the earth consists of the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core, all going deeper into the Earth in that order
crust - consists of oceanic and continental crust
oceanic crust - 6-10 km deep, average of 7, denser than continental crust, this causes it to subduct at collision areas 3 grams per cubic centimeter, younger/newer crust
continental crust - thick, 10 - 70 km, with 35 km being the average, buoyant and less dense than oceanic crust, mostly old crust, 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter, made up of solid rocks and mineral, its temperature is like the atmosphere near the surface, but as you go deeper the temperature gets to around 200 - 400 degrees c
mantle, middle layer of the earth, 2900 km thick, the deeper it is, the higher the temperature. varies from 1000 to 3000 degrees celsius depending on where it is, made up of solid rock - is solid, density is 4.5 grams per cubic centimeter
outer core - the layer between the mantle and the inner core, 2200 km thick, made up of liquid iron and nickel constantly flowing, 4500 - 5500 degrees celcius, 12.6-13 g/cm3
inner core - hot, dense ball of mostly iron at the centre of the earth, 1200 km radius, has such a large amount of pressure acting on it that it is solid, 5200 degrees celcius, 9.9 -12.2 g/cm3
asthenosphere - part of the earth that is below the lithosphere, it is much hotter and much more fluid
lithosphere - the solid part of the crust and upper part of the mantle, what tectonic plates are made up of
the lithosphere and tectonic plates remain above the asthenosphere and float on it
What does the Earth consist of ?
What is the density, temperature, and composition of each layer of the Earth?
What is the asthenosphere and lithosphere?
there are multiple reasons as to why different layers have different compositions and densities, such as density and pressure
the heaviest, most dense things sink deeper, while the lighter and less dense things rise, which causes the variation in composition
additionally, the temperature of the layers changes as they are subjected to more and more pressure and go deeper into the earth
the densities and pressures change because the layers deeper have pressure from the layers above pushing down on them, as well as gravity.
Why does the temperature, pressure, and composition of each layer change?
the theory of plate tectonics states that there are tectonic plates of the lithosphere floating on top of the asthenosphere, and moving due to mantle convection cells
the earths crust is divided into 12 major plates
the plates move, which causes them to either collide, pull apart, or scrape against one another
each type of interaction causes a characteristic set of Earth structures or tectonic features
tectonic - the deformation of the crust as a consequence of plate interaction
Summarise the theory of plate tectonics.
plates of the lithosphere are moved around by underlying mantle convection cells, areas where there are convection currents within the molten rock of the mantle
plates of the lithosphere are moved around by underlying mantle convection cells, areas where there are convection currents within the molten rock of the mantle
hot material heated further deeper in the mantle moves upwards due to being less dense, while cooler material at the top of the mantle sinks downwards due to having a higher density. as a result, this forms a current. the once cool material heats up and moves upwards, while the hotter material cools down and sinks down again.
What is the role of heat energy in plate tectonics?
a fault - a fracture/break or series of breaks within the earths crust
can also occur at folds, where they break once the fold can no longer resist the strain
occur often along plate boundaries
occurs when stress is applied too quickly or stress is too great
stress - a force that acts on a material
strain - the change that the material undergoes under the stress
foot wall - a slope you would put your feet on
hanging wall - a slope that you would hang from
there are different types of faults, that are determined depending on the type of stress applied to it
stress types:
compressional - push
tensional - pull
shear - slide past each other
types of faults:
normal fault - caused by tension
reverse fault - caused by compression
transform fault - caused by shear stress
the type of fault not only relies on stress, but how the hanging and foot walls move relative to each other
normal fault - occurs at divergent plate boundaries, occurs under tensional stress
reverse fault
occurs at convergent boundaries
occurs under compressional stress
transform fault / strike slip fault
occurs at transform plate boundaries
occurs under shear stress
folds occur under compressional stress, when stress is applied to both ends of a section of a rock or rock layers
some rocks might break, but a fold occurs when the rocks bend
anticline - fold in the shape of an ‘n’
syncline - fold in the shape of a ‘u’
What is a fault?
What are the different types of faults?
What is a fold? Under what conditions does it occur?
