

“Lightning war” German invasion followed by red army ennecations of Poland


Battle tanks apart of the german army


Airforce of wehrmacht

Hermann Goering

German nazi politican, convicted war criminal, heavily involved in holocaust


Unified armed forces of nazis, heer(army) luftwaffe(airforce), kreigsmarine (navy)

Non-Aggresson pact ‘39

Agreement of no attacked between germany and soviet union

Phoney war

Lack of action on western front, britain/france prepare for war

Russo-Finnish war ‘39-40

Soviet union vs. finland, sovviet invasion, ending in moscow peace treaty

Winston Churchill

Pm of UK, allied victory

Dunkirk (Operation dynamo)

Evacuation from Dunkirk of 300000+ allied soldiers

Vichy France

French government in control during ww2, after defeat against germany

Charles DeGualle

French militrary leader, led forces against nazi germany

Battle of Britain

Luftwaffe vs. Royal airforce, battle for control over britain english skies


Detect and locate objects

The blitz

German bombing campaign against uk,

Erwin Rommel (Desert fox)

German marshall, leadership in north africa campaign

Afrika Korps

German military unit in africa campaign


cipher device developed and used in the early- to mid-20th century to protect commercial, diplomatic, and military communication

Battle of El Alamein

Axis army of Italy and Germany suffered defeat by the British army

Bernard Montgomery

Uk military leader, allied invasion (d-day), africa campaign,  victory in normandy, germany and l alamein

Battle of the Atlantic

Allied vs. German forces for control over Atlantic ocean ‘submarine warfare’


a group of vehicles, ships, or aircraft that travel together for mutual protection


German submarines


technology used to detect objects underwater

Operation Barbarossa

Inasion of Soviet union by Nazi germany

Scorched earth policy

military strategy that involves destroying everything that allows an enemy military force to fight a war.

Siege of Leningrad

Germany army seige leningrad during operation barabossa

Battle of Stalingrad

Massive casualities to both sides. Germany loses to Soviet union

Battle of Attrition

 to exhaust the enemy's ability to continue fighting, leading to their collapse or surrender over time.

Battle of Kursk

Largest tank battle in history, Soviet victory against Germany

Italian campaign

Led too liberation of Italy, allies/Axies invade Sicily

Wartime conferences

Held by allied forces to dicuss military operations

Tehran ‘43

1st Meeting with roosevelt, stalin, churchill (allied leaders)

Yalta ‘45

Allied forces (roosevelt, stalin, churchill) were closing in on a final victory over Nazi Germany in Europe,

Potsdam ‘45

United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union (churchill, Truman, stalin) after germany surrender

Sphere of influence

 territory where a particular country or political entity exerts significant cultural, economic, military, or political influence, often without direct control or formal authority.

Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt

leadership during the Great Depression, president of us

Josef Stalin

Leader of soviet union

Dwight Eisenhower

President of us, military leader, 

Operation overlord (D-Day)

 Allied operation that launched the successful liberation of German-occupied Western Europe 


D-day Allied western-Europe. Allies win back France

Mulberry Harbours

two temporary portable harbours developed by the British Admiralty and War Office during the Second World War to facilitate the rapid offloading of cargo onto beaches during the Allied invasion of Normandy 

Operation market garden

Allies aim to capture bridges in Netherlands, ‘Airborne operation’

V1(2) rockets

 German jet-propelled missiles

Battle of the bulge

Failed effort too surprise attack allied forces in forested Ardennes, by german forces

Warsaw uprising

 operation by the Polish underground resistance to liberate Warsaw from German occupation.

Berlin ‘45

Major offence attack from soviet army, capturing Berlin, Hitlers death, Germans surrender

VE day (Victory in Europe)

Allies celebrate defeat of Nazi Germany, bringing peace to Europe

Final Soultion

The Nazi plan to exterminate the Jewish population in Europe.

Einrich Himmler

Primary role in the holocaust, head of SS


deliberate extermination of a group of people based on their identity.

Einsatzgruppen (SS)

key perpetrators of the Nazi genocide, responsible for mass shootings and other forms of execution

Warsaw ghetto

brutal symbol of the Nazi effort to exterminate the Jewish people during the Holocaust

Auschewitz (Concentration/death camps)


the systematic genocide orchestrated by Nazi Germany during World War II, resulting in the deaths of six million Jews and millions of others

Nuremberg trials

prosecute prominent leaders of Nazi Germany for war crimes,
