
  1. Nagara Style-characterized by its intricate structural and sculptural elements ex. LINGARAJ TEMPLE and KANDARYA MAHADEVA

  2. Mandapa

  3. Sikhara- The shikhara is a curvilinear tower above the garbha griha

    -Nagara shrine is recognizable by its curved sikhara

  4. Ratha- Hindu temple cut out solid rock to resemble a chariot

  5. Mandira-a Hindu temple

  6. Gupta- Chandragupta became ruler of the Gupta empire which was later expanded by his son, Samundragupta

  7. Chariot  = vehicle used by the hindu gods form their realm to earth

  8. Pagoda- Stupas and temples were referred to as “paya” (pagoda).

  9. Chumon- Middle/Central Gate guarded by two formidable guardian deities known as Kongo Rikishi

  10. Kondo-Main hall/ Golden Hall

    -Features dragon external wood embellishments

    -Second-story railings with swastika carvings connect inverted v-shape support pillars

  11. GOJU-NO-TO- (Five Storey Pagoda)

  12. Mosaic-in union with fellow men, pathway to christ - final goal through the altar

  13. Apse-semicircular or polygonal projection of a building, usually vaulted and used as a sanctuary or east end of the church.

  14. Nave - principal or central part of the church, extending from the narthex to the choir (place occupied by the singers of the choir) or chancel

  15. Narthex - portico or vestibule before the nave of the church

  16. Sanctuary - sacred or holy place, as that part of the church where the altar is found.

  17. Altar - the table in a Christian church upon which the Eucharist is celebrated

  18. Atrium - the forecourt of an early Christian church, flanked or surrounded by porticoes

  19. Tribune - the bishop's throne, occupying a recessed space or apse of a church

  20. Aisle -  any of the longitudinal divisions of the church, separated from the nave by a row(s) of columns.

  21. Bema - transverse space separating the nave and the apse of an early Christian church, developing later on into the transept of cruciform churches

  22. Baldachin - the ornamental canopy of stone or marble permanently placed over the altar of a church.

  23. Domus- House Church is domus inspired

  24. Martyrium -a circular building dedicated to a martyr.

  25. Justinian - The “Church of Holy Wisdom” was built under the rule of Emperor Justinian

  26. Masjid- means “place for prostration

  27. Qibla- the axis or direction towards Mecca

  28. Mihrab-a niche where the leader of the congregation makes his prayers.

  29. Minbar - a pulpit at the head of a staircase; the Prophet and the first caliphs preached from the Minbar but many imams preach from one of the steps as a sign of respect. 

  30. Minaret- a tall usually slender tower used to call for prayer

  31. Sahn - central courtyard of a mosque

  32. Ablution Fountain - place where Muslims wash and symbolically purify certain parts of their bodies before entering the prayer hall.

  33. AL