Define anticline, syncline, compressional stress, tensional stress, and sheer stress
What are the hanging and foot walls?
seafloor spreading occurs commonly at mid-ocean ridges, when two plates move away from each other (divergent plate boundary) causing volcanic activity in which new rock is formed from magma flowing out from the ridge
What is seafloor spreading?
What causes seafloor spreading?
volcanism and earthquakes are mainly focused at plate boundaries as that is where most tectonic activities occur
volcanoes can be formed in multiple ways:
subduction - subducting slab will melt into magma once it is pushed deep enough, and then be erupted once again at the surface
rifting - when two plates move apart magma rises (sea floor spreading) and causes volcanic eruptions at the surface
at hotspots, which do not occur at tectonic plate boundaries but appear anyway. a hot mantle plume breaches the crust in the middle of a tectonic plate. a chain of volcanoes may be formed as the tectonic plate moves above the hotspot
earthquakes also mainly occur at plate boundaries
this is because of applied stress, the plates may push against each other (for example, transform plate boundaries)
this causes earthquakes as the energy is released from the stress, and even more so it the plates were under tension/pressure for a long time
constructive plate boundaries - divergent plate boundaries
destructive plate boundaries - convergent plate boundaries
How are volcanoes formed?
What causes earthquakes?
What are constructive/destructive plate boundaries?
convergent plate boundaries - two plates are pushing together
divergent plate boundaries - plates are pulling apart
transform plate boundaries - plates slide against each other
What are the different types of plate boundaries?
Essentially, where there are all of the plate boundaries, there are volcanoes and earthquakes because that is where tectonic processes occur.
Where do earthquakes and volcanoes occur?
there are large amounts of evidence to support the theory of plate tectonics, such as:
fossils - fossils of the same species are found on different continents. as they animals couldn’t have moved, it means that the continents were together at some point
continental shores - the shores of the continents all fit together as if they are a puzzle, further proving that they continents were together at some point
hot spot volcanoes - the movement of plate tectonics over hotspots can be seen in the shape of the mountain and volcano ranges
What evidence supports the theory of plate tectonics?
Australia has a lot of volcanoes, but none of them have erupted for the past 5000 years
this is because Australia is located in the middle of a tectonic plate, and is far away from any plate boundaries
Why is the Australian continent so stable?
seismographs - detect seismic/shock waves underneath the ground and can predict when an earthquake is approaching
creepmeter - measures the movement of fault lines to determine if slow movement is taking place, which could potentially lead to earthquakes
Randon gas and other fumes are measured within the atmosphere and if detected in large amounts, it could suggest an earthquake approaching
creating artificial seismic waves and measuring their impact as well as behaviour of the crust can help determine its contents
gps positioning - measure the distance travelled by a station or location that can help determine the size of the earthquake
What is some technology used to predict earthquakes in asia-pacific regions?
rock - any solid mass that is naturally occurring or aggregate of minerals or mineraloid matter
mineral - a solid chemical compound with a fairly well-defined chemical composition and a specific crystal structure that occurs naturally in a pure form
ore - a natural rock or sediment that contains one or more valuable minerals
crystal - a solid material whose constituents are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions
igneous rocks
formed when magma or lava cools down and solidifies into rock
can be formed both underground and above ground
if above ground - volcanic/extrusive, and has smaller crystals
if underground - plutonic/intrusive, and has large crystals
sedimentary rocks
rocks formed by the compaction and sedimentation of sediments
formed on or near the earth’s surface, unlike metamorphic or igneous rocks
metamorphic rocks
formed when intense heat and or pressure modifies already existing rock, changing igneous, sedimentary and other metamorphic rocks
minerals can become foliated, or squashed into long strips
chemical compounds may change
formed very deep underground under areas of lots of pressure
What are the 3 types of rocks? What characterises each one?
Define the terms rock, mineral, ore and crystal.
igneous rocks are formed as magma solidifies - therefore, they are solidified moletn material
can be plutonic or volcanic:
volcanic / extrusive - formed above ground
plutonic / intrusive - formed under ground
volcanic rocks have smaller crystals within them as they have less time to form as the magma cools down
however plutonic rocks often have large crystals as they cool down slowly, meaning the crystals have more time to form
What are igneous rocks?
What are the two types of igneous rocks? How can you tell them apart?
metamorphic rocks form after being subjected to large amounts of pressure and intense heat
recrystallisation - a metamorphic process that involves the altering of a rock on an atomic level, where the crystal structure changes
What are metamorphic rocks?
