Religion | Followers | Nation | Citizens | Ethnic group |
Islam | Muslim | Palestine* | Palestinians* | Arabs |
Judaism | Jews | Israel | Israeli |
Why is there fighting?
Home to 3 religions
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Biblical Times
Abraham has roots in all three religions
Abraham had 2 sons from different mothers
Ishmael (Muslim/ Mahamad)- hagar
Isaac (Jewish)- Sarah
Jealousy between mothers has been passed down through generations and have been fought over religious land
WWI: Allies versus Ottoman Empire conflict in Middle East
1915: Hussein-McMahn letters
Brits promised arabs independence (land) in exchange for help in the war against the Ottomans
1917: Balfour Declaration
They promised the jews a homeland for help
1916 Sykes Picot agreement
Secret agreement between the french and the brits to carve up the Middle East but under french and british control
1918 WWI ends
British/ French occupy different areas
Everyone is angry-no independence
1919 Feisal- Wizerman agreement
Jews and arabs made their own agreement
Idea of a 2 state solution
Arabs will only accept in british keep their wartime promises (Brits did not and the plan fell apart)
After the holocaust, jews wanted a safe place to call home
Chose palestine and moved there because of religious significance to the region and the land
Zionism- Desire for a jewish state (came around in the late 1800’s)
Arabs did not want jews moving in
The UN split Palestine into 2 countries
The UN partition Plan
Israel was for jews, palestine was for arabs
Arab nations protested against israel and wars broke out
Independence and war
1948 Israel declares independence and arab nations attack (Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon)
Israel was better armed and organized seized more land from palestinians
Seized- to capture; to take
Arabs in captured land fled to get away
Palestinian refugees went into neighboring countries
Refugee- a person who seeks safety in another country to escape a crisis
Many were poor so they went to refugee camps
Fifth generation of palestinians are still in those camps today
The Green Line was created
The bounty between israel and the west bank
Splits jerusalem in half
Also called the pre-1967 boundary
War, Land, Security
Six Day war- israel launched an attack against neighbors- Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq
Neighbors were mobilizing troops on border
Preemptive strike
Attack before they attack
Israel seized their land
Siani peninsula and gaza from egypt
West Bank from Jordan
Golan Heights from Syria
Israel occupies all of Palestine and arabs have nothing
Leads to more palestinian refugees
UN demands Israeli troops withdraw for peace
Israel said nope
Israels wants a buffer zone between themselves and their enemy
Steps for peace
1978 Camp david accords (Peace agreements)
Camp david accords- vacation home for the president
Agreement between Israel+Egypt
Israel got peace and recognition
Recognition- saying israel is a country and the land is theirs
Egypt got Sunni peninsula back
Land for peace agreement
Why a big deal?
Egypt is the first Arab nation to make peace and recognize Israel
US President Jimmy Carter negotiated with
Israel’s PM Begin
Egypt President Anwar Sadat
1981 Sadat assassinated
By egyptian extremist
Palestinians moved to reclaim land (west bank)
Palestinians threw stones as soldiers in an uprising called intifada
Intifada- shaking off
Led to violence by both sides
1990 Peace attempts
1993: Oslo accords (Oslo, Norway) were signed by
PM Yitzhak Rabin (Israel)
Yasser Arafat (Palestinians)
Plan for peace - laid out for long term goals
Goal: Eventually Israeli withdrawal from gaza and west bank
Means a 2 state solution
Trust is a big issue
Israel is worried about safety
Takes along time to gain trust
Take baby steps to get there
Gave palestinians control of parts of Gaza and the West bank
Gave palestinians the right to govern themselves
Why was Oslo such a big deal?
First time Palestine and Israel negotiated for peace
Oslo 2- 1995
Gave palestinians more self-rule in more cities in the West Bank
Allowed for current settlements to remain
Both Oslo agreements omitted key issues- Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, and boarders
1995- Rabin was murdered by a jewish extremist who opposed the Oslo accords