1.象征/象徵 xiàng zhēng symbol,token
2.赏月/賞月 shǎng yuè to enjoy at the moon
3.洁白/潔白 jiébái spotlessly white
4.院子 yuàn zi courtyard
5.遗憾/遺憾 yí hàn regret
6.想念 xiǎng niàn to miss
7.举/舉 jǔ to lift, to raise
8.故乡/故鄉 gù xiāng hometown
9.婵娟/嬋娟 cháng juān the moon
10.绝唱/絕唱 jué chàng unsurpassed masterpiece
10.特制/特製 tè zhì specially made
12.馅儿/餡兒 xiàn’r filling
13.嫦娥奔月 cháng é bēn yuè a legend about Chang’e who flew to the moon
14.吉庆/吉慶 jí qìng auspicious occasion
15.花好月圆 huā hǎo yuè yuán a wish for family happiness
16.品种/品種 pǐn zhǒng breed,kind
17.果仁 guǒ rén kernel
18.豆沙 dòu shā sweetened bean paste
19.火腿 huǒ tuǐ ham
20.蛋黄 dàn huáng yolk
21.祝愿/祝願 zhù yuàn wish
22.点燃/點燃 diǎn rán to ignite
23.鼓乐/鼓樂 gǔ yuè drumbeats
24.欢腾/歡騰 huān téng to be elated
25.起舞 qǐ wǔ to dance
26.风灾/風災fěng zāi violent storm
27.蟒蛇 mǎng shé Python
28.传染病/傳染病 chuán rǎn bìng contagious disease
29.菩萨/菩薩 pú sa bodhisattva
30.病魔 bìng mó serious illness
31.托 tuō to hold up,support by hand
32.捕鱼 bǔ yú to catch fish
33.度日 dù rì to make a living
34. 神话/神話 Shén huà myth
35.救 Jiù save
36.升天成仙 Shēngtiān chéng xiān ascend to heaven and become immortal
37.善良 Shànliáng kind
38.徒弟 Túdì apprentice
39.狩猎/狩獵 Shòuliè hunting
40.假装/假裝 Jiǎzhuāng pretend
41.对手/對手 Duìshǒu opponent
42.剑/劍 Jiàn sword
43.飘/飄 Piāo float
44.牵挂/牽掛 Qiānguà concern
45.伤心/傷心 Shāngxīn sad
46.惊奇/驚奇 Jīngqí surprise
47.身影 Shēnyǐng shadow
48.祭 Jì to offer sacrifice
49.祈求 Qíqiú pray for
50.吉祥 Jíxiáng good luck
51.平安 Píng'ān peace
52.民间 Mínjiān folk