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Important Wars

Hundred Years War
  • 1337-1453

  • Fought between England and France

  • A long struggle between England and France over succession to the French throne

  • Cause

    • Territorial rights between England and France. Edward III (or Edward of Windsor, King of England) invaded France in 1337 to assert his claim over the French crown

  • Effect

    • Basically destroyed the feudal nobility and brought about a new social order

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Guînes

  • Winning Team

    • The French

Italian Wars
  • 1494-1559

  • Fought between Italy, France, Spain

  • series of violent wars for control of Italy, fought largely by France and Spain but involving much of Europe

  • Cause

    • Ludovico Sforza, Regent of Milan, encouraged Charles VIII of France to invade Italy

  • Effect

    • Shifting power dynamics and foreign dominance over Italy. Significantly altered the political and social landscape. Power given to the Habsburgs.

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis

  • Winning Team

    • The Spanish Habsburgs

Schmalkaldic War
  • 1546-1547

  • Fought between Lutherans and Catholics

  • The short period of violence between the forces of Emperor Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire and the Lutheran/Protestant Schmalkaldic League within the domains of the Holy Roman Empire.

  • Cause

    • Charlies V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire failed to bring religious unity in 1530 at the Diet of Augsburg

  • Effect

    • Peace of Augsburg ended the war. Gave each German prince the right to determine the religion of his state, either Roman Catholic or Lutheran.

  • Treaty

    • Peace of Augsburg

  • Winning Team

    • The Holy Roman emperor Charles V

French Wars of Religion (Three Henry War)
  • 1562-1598

  • Fought between French Catholics and Protestants (Huguenots)

  • A period of civil infighting and military operations

  • Cause

    • The Roman Catholic Guise family got angry after Catherine de Médicis (Queen of France at the time) tolerated Huguenots more after the rise of Calvinism

  • Effect

    • Edict of Nantes is issued by Henry of Bordorn, King of Navarre (now Henry IV) which grants religious tolerance of the Huguenots

  • Explanation

    • Henry III (h3) is the son of Catherine and isn’t Catholic enough for Henry of Guise (hg). Hg gets help from the Spanish to take h3 down. H3 gets help from Henry of Navarre (hn) to kill hg and his holy team. Hg goes down and h3 goes and kills the rest of the fam. Someone else rises up to h3 cause they mad. H3 got killed by someone on a holy team, so h3 said that hn gets the throne.

  • Treaty

    • Edict of Nantes

  • Winning Team

    • Henry of Navarre (Now Henry IV of France) gets the French throne

Spanish Armada
  • 1588

  • Fought between Spain and England Dutch Republic

  • Name of the naval fleet destroyed by England, contributing to the economic depression of Spain

  • Cause

    • Years of religious and political differences led up to the conflict between Catholic Spain and Protestant England

  • Effect

    • The defeat of the Armada saved England from invasion and the Dutch Republic from extinction

  • Winning Team

    • The English

Thirty Years War
  • 1618-1648

  • Fought between Roman Catholics and Protestants in Germany

  • A series of conflicts which was originally fought between Roman Catholic and Protestant states for religion, but turned into a conflict over political power

  • Cause

    • Perceived imbalance of power in the region, resentment of the Habsburg Dynasty and their control of commerce, weakening of the power of the Holy Roman Emperor, commercial Interests in the Region, religious disagreement.

  • Effect

    • Some Europeans have become disillusioned with established religion. State-sponsored religion declined, greater religious freedoms. Influence of the church also declined. 

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Westphalia

  • Winning Team

    • The Protestants (cause everyone hates the Habsburg) because it ended in a peace treaty that recognized their religion

The English Civil War (there are three)
  • 1642-1651. First English Civil War (1642-1646). Second English Civil War (1648-1649). Third English Civil War (1649-1651).

  • Fought between King Charles I (Royalists/Loyalist/Cavaliers) and Parliament, lead by Oliver Cromwell (Roundheads/Parliamentarians)

  • A civil war in England because King Charles was having a massive ass attitude with Parliament

  • Cause

    • Religious differences (Puritans wanted Charles to change things in the Church of England to take a step away from Catholicism. Charles did not give a shit), political tensions (Charles believed in the Divine Right of Kings and refused to show power with Parliament), and economic issues (Charles tried to get money, everyone hated it).