What is recrystallisation?
sedimentary rocks are formed via the processes of weathering and erosion
weathering: the break down of rocks into smaller materials
physical weathering - weathering during which the chemical composition of the rocks isn’t altered
biological weathering - weathering influenced or caused by natural processes such as plants, animals, bacteria or fungi
chemical weathering - the chemical composition is altered as the rock is broken down
erosion - the natural processes such as water or wind that remove soil, rock, or dissolved material from one location on the Earth’s crust and then transports it to another location where it is deposited
often, the sediments are carried to water bodies where they accumulate
after a while, or several layers, the pressure along with the crystallisation of chemicals in the water creates layers of cemented rock
this is how sedimentary rock is formed
there are 3 types of sedimentary rock :
clastic - form from naturally weathered sediments, and bound by natural cements (for example, calcite, silica, gypsum
chemical - formed when dissolved chemicals within water crystallise and form rock
organic - formed from dead animal or plant matter
What is weathering?
What is erosion?
What are the 3 types of weathering?
what are the 3 types of sedimentary rock?
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
metamorphic rocks
often have layer structures of crystals due to pressure
tend to be harder and denser
layers of crystals can often have distortions shown via zig zag patterns due to movement occurring while they form
two types of metamorphic rocks:
regional metamorphism - occurs over a wide area, often due to tectonic plate boundaries
contact metamorphism - occurs in localised areas, often around plutonic igneous rocks
burial - pressure formed by many layers of rock pushing down causing the rock to recrystallise
shock - occurs under sudden force, pressure or heat, such as with a meteorite strike
seafloor - occurs due to high temperatures at mid-ocean ridges
examples of metamorphic rocks (increasing heat and pressure) - shale, slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss
igneous rocks
never have fossils in them
the rock depends on the magma that forms it, as it can have different contents and viscosities
made up of interlocking crystals
granite, basalt and obsidian are examples of igneous rocks
typically hard and strong
sedimentary rocks
3 types (mentioned before) - each one has different properties
horizontal layers, often visible
grains/clasts do not interlock, you can see cement between them
can contain fossils
often quite soft
has visible crystals
very rare fossils and layering
usually soft, sometimes layered
What are the properties of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks?
what are the 5 types of metamorphism?
what are the 3 types of sedimentary rocks?
Draw the rock cycle
limestone, sandstone and shale - sedimentary
granite - igneous
limestone → marble
sandstone → quartzite
shale → slate
granite → gneiss
What type of rocks are limestone, sandstone, granite and shale?
What do they metamorphose into?
limestone, sandstone and shale - sedimentary
granite - igneous
limestone → marble
sandstone → quartzite
shale → slate
granite → gneiss
What type of rocks are limestone, sandstone, granite and shale?
What do they metamorphose into?
largest unit of time is an eon
scientists use the terms late, middle and upper to define the amount of time and part of a period or other unit of time
upper - usually more millions of years while late is usually less
eon - several hundred million of years
era - tens to hundreds of million of years
period - millions of years to tens of millions years
epoch - millions of years to thousands of years
major geological events using a timescales:
earth formed 4700 million of years ago
oldest rocks were formed 4300 million of years ago
oldest life was formed 3800 million of years ago
the first vertebrates appeared 500 million years ago
first mammals appeared 200 million years ago
first primates appeared 65 million years ago
first homo sapiens appeared 2 million years ago
how long is an eon, era, period and epoch?
what are the terms upper, middle and late mean?
when was earth formed, oldest rocks formed, oldest life formed, first vertebrates appearing, first mammals appeared, first primates appeared, first homo sapiens appeared?
a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance
in order for something to be a mineral, it has to be:
be naturally occuring
solid under normal conditions
be inorganic
have a fixed chemical composition
have a specific atomic arrangement
a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance
in order for something to be a mineral, it has to be:
be naturally occuring
solid under normal conditions
be inorganic
have a fixed chemical composition
have a specific atomic arrangement
Define mineral
a solid, naturally occurring inorganic substance
in order for something to be a mineral, it has to be:
be naturally occuring
solid under normal conditions
be inorganic
have a fixed chemical composition
have a specific atomic arrangement
Define mineral