Articles of confederation no power, set policies for new states in the union,
Shays rebellion showed how weak the articles of confederation,
The constitution strong government, protected small states by having senators 2 form each state
Great compromise- slavery, ⅔ comprimes slave count toward populations
Check and balances three branches of government
Bicameral legislature- house of representatives and senate, 2 senators
Legislative branch, judicial , executive (president)
Federal system is the national government has control and so do the states
Bill of rights- individual liberties, like freedoms
Federalist papers- ratify us constitution
Natural rights- life liberty and pursuit of happiness
Hamilton- federalist, Jefferson- antifederalist
Hamilton for national bank jefferson against it
Excise tax - whiskey rebellion even washington
Washington precedent, (8 years) created an example of every president can serve a max of 2 terms
Washington was against political parties
Columbus discovered new world many dies small pox
Conquistadors conquer spanish soldiers 3g god gold glory
Spain and portugal expiration fiance by the government versus england - joint stock company made people wealthy
Jamestown- brown gold tobacco guaranteed success
Virgin house of burgesses first representative government
Indentured servants first laborers in virginia plantations = land
Bacons rebellion- frontier settlers wanted protection
Puritan holy common wealth - puritan work ethic work hard and get money
Pequot war- war between english and pequot over land very violent
Economy of the south based on agriculture
Triangular trade- trading slaves middle passage worst part, came form africa to //
Salutary neglect- england allowed colonies to do what they wanted as long as they were getting paid
Salem witch trials- fear over witch craft but also tension over wealth then a lot of them were killed
Will Penn- quakers- pennsylvania
quakers - peace and harmony toleration
enlightenment - reason age of reason
mercantilism - colonies make money for mother country
Stamp act - boycott of british good of violence by colonies
Boston massacre- use of propaganda to sway opinion against the british made to show how evil the british were
Boston tea party- threw tea in the river wanted to buy other tea only tea they could buy, the britain dressed up asa native americans and throw tea overboard
Olive branch petition- last ditch effort for peace with britain the king of england had no response
Thomas paine common sense - capitalism didn't want mercantilism, wanted colonist to make money, telling people to go along with the revolution
Continental congress- philadelphia
Declaration of independence- guaranteed basic rights and if the government isn't protecting your rights doing it than it can be overthrown jefferson, list of complaints, and guarantees liberties.
Revolutionary war the british and colonists, british better equipped the colonist knew the land
washington - turned the tide of the war when he won trenton and princeton
Battle of saratoga - victory convinced france to back the colonist navy
After discovery of new world many natives died due to illness/ diseases
Spanish conquistadors- 3g (god gold glory)
Joint stock company- financed first north american colonies
Jamestown success after tobacco became a successful crop
Virginia house of burgesses- first representative government
Indentured severance- first labors on plantations
Bacon's rebellion- frontier settlers wanted protection
Puritan work ethic- holy commonwealth
Pequot war- english win almost eliminated pequot over land
Cash crops- tobacco indigo and cotton set up the south economy
Triangular trade- middle passage slavery
Salutary neglect- colonies lack of control by the king as long as they paid
Salem witch trials- spread by hysteria over witchcraft and uneven economics
Quaker holy experiment- pennsylvania
Quakers- peace, harmony
Enlightenment- reason (base your decision on reason not religion)
Great awakening- new religious movement before revolution
Mercantilism- colonies made mother country richer
French and indian war- ended salutary neglect
Stamp act- anger colonies, boycotted british good and violence broke out
Boston massacre- propaganda to sway public opinion against the british
Boston tea party- affected all colonies because it was england's leading export
Olive branch potion- last ditch effort by congress to king george