of enlightenment
End of Ancient Era
Pharmacy was separated from medicine
1241 - Pharmacies were also opened in Germany
1800-1900 - Rapid developments in the pharmacy field.
A.K.A. Black Death
Caused by the spread by rodents and animals
Wiped out ⅓ of the world’s population.
Triggered religious, social, and economic upheavals (chaos). Profound effects on the course of European history.
Theophrastus Phillipus Aueolus Bombastus von Hohenheim.
Luther of Medicine / Father of Modern Toxicology.
Paracelsus is referred to as the father of toxicology for his claim that, “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison.”
Sparked the growth of modern Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Process of distillation and extraction was introduced in the laboratory research.
“Founder of Modern Human Anatomy”
Author of De Humani Corporis fabrica (On the fabric of the Human Body).
German physician and botanist who authored one of the greatest pharmacopeias
Dispensatorium - considered as the first official Pharmacopoeia.
Influenced by the Guild System—Italy, France, Germany, and England.
Guild - an association of persons of the same trade or pursuits; protect mutual interest and maintain standards.
1st Botanical Garden - contains medicinal plants.
Drug Trade - trade between countries.
Academic study of pharmacognosy was instituted - Real study in a university; established study.
Pharmaceutical treaties, journals and pharmacopeias - agreement about the practice of pharmacy.
Nuovo Ricettario Fiorentino - first pharmacopoeia in Europe.
Bernard Courtois - French chemist who discovered the element iodine (through a seaweed experiment; noticed a purple crystal formation) and bromine.
Real and Boullay – introduced percolation (this requires a purus material (e.g. sand) to filter) as a means of extraction.
Pelletier and Caventou – Study of alkaloids such as quinine (cinchona tree) and strychnine (nux-vomica).
Pierre Jean Robiquet – discovery of codeine (also an alkaloid; from opium).
Jean-Baptiste Poquelin – against the high prices charged for remedies.
Louis Pasteur aka “Father of Microbiology” – develops the rabies vaccine; introduced pasteurization (for sterilizing, killing microorganism).
Pharmacy was regulated by the government, development of German Apothecary Shop
Andreas Marggraf – discovered sugar in beets though using alcohol extraction method; Apotheke/Apotheken.
Friedrich Serturner – discovered the painkiller morphine (very first component ? to be isolated from opium) in opium.
Karl Friedrich Mohr – Mohr Balance/Westphal Balance
George Merck – advocated in the pharmaceutical industry.
Felix Hoffman - successfully synthesizes salicylic acid or aspirin for commercial sale
Paul Ehrlich – introduced the concept of chemotherapy-0 and arsphenamine for treatment of syphilis (STD).
Apothecaries had difficulty in separating from the grocer.
Nicholas Culpeper – published the Complete Herbal which contains a rich store of pharmaceutical and herbal knowledge.
Carl Wilhelm Scheele – a pharmaceutical chemist who discovered H, O, Cl, Mo, W, Ba and glycerin; had the misfortune of not discovering that H2O is water.
Antoine Lavoisier aka “Father of Modern Chemistry” – help construct the metric system, research on gasses, water and combustion; Law of Conservation of Mass.
William Withering – discovered digitalis.
Edward Jenner – discovered cowpox (smallpox) vaccine.
Alexander Fleming – accidentally discovered penicillin.
Jean Peyroux - The very first licensed pharmacist in the US which was provided by a French organization (The Royal Physicians); practiced in New Orleans.
Jonathan Roberts - The very first hospital Pharmacist in Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia.
Andrew Cragie - America’s first Apothecary general; successor of Roberts.
Samuel Hopkins - Issued the first patent for the process of making potash : fertilized
John Pemberton
Had Morphine addiction
Reversed Cocaine to make French wine coca which would later on be Coca-Cola.
18th and 19th century has witnessed many milestones:
First pharmacy school was established in Philadelphia.
In 1852, the American pharmacy Association was established.
United States Pharmacopeia National Formulary was written in 1820 which includes: Standards for excipients, Botanicals and similar products
Pre-historic Period:
Mythical Period
Bathala/La-on — supreme god.
Captan – who shared with Bathala the creative power.
Bagobos — “Daragao”
Tiruray— “Balbol and Saitan”
Katalonan o Babaylan
Early Filipinos believed in the incarnation of their ancestors
During the pre-Spanish era, there were herbolarios—men skilled in the use of healing with herbs.
Pharmaceutical forms adopted by the early cuarenderos/quack doctors were confined to:
Macerations in cold and hot water
Infusions or decoctions in oil of the curative plant parts
Poultices and some powders
Resinous plasters and salves with a waxy base
Inhalations and fumigations and a few empyreumatic products.
Trade of herbs since the Spanish Era.
Spanish missionaries categorized hundreds of Philippine plants with medicinal properties, hence the publication of the Manual de Medicinas Caseras written by Father Fernando de Santa.
Botica Boie - Started as a small apothecary shop at Escolta, Manila in 1830 by a Spanish Pharmacist and physician, Don Lorenzo Negrao.
Don Leon Maria Guerrero aka “Father of Philippine Pharmacy” – among the first students of Ateneo (1859), BS Pharmacy (1875)
The University of Santo Tomas and the Development of Pharmacy in the Philippines
The UST was the first great institution of learning established in the Philippines.
Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Santo Tomás — located in Intramuros.
Jesusa A. Concha, PhD - A chemist, an assayer of the Tiki-tiki laboratory, which started the pharmaceutical industry in the Philippines.
BS Pharmacy, Saint Louis University — founded in 1963