  • Effect

    • The Roundheads win. Charles I was executed in 1649. Oliver became Lord Protector of England, and started to turn into Charles bc power hungry. Monarchy was restored in 1660 with less powers and greater emphasis on parliament. Established limited power of the monarchy. Profound impact on the development of democracy and constitutional government in England and other parts of the world.

  • Explanation

    • First Civil War (1642-1646): Charles had north and west England, Parliament had southern and eastern regions. Chalres was gaining the upper hand in 1643 after an alliance with Irish Catholics, but a huge Scottish army joined Parliament in 1644. They met at Marston Moor where Parliament took away Charles power in northern England. There, they made a good army (called New Model Army) that won during the Battle of Naseby in 1645.

    • Second Civil War (1648-1649): Charles refused to give in. Charles had a treaty with the scots so that they cut ties with Parliament which brought uprisings from Charles’ supporters. Parliaments crushed the uprisings using the New Model Army and came to the conclusion Charles wouldn’t give them peace, so off with his head. He was executed in 1649.

    • Third Civil War (1649-1651): Cromwell took back Ireland using the New Model Army and death, killing Irish and Royalist troops, plus some civilians added into the mix. Scots were gonna execute Charles I son, Charles II, who was King of Scotland in 1651. Charles 2.0 made an English and Scottish Royalist army (before he was officially crowned) which made Cromwell invade Scotland in 1650. Chalres II lost, so he went to England, which he also lost. Fled before he could get captured. Ended the Third Civil War and also the larger War of the Three Kingdoms (England, Scotland, and Ireland).

  • Treaty

    • None. First ended with the Battle of Naseby. Second ended via Charles no head. Third ended with Chalres 2.0 fleeing and causing no more trouble.

  • Winning Team

    • The Roundheads, Parliament, Oliver Cromwell

War of the Spanish Succession
  • 1701-1714

  • Fought between Habsburg Spain, Holy Roman Empire, Great Britain, Dutch Republic, Prussia, Portugal, and Savory, all with in support of Archduke Charles. Bourbon Spain, France, Bavaria, Cologne, and Portugal and Savoy (Portugal and Savoy changed sides in 1703) in support of Philip of Anjou.

  • It as the first world war of modern times with theaters of war in Spain, Italy, Germany, Holland, and at sea all for the purpose of gaining the Spanish throne

  • Cause

    • The death of the childless Habsburg King Charles II of Spain in 1700. In his will Charles gave the crown to Philip, Duke of Anjou, grandson of King Louis XIV of France. Archduke Charles thought he was the rightful heir.

  • Effect

    • Split up the Spanish Monarchy, which secured the balance of power and helped to regulate the relations between the major European powers over the coming century. Philip gets the Spanish throne, but has to give up all French titles.

  • Treaty

    • The Peace of Utrecht

  • Winning Team

    • Philip of Anjou

Seven Years War (French and Indian War)
  • 1756-1763

  • Fought mainly between France and Great Britain. France, Austria, Saxony, Sweden, and Russia on one side. Great Britain, Prussia, and Hanover on the other. 

  • Began in 1756 when the fighting between French and colonists merged into a European conflict involving France, Austria, and Russia against Prussia and Britain. Considered the first world war (since multiple parts of the world were involved).

  • Cause

    • An attempt by the Austrian Habsburgs to win back the province of Silesia, which had been taken from them by Frederick the Great of Prussia. MAINLY France and Britain fighting over control of North America and India.

  • Effect

    •  Provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America.

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Paris of 1763

  • Winning Team

    • Great Britain because the Treaty of Paris (1763) granted them a shit ton of land and took away a lot of land from the French

Napoleonic Wars
  • 1799-1815

  • Fought between France fighting like everyone

  • A series of conflicts between Napoleon's France and a shifting web of alliances among other European powers

  • Cause

    • Started as a preemptive war by Revolutionary France to forestall the attempt of the ancien régimes of Europe to suppress the French revolution

  • Effect

    • Significant border change. Formation of the Confederation of the Rhine. No more Holy Roman Empire. Laid the groundwork for the unification of Germany.

