
  • Reject introspection- only interested in behaviour that can be measured

  • Claim behaviour is learnt

Classical conditioning

  • Learning through association

  • Extinction- where the conditioned response doesn’t become permanent

  • Spontaneous recovery- after extinction,if the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are paired together again the link is much more quick

  • Generalisation- Pavlov discovered that once an animal has been conditioned they will respond to simikiar stimuli to the conditioned stimulus

Operant conditioning

Skinner suggested humans and animals operate on there environment. This is where behaviour is learnt through reinforcement:

Positive reinforcement: recidvinb a reward for performing a behaviour

Negative reinforcement: when we avoid something unpleasant and the outcome is positive

Punishment: unpleasant consequences of behaviour


-the assumption that all behaviour is caused by experience

-use of animal research

-well controlled research
