Module 1 - 9 Types of Motivation for the Workplace with Examples [2024]

Employee Performance and Motivation

  • Motivation is crucial for achieving goals.

    • Serves as fuel for goal accomplishment.

  • Goals are often driven by intrinsic or extrinsic motivations.

    • Understanding these motivations is essential for different roles.

What is Motivation?

  • Definition: A force that drives individuals to take action towards goals.

  • Nature: Psychophysiological process that influences behavior.

  • Cultural Influence: Motivational drivers vary by culture and societal norms.

    • Cultural background shapes motivation (e.g., community service orientation, professional achievement).

  • Motivation is categorized into two major types:

    • Intrinsic Motivation: Internal, personal rewards.

    • Extrinsic Motivation: External rewards from outside the individual.

Intrinsic Motivation

  • Definition: Motivated by internal gratification or satisfaction.

  • Characteristics: Activities are pursued for their own sake, not for external recognition.

  • Examples of Intrinsic Motivation:

    • Example 1: Peter, the footballer, practices beyond required training for personal improvement.

    • Example 2: Sharon, who struggles with health issues, eventually resolves to adopted healthier habits for personal well-being.

    • Example 3: James studies Italian to fulfill his passion for traveling and engaging with cultures.

    • Example 4: Brenda volunteers and rehabilitates homeless animals for personal fulfillment rather than monetary gain.

Extrinsic Motivation

  • Definition: Driven by external rewards such as compensation or consequences.

  • Categories:

    • Compensation: Salary increases, bonuses, recognition.

    • Punishment: Fear of fines or job loss.

  • Examples of Extrinsic Motivation:

    • Example 1: A sales team is motivated by a bonus if they meet a target goal.

    • Example 2: John changes his behavior to avoid being fired for tardiness.

    • Example 3: Trisha buys the latest iPhone to fit in with societal trends, fueled by external pressures.

Differences Between Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic Motivation

Comes from within

Comes from external sources

Can be self-sustaining

Often temporary

Harder to stimulate

Easier to apply



Types of Intrinsic Motivation

  1. Competence Motivation:

    • Driven by the desire to learn and improve skills.

    • Example: Employee learning a new technique for self-betterment.

  2. Creative Motivation:

    • Arises from the desire to express oneself through various mediums.

    • Example: Writing a book or making art for personal satisfaction.

  3. Achievement Motivation:

    • Pursuit of personal goals for self-fulfillment rather than monetary rewards.

    • Example: Athletes striving for personal bests, independent of external recognition.

  4. Attitude Motivation:

    • Desire to make a positive change in society regardless of external validation.

    • Example: Helping others despite personal inconvenience.

  5. Affiliate Motivation:

    • Seeking belonging or acceptance within social groups.

    • Example: Choosing a workplace based on its community service ethics.

  6. Physiological Motivation:

    • Focused on meeting basic human needs.

Types of Extrinsic Motivation

  1. Reward-Based Motivation:

    • Motivation derived from external rewards; effective but often temporary.

  2. Power-Based Motivation:

    • Driven by the desire to lead or control situations or people.

    • Example: Leadership roles requiring influence and decision-making.

  3. Fear-Based Motivation:

    • Motivated by avoiding negative outcomes or consequences.

    • Example: Adhering to work schedules to avoid punishment.

Best Types of Motivation for Different Activities

  1. For Employees:

    • Reward-based, attitude, fear-based, creative, achievement, competence, power motivations.

  2. For Managers:

    • Reward-based, power-based, achievement, attitude, competence motivations.

  3. In Education:

    • Achievement, reward-based, fear-based motivations.


  • Understanding intrinsic and extrinsic motivations can enhance goal completion.

  • Different scenarios require specific types of motivation for best outcomes.

  • Balancing various motivation types can lead to effective results.