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Paris, the Congress of Vienna

  • Winning Team

    • Napoleon won in the beginning, but in the end, the allies (the United Kingdom, Prussia, Russia, and Austria, Netherlands, and several German states) formed the Seventh Coalition and exiled Napoleon for the second time 

Opium Wars
  • 1839-1842

  • Fought between China and Great Britain

  • The era of unequal treaties between China and foreign imperialist powers (Great Britain, France, Germany, the U.S., Russia, and Japan) where China was forced to concede many of its territorial and sovereignty rights

  • Cause

    • The British were smuggling opium from their Indian colonies into Chinese ports against the wishes of the Chinese government

  • Effect

    • Resulted in two treaties, each expanding the size of Britain's Hong Kong territory

  • Treaty

    • Treaty of Nanjing, The Treaty of Wangxia

  • Winning Team

    • Great Britain won the first. Great Britain and France won the second war.

Crimean War
  • 1853-1856

  • Fought between Russia against Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia

  • Encompassed trench warfare, amphibious assaults, and naval blockades over who would have power over Orthodox Christians living in Ottoman territory

  • Cause

    • A dispute between the Russian Czar, Nicholas I and the Ottoman Emperor, Abdulmejid I, over which empire would have authority over Orthodox Christians living in Ottoman territory. The British + France helped the Ottomans because they didn’t want Russia expanding.

  • Effect

    • Weakened the Imperial Russian Army, drained the treasury and undermined Russia's influence in Europe.

  • Treaty

    •  Treaty of Paris (1856)

  • Winning Team

    • The British

Danish War (German-Danish War)
  • 1864

  • Fought mainly between Dutch and Prussia

  • The second of two conflicts over the settlement of the Schleswig-Holstein question

  • Cause

    • The death of King Frederick VI of Denmark in 1839 triggered a crisis, as the succession laws of Denmark conflicted with those of Holstein, and the status of Schleswig was uncertain.

  • Effect

    • The Danish state lost the two German duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg, and the ethnically mixed Danish duchy of Schleswig; a loss of a third of its territory and 40% of the state's population

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Vienna

  • Winning Team

    • Austro-Prussian Victory

Austro-Prussian War (Seven Weeks War)
  • 1866

  • Fought between the Austrian Empire and Kingdom of Prussia

  • A war fought between the Austrian Empire and its German allies, and Prussia with its German allies in 1866, that resulted in Prussian dominance in Germany.

  • Cause

    • The dispute between Prussia and Austria over the administration of Schleswig-Holstein

  • Effect

    • Prussian dominance over the German states. A shift in power among the German states away from Austrian and towards Prussian hegemony

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Prague

  • Winning Team

    • Prussia victory. Austria was excluded from Germany

Franco-Prussian War (War of 1870)
  • 1870-1871

  • Fought between France and Prussia (Northern German Confederation)

  • Coalition of German states led by Prussia defeated France, ending French hegemony in continental Europe and creating a unified Germany

  • Cause

    • The candidacy of Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen for the Spanish throne, which raised the possibility of a combination of Prussia and Spain against France

  • Effect

    • The creation of the German Empire, Continental Europe's most powerful state with Berlin replacing Paris as the focal point of global politics

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Frankfurt

  • Winning Team

    • Prussia

Russo-Japanese War
  • 1894-1895

  • Fought between Russia and Japan

  • Military conflict in which a victorious Japan forced Russia to abandon its expansionist policy in East Asia

  • Cause

    • Both countries had a claim on Manchuria, an area located in the Korean Empire and partly in both Russia and China

  • Effect

    • Japan got control of Korea (via treaty) and much of South Manchuria, including Port Arthur and the railway that connected it with the rest of the region. The first Asian power in modern times to defeat a European power

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Portsmouth

  • Winning Team

    • Japan

Spanish-American War
  • 1898

  • Fought between the United States and Spain

  • Ended Spain's colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere and secured the position of the United States as a Pacific power

  • Cause

    • The atrocities of the Spaniards against the Cuban population. America's support the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule, and the mysterious explosion of the battleship U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor

  • Effect

    • Produced a peace treaty that compelled the Spanish to relinquish claims on Cuba, and to cede sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States

  • Treaty

    • Treaty of Paris (1898)

  • Winning Team

    • The United States of America

World War 1
  • 1914-1918

  • Fought between Allies (mainly France, Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and starting in 1917, the U.S.), and the Central Powers (mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey)

  • A global conflict between two coalitions: the Allies and the Central Powers because of MANIA

  • Cause

    • M- Military. The expansion of literally EVERYONE’S military because it’s believed that a state should maintain a strong army.

    • A- Aliences. You fight this guy, so you bring your friends to fight, but the guy brings his friends to fight too. Makes fighting happen in a lot of places instead of one.

