1. Renaissance


  • 1350-1650

  • Age of enlightenment

  • End of Ancient Era 

  • Pharmacy was separated from medicine

  • 1241 - Pharmacies were also opened in Germany

  • 1800-1900 - Rapid developments in the pharmacy field.


  • A.K.A. Black Death

  • Caused by the spread by rodents and animals

  • Wiped out ⅓ of the world’s population.

  • Triggered religious, social, and economic upheavals (chaos). Profound effects on the course of European history.


  • Theophrastus Phillipus Aueolus Bombastus von Hohenheim.

  • Luther of Medicine / Father of Modern Toxicology.

  • Paracelsus is referred to as the father of toxicology  for his claim that, “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison.”

  • Sparked the growth of modern Pharmaceutical Sciences.

  • Process of distillation and extraction was introduced in the laboratory research.


  • “Founder of Modern Human Anatomy”

  • Author of De Humani Corporis fabrica (On the fabric of the Human Body).


  • German physician and botanist who authored one of the greatest pharmacopeias

  • Dispensatorium - considered as the first official Pharmacopoeia.


  • Influenced by the Guild System—Italy, France, Germany, and England.

  • Guild - an association of persons of the same trade or pursuits; protect mutual interest and maintain standards.


  1. 1st Botanical Garden - contains medicinal plants.

  2. Drug Trade - trade between countries.

  3. Academic study of pharmacognosy was instituted - Real study in a university; established study.

  4. Pharmaceutical treaties, journals and pharmacopeias - agreement about the practice of pharmacy.

  5. Nuovo Ricettario Fiorentino - first pharmacopoeia in Europe.


  1. Bernard Courtois - French chemist who discovered the element iodine (through a seaweed experiment; noticed a purple crystal formation) and bromine.

  2. Real and Boullay – introduced percolation (this requires a purus material (e.g. sand) to filter) as a means of extraction.

  3. Pelletier and Caventou – Study of alkaloids such as quinine (cinchona tree) and strychnine (nux-vomica).

  4. Pierre Jean Robiquet – discovery of codeine (also an alkaloid; from opium).

  5. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin – against the high prices charged for remedies.

  6. Louis Pasteur aka “Father of Microbiology” – develops the rabies vaccine; introduced pasteurization (for sterilizing, killing microorganism).


  • Pharmacy was regulated by the government, development of German Apothecary Shop 

  1. Andreas Marggraf – discovered sugar in beets though using alcohol extraction method; Apotheke/Apotheken.

  2. Friedrich Serturner – discovered the painkiller morphine (very first component ? to be isolated from opium) in opium.

  3. Karl Friedrich Mohr – Mohr Balance/Westphal Balance

  4. George Merck – advocated in the pharmaceutical industry.

  5. Felix Hoffman - successfully synthesizes salicylic acid or aspirin for commercial sale 

  6. Paul Ehrlich – introduced the concept of chemotherapy-0 and arsphenamine for treatment of syphilis (STD).


  • Apothecaries had difficulty in separating from the grocer.

  • Nicholas Culpeper – published the Complete Herbal which contains a rich store of pharmaceutical and herbal knowledge.

  • Carl Wilhelm Scheele – a pharmaceutical chemist who discovered H, O, Cl, Mo, W, Ba and glycerin; had the misfortune of not discovering that H2O is water.

  • Antoine Lavoisier aka “Father of Modern Chemistry” – help construct the metric system, research on gasses, water and combustion; Law of Conservation of Mass.

  • William Withering – discovered digitalis.

  • Edward Jenner – discovered cowpox (smallpox) vaccine.

  • Alexander Fleming – accidentally discovered penicillin.


  • Jean Peyroux - The very first licensed pharmacist in the US which was provided by a French organization (The Royal Physicians); practiced in New Orleans.

  • Jonathan Roberts - The very first hospital Pharmacist in Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia.

  • Andrew Cragie - America’s first Apothecary general; successor of Roberts.

  • Samuel Hopkins - Issued the first patent for the process of making potash : fertilized

  • John Pemberton

    • Had Morphine addiction 

    • Reversed Cocaine to make French wine coca which would later on be Coca-Cola.

18th and 19th century has witnessed many milestones:

  • First pharmacy school was established in Philadelphia.

  • In 1852, the American pharmacy Association was established. 

  • United States Pharmacopeia National Formulary was written in 1820 which includes: Standards for excipients, Botanicals and similar products


  • Pre-historic Period:

    • Mythical Period

    • Superstitious

    • Empiric


  • Bathala/La-on — supreme god.

  • Captan – who shared with Bathala the creative power.

  • Bagobos — “Daragao”

  • Tiruray— “Balbol and Saitan” 

  • Patianak

  • Katalonan o Babaylan

  • Early Filipinos believed in the incarnation of their ancestors


  • Anting-anting

  • Aswang

  • Pangungulam


  • During the pre-Spanish era, there were herbolarios—men skilled in the use of healing with herbs.

Pharmaceutical forms adopted by the early cuarenderos/quack doctors were confined to:

  1. Macerations in cold and hot water

  2. Infusions or decoctions in oil of the curative plant parts

  3. Poultices and some powders

  4. Resinous plasters and salves with a waxy base

  5. Inhalations and fumigations and a few empyreumatic products.


  • Trade of herbs since the Spanish Era.

  • Spanish missionaries categorized hundreds of Philippine plants with medicinal properties, hence the publication of the Manual de Medicinas Caseras written by Father Fernando de Santa.

  • Botica Boie - Started as a small apothecary shop at Escolta, Manila in 1830 by a Spanish Pharmacist and physician, Don Lorenzo Negrao.

  • Don Leon Maria Guerrero aka “Father of Philippine Pharmacy” – among the first students of Ateneo (1859), BS Pharmacy (1875)

  • The University of Santo Tomas and the Development of Pharmacy in the Philippines

    • The UST was the first great institution of learning established in the Philippines.

    • Colegio de Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Santo Tomás — located in Intramuros. 

  • Jesusa A. Concha, PhD - A chemist, an assayer of the Tiki-tiki laboratory, which started the pharmaceutical industry in the Philippines.

  • BS Pharmacy, Saint Louis University — founded in 1963 
