
Introduction to Arrays in Java

  • Array Definition: A collection of elements of the same type stored in contiguous memory locations.

  • Size Declaration: Unlike Python, where lists can be dynamically resized, Java requires the array size to be defined at creation.

    • Example: An array can hold four characters, ten strings, and four doubles.

Array Indexing

  • Zero-based Indexing: Arrays in Java begin at index 0.

    • Example: First character is at index 0, the second at index 1, and so on.

  • Special Cases: In some programming contexts, like algorithms, it might be easier to use 1-based indexing, but for most Java purposes, stick with 0.

For Loop Fundamentals

  • Loop Structure:

    • Use a for loop to iterate through an array, starting from index 0 up to but not including the length of the array.

    • Example: To print "hello" 10 times, use a loop starting at 0 and less than 10 (i.e., for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)).

  • Accessing Elements: Ensure that loops do not go out of array bounds. Attempting to access an index equal to or greater than the array's length results in an error (e.g., "index out of bounds").

    • Example: For an array of size 5, valid indices are 0 to 4. Index 5 or higher will throw an error.

Initializing Arrays

  • Array Declaration and Initialization: An array can be declared and initialized in one line using curly braces and commas to separate elements.

    • Example: String[] names = {"Shinji", "Asuka", "Rei", "Hikari", "Mari"};

  • Separate Declaration and Initialization: You can also declare the array and then initialize it separately, which allows for assigning values at each index later.

    • Example:

      • String[] names = new String[5];

      • Assigning values: names[0] = "Shinji"; and so on.

Accessing Array Length

  • Getting Length: Use the length attribute to get the size of the array.

    • Syntax: arrayName.length (note: no parentheses).

    • Example: For an array of strings names, names.length returns the total number of elements.

Common Mistakes

  • Misunderstanding Length: Students often forget that the length property does not require parentheses, unlike methods.

  • Looping Errors: New programmers commonly start from index 1 or use <= in their loop condition instead of <, leading to out-of-bounds errors.

Iterating through Arrays

  • Using For Loops for Input and Output:

    • Read inputs for each index in a loop and print them using similar looping constructs.

    • Example:

      for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
      System.out.println("Name: " + names[i]);
  • Print Multiple Arrays: You can access multiple arrays in a single loop, maintaining the same index for simultaneous processing.

Example Activity Assignments

  • Assignment Overview: Create a project named "arrays" with a class named "ArrayFromInput" containing three arrays of different types:

    • Requirements: At least one array of strings, one of integers or doubles, and all arrays should have a minimum of three elements.

    • Prompt the user for input and print the arrays with headings for clarity.

  • Real-World Examples: Use cases like movies (titles, ratings, release years).

  • Guidance and Support: Refer to lecture slides for examples, but develop your own implementations to build understanding.

Conclusion and Upcoming Schedule

  • Test and Preparation: Remind students about the upcoming access test and to utilize no class on Friday for exam preparation and one-on-one consultations if needed.