    • N- Nationalism. Love your country, hate for everyone else's country. Need to fight it out.

    • I- Imperialism. Countries (specifically Britain and France) expanded their empires which created tension among Europe. 

    • A- Assassination. Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist group because they were mad that Austria took over Serbia. Austria then declares war on Serbia. Serbia and Austria both have allies. Big ass braw

  • Effect

    • War is no longer taking turns. War is new, aka, trenches, machine guns, and new artillery, shit more death. The Great Depression, the rise of Hitler, Soviet communism. Four imperial dynasties collapsed: the Habsburgs (Austria-Hungary), the Hohenzollerns (Germany), the sultanate of the Ottoman Empire, and the Romanovs (Russia). Fucking WORLD WAR TWO

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Versailles

  • Winning Team

    • The Allies

World War 2
  • 1939-1945

  • Fought between the Allied Powers (Britain, France, Russia, China, and in 1941, the U.S.), and the Axis (Germany, Italy, and Japan)

  • The biggest and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30 countries, sparked by the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland

  • Cause

    • The Treaty of Versailles, the Great Depression, basically all of World War 1, Hitler rising up + Hitler’s propaganda

  • Effect

    • The ATOMIC BOMB. The freaking Holocaust, displacement of European jews. The European world is literally in shambles. The dividing of Germany. Shit ton of death. End of colonialism and imperialism. End of dictatorship in Germany and Italy. Strengthening of nationalist movements in Africa and Asia.

  • Treaty

    • The Paris Peace Treaties (in Europe). The Treaty of San Francisco (between US and Japan)

  • Winning Team

    • The Allied Powers

Cold War
  • 1947-1991

  • Fought between mainly USA and Soviet Union with its satellite states

  • An ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II

  • Cause

    • USA fucking HATES communism

  • Effect

    • Created a sense of mistrust between countries, which led to a decrease in international cooperation and an increase in international tension. The fall of the USSR

  • Treaty

    • INF Treaty (The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty)

  • Winning Team

    • Basically the US

Important Wars

Hundred Years War
  • 1337-1453

  • Fought between England and France

  • A long struggle between England and France over succession to the French throne

  • Cause

    • Territorial rights between England and France. Edward III (or Edward of Windsor, King of England) invaded France in 1337 to assert his claim over the French crown

  • Effect

    • Basically destroyed the feudal nobility and brought about a new social order

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Guînes

  • Winning Team

    • The French

Italian Wars
  • 1494-1559

  • Fought between Italy, France, Spain

  • series of violent wars for control of Italy, fought largely by France and Spain but involving much of Europe

  • Cause

    • Ludovico Sforza, Regent of Milan, encouraged Charles VIII of France to invade Italy

  • Effect

    • Shifting power dynamics and foreign dominance over Italy. Significantly altered the political and social landscape. Power given to the Habsburgs.

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis

  • Winning Team

    • The Spanish Habsburgs

Schmalkaldic War
  • 1546-1547

  • Fought between Lutherans and Catholics

  • The short period of violence between the forces of Emperor Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire and the Lutheran/Protestant Schmalkaldic League within the domains of the Holy Roman Empire.

  • Cause

    • Charlies V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire failed to bring religious unity in 1530 at the Diet of Augsburg

  • Effect

    • Peace of Augsburg ended the war. Gave each German prince the right to determine the religion of his state, either Roman Catholic or Lutheran.

  • Treaty

    • Peace of Augsburg

  • Winning Team

    • The Holy Roman emperor Charles V

French Wars of Religion (Three Henry War)
  • 1562-1598

  • Fought between French Catholics and Protestants (Huguenots)

  • A period of civil infighting and military operations

  • Cause

    • The Roman Catholic Guise family got angry after Catherine de Médicis (Queen of France at the time) tolerated Huguenots more after the rise of Calvinism

  • Effect

    • Edict of Nantes is issued by Henry of Bordorn, King of Navarre (now Henry IV) which grants religious tolerance of the Huguenots

  • Explanation

    • Henry III (h3) is the son of Catherine and isn’t Catholic enough for Henry of Guise (hg). Hg gets help from the Spanish to take h3 down. H3 gets help from Henry of Navarre (hn) to kill hg and his holy team. Hg goes down and h3 goes and kills the rest of the fam. Someone else rises up to h3 cause they mad. H3 got killed by someone on a holy team, so h3 said that hn gets the throne.

  • Treaty

    • Edict of Nantes

  • Winning Team

    • Henry of Navarre (Now Henry IV of France) gets the French throne

Spanish Armada
  • 1588

  • Fought between Spain and England Dutch Republic

  • Name of the naval fleet destroyed by England, contributing to the economic depression of Spain

  • Cause

    • Years of religious and political differences led up to the conflict between Catholic Spain and Protestant England

  • Effect

    • The defeat of the Armada saved England from invasion and the Dutch Republic from extinction

  • Winning Team

    • The English

Thirty Years War
  • 1618-1648

  • Fought between Roman Catholics and Protestants in Germany

  • A series of conflicts which was originally fought between Roman Catholic and Protestant states for religion, but turned into a conflict over political power

  • Cause

    • Perceived imbalance of power in the region, resentment of the Habsburg Dynasty and their control of commerce, weakening of the power of the Holy Roman Emperor, commercial Interests in the Region, religious disagreement.

  • Effect

    • Some Europeans have become disillusioned with established religion. State-sponsored religion declined, greater religious freedoms. Influence of the church also declined. 

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Westphalia

  • Winning Team

    • The Protestants (cause everyone hates the Habsburg) because it ended in a peace treaty that recognized their religion

The English Civil War (there are three)
  • 1642-1651. First English Civil War (1642-1646). Second English Civil War (1648-1649). Third English Civil War (1649-1651).

  • Fought between King Charles I (Royalists/Loyalist/Cavaliers) and Parliament, lead by Oliver Cromwell (Roundheads/Parliamentarians)

  • A civil war in England because King Charles was having a massive ass attitude with Parliament

  • Cause

    • Religious differences (Puritans wanted Charles to change things in the Church of England to take a step away from Catholicism. Charles did not give a shit), political tensions (Charles believed in the Divine Right of Kings and refused to show power with Parliament), and economic issues (Charles tried to get money, everyone hated it).

  • Effect

    • The Roundheads win. Charles I was executed in 1649. Oliver became Lord Protector of England, and started to turn into Charles bc power hungry. Monarchy was restored in 1660 with less powers and greater emphasis on parliament. Established limited power of the monarchy. Profound impact on the development of democracy and constitutional government in England and other parts of the world.

  • Explanation

    • First Civil War (1642-1646): Charles had north and west England, Parliament had southern and eastern regions. Chalres was gaining the upper hand in 1643 after an alliance with Irish Catholics, but a huge Scottish army joined Parliament in 1644. They met at Marston Moor where Parliament took away Charles power in northern England. There, they made a good army (called New Model Army) that won during the Battle of Naseby in 1645.

    • Second Civil War (1648-1649): Charles refused to give in. Charles had a treaty with the scots so that they cut ties with Parliament which brought uprisings from Charles’ supporters. Parliaments crushed the uprisings using the New Model Army and came to the conclusion Charles wouldn’t give them peace, so off with his head. He was executed in 1649.

    • Third Civil War (1649-1651): Cromwell took back Ireland using the New Model Army and death, killing Irish and Royalist troops, plus some civilians added into the mix. Scots were gonna execute Charles I son, Charles II, who was King of Scotland in 1651. Charles 2.0 made an English and Scottish Royalist army (before he was officially crowned) which made Cromwell invade Scotland in 1650. Chalres II lost, so he went to England, which he also lost. Fled before he could get captured. Ended the Third Civil War and also the larger War of the Three Kingdoms (England, Scotland, and Ireland).

  • Treaty

    • None. First ended with the Battle of Naseby. Second ended via Charles no head. Third ended with Chalres 2.0 fleeing and causing no more trouble.

  • Winning Team

    • The Roundheads, Parliament, Oliver Cromwell

War of the Spanish Succession
  • 1701-1714

  • Fought between Habsburg Spain, Holy Roman Empire, Great Britain, Dutch Republic, Prussia, Portugal, and Savory, all with in support of Archduke Charles. Bourbon Spain, France, Bavaria, Cologne, and Portugal and Savoy (Portugal and Savoy changed sides in 1703) in support of Philip of Anjou.

