(JFK) LBJ Presidency Study Guide Day 2
LBJ Becomes President. Hours after JFK’s assassination__ , vice-president_ Lyndon Johnson of texas__ was sworn in as president.
The biggest issues facing LBJ as President were:
The civil rights__________ movement
The growing ___poverty____________ in America
The conflict in Vietnam_______________.
President Lyndon Johnson. Major Events :
Civil Right Movement
1. Civil rights Act,1964 2. Voting rights Act,1965
War on Poverty = Great Society 1.Anti-poverty Act,1964 2.Education reform
Cold War = US Involvement in Vietnam
July of 1964__, LBJ pushed the civil rights act_ through Congress. The act prohibited discrimination__ based on race__, color, religion or national origin___ and granted the federal government new powers to___enforce_____________ the law.
He also signed in to law the voting_ Rights Act of 1965. Which prohibited ___literacy___ test or other discriminatory practices for voting.
The Economic Opportunity Act created the ____job________ Corps, ___vista__ (Volunteers in Service to America), Project ___head_______ Start for under privileged preschooler, and the Community action___ Program (CAP), which encouraged the po9or to participate in public works programs.
Once Johnson was elected in 1964, he began working on his plan for domestic________ programs to help the United States. He called his program the _____great________ Society. The key programs of the Great Society were ____Medicare____________, Medicaid________, Head Start__________ and HUD.
*In 1964, the ____republicans___ nominated conservative senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona to oppose Democrat Lyndon Johnson. Goldwater alienat4ed voters by suggesting the use of ___nuclear_____________ weapons in ___Cuba___ and North Vietnam.
Education. Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act which provided $1__ billion dollars to help public schools buy textbooks____ and library__ materials. This Act represented the first major federal_____ aid package for education________ ever.
Healthcare. LBJ “enhanced” social security by establishing Medicare________ and Medicaid___________.
Medicare provided ___hospital_____________ insurance and low-cost medical care to the ____elderly_________.
Medicaid provided ___health___________ benefits to the ___poor___________.
Housing. LBJ and Congress appropriated money to build ___240,000_______ units of low rent public____ housing. LBJ established the Department of Housing and Urban Development (__HUD___).
Immigration Reform. The new Immigration Act of 1965 opened the door for many non-European immigrants to settle____ in the U.S.
The Environment. LBJ actively sought to improve the environment by asking Congress to pass
The ___water_______ Quality Act of 1965. It required states to clean up their ___river______ and
lakes. LBJ also ordered the government to clean up corporate__ polluters of the environment.