  • It as the first world war of modern times with theaters of war in Spain, Italy, Germany, Holland, and at sea all for the purpose of gaining the Spanish throne

  • Cause

    • The death of the childless Habsburg King Charles II of Spain in 1700. In his will Charles gave the crown to Philip, Duke of Anjou, grandson of King Louis XIV of France. Archduke Charles thought he was the rightful heir.

  • Effect

    • Split up the Spanish Monarchy, which secured the balance of power and helped to regulate the relations between the major European powers over the coming century. Philip gets the Spanish throne, but has to give up all French titles.

  • Treaty

    • The Peace of Utrecht

  • Winning Team

    • Philip of Anjou

Seven Years War (French and Indian War)
  • 1756-1763

  • Fought mainly between France and Great Britain. France, Austria, Saxony, Sweden, and Russia on one side. Great Britain, Prussia, and Hanover on the other. 

  • Began in 1756 when the fighting between French and colonists merged into a European conflict involving France, Austria, and Russia against Prussia and Britain. Considered the first world war (since multiple parts of the world were involved).

  • Cause

    • An attempt by the Austrian Habsburgs to win back the province of Silesia, which had been taken from them by Frederick the Great of Prussia. MAINLY France and Britain fighting over control of North America and India.

  • Effect

    •  Provided Great Britain enormous territorial gains in North America.

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Paris of 1763

  • Winning Team

    • Great Britain because the Treaty of Paris (1763) granted them a shit ton of land and took away a lot of land from the French

Napoleonic Wars
  • 1799-1815

  • Fought between France fighting like everyone

  • A series of conflicts between Napoleon's France and a shifting web of alliances among other European powers

  • Cause

    • Started as a preemptive war by Revolutionary France to forestall the attempt of the ancien régimes of Europe to suppress the French revolution

  • Effect

    • Significant border change. Formation of the Confederation of the Rhine. No more Holy Roman Empire. Laid the groundwork for the unification of Germany.

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Paris, the Congress of Vienna

  • Winning Team

    • Napoleon won in the beginning, but in the end, the allies (the United Kingdom, Prussia, Russia, and Austria, Netherlands, and several German states) formed the Seventh Coalition and exiled Napoleon for the second time 

Opium Wars
  • 1839-1842

  • Fought between China and Great Britain

  • The era of unequal treaties between China and foreign imperialist powers (Great Britain, France, Germany, the U.S., Russia, and Japan) where China was forced to concede many of its territorial and sovereignty rights

  • Cause

    • The British were smuggling opium from their Indian colonies into Chinese ports against the wishes of the Chinese government

  • Effect

    • Resulted in two treaties, each expanding the size of Britain's Hong Kong territory

  • Treaty

    • Treaty of Nanjing, The Treaty of Wangxia

  • Winning Team

    • Great Britain won the first. Great Britain and France won the second war.

Crimean War
  • 1853-1856

  • Fought between Russia against Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia

  • Encompassed trench warfare, amphibious assaults, and naval blockades over who would have power over Orthodox Christians living in Ottoman territory

  • Cause

    • A dispute between the Russian Czar, Nicholas I and the Ottoman Emperor, Abdulmejid I, over which empire would have authority over Orthodox Christians living in Ottoman territory. The British + France helped the Ottomans because they didn’t want Russia expanding.

  • Effect

    • Weakened the Imperial Russian Army, drained the treasury and undermined Russia's influence in Europe.

  • Treaty

    •  Treaty of Paris (1856)

  • Winning Team

    • The British

Danish War (German-Danish War)
  • 1864

  • Fought mainly between Dutch and Prussia

  • The second of two conflicts over the settlement of the Schleswig-Holstein question

  • Cause

    • The death of King Frederick VI of Denmark in 1839 triggered a crisis, as the succession laws of Denmark conflicted with those of Holstein, and the status of Schleswig was uncertain.

  • Effect

    • The Danish state lost the two German duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg, and the ethnically mixed Danish duchy of Schleswig; a loss of a third of its territory and 40% of the state's population

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Vienna

  • Winning Team

    • Austro-Prussian Victory

Austro-Prussian War (Seven Weeks War)
  • 1866

  • Fought between the Austrian Empire and Kingdom of Prussia

  • A war fought between the Austrian Empire and its German allies, and Prussia with its German allies in 1866, that resulted in Prussian dominance in Germany.

  • Cause

    • The dispute between Prussia and Austria over the administration of Schleswig-Holstein

  • Effect

    • Prussian dominance over the German states. A shift in power among the German states away from Austrian and towards Prussian hegemony

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Prague

  • Winning Team

    • Prussia victory. Austria was excluded from Germany

Franco-Prussian War (War of 1870)
  • 1870-1871

  • Fought between France and Prussia (Northern German Confederation)

  • Coalition of German states led by Prussia defeated France, ending French hegemony in continental Europe and creating a unified Germany

  • Cause

    • The candidacy of Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen for the Spanish throne, which raised the possibility of a combination of Prussia and Spain against France

  • Effect

    • The creation of the German Empire, Continental Europe's most powerful state with Berlin replacing Paris as the focal point of global politics

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Frankfurt

  • Winning Team

    • Prussia

Russo-Japanese War
  • 1894-1895

  • Fought between Russia and Japan

  • Military conflict in which a victorious Japan forced Russia to abandon its expansionist policy in East Asia

  • Cause

    • Both countries had a claim on Manchuria, an area located in the Korean Empire and partly in both Russia and China

  • Effect

    • Japan got control of Korea (via treaty) and much of South Manchuria, including Port Arthur and the railway that connected it with the rest of the region. The first Asian power in modern times to defeat a European power

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Portsmouth

  • Winning Team

    • Japan

Spanish-American War
  • 1898

  • Fought between the United States and Spain

  • Ended Spain's colonial empire in the Western Hemisphere and secured the position of the United States as a Pacific power

  • Cause

    • The atrocities of the Spaniards against the Cuban population. America's support the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule, and the mysterious explosion of the battleship U.S.S. Maine in Havana Harbor

  • Effect

    • Produced a peace treaty that compelled the Spanish to relinquish claims on Cuba, and to cede sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States

  • Treaty

    • Treaty of Paris (1898)

  • Winning Team

    • The United States of America

World War 1
  • 1914-1918

  • Fought between Allies (mainly France, Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and starting in 1917, the U.S.), and the Central Powers (mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey)

  • A global conflict between two coalitions: the Allies and the Central Powers because of MANIA

  • Cause

    • M- Military. The expansion of literally EVERYONE’S military because it’s believed that a state should maintain a strong army.

    • A- Aliences. You fight this guy, so you bring your friends to fight, but the guy brings his friends to fight too. Makes fighting happen in a lot of places instead of one.

    • N- Nationalism. Love your country, hate for everyone else's country. Need to fight it out.

    • I- Imperialism. Countries (specifically Britain and France) expanded their empires which created tension among Europe. 

    • A- Assassination. Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist group because they were mad that Austria took over Serbia. Austria then declares war on Serbia. Serbia and Austria both have allies. Big ass braw

  • Effect

    • War is no longer taking turns. War is new, aka, trenches, machine guns, and new artillery, shit more death. The Great Depression, the rise of Hitler, Soviet communism. Four imperial dynasties collapsed: the Habsburgs (Austria-Hungary), the Hohenzollerns (Germany), the sultanate of the Ottoman Empire, and the Romanovs (Russia). Fucking WORLD WAR TWO

  • Treaty

    • The Treaty of Versailles

  • Winning Team

    • The Allies

World War 2
  • 1939-1945

  • Fought between the Allied Powers (Britain, France, Russia, China, and in 1941, the U.S.), and the Axis (Germany, Italy, and Japan)

  • The biggest and deadliest war in history, involving more than 30 countries, sparked by the 1939 Nazi invasion of Poland

  • Cause

    • The Treaty of Versailles, the Great Depression, basically all of World War 1, Hitler rising up + Hitler’s propaganda

  • Effect

    • The ATOMIC BOMB. The freaking Holocaust, displacement of European jews. The European world is literally in shambles. The dividing of Germany. Shit ton of death. End of colonialism and imperialism. End of dictatorship in Germany and Italy. Strengthening of nationalist movements in Africa and Asia.

  • Treaty

    • The Paris Peace Treaties (in Europe). The Treaty of San Francisco (between US and Japan)

  • Winning Team

    • The Allied Powers

Cold War
  • 1947-1991

  • Fought between mainly USA and Soviet Union with its satellite states

  • An ongoing political rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies that developed after World War II

  • Cause

    • USA fucking HATES communism

  • Effect

    • Created a sense of mistrust between countries, which led to a decrease in international cooperation and an increase in international tension. The fall of the USSR

  • Treaty

    • INF Treaty (The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty)

  • Winning Team

    • Basically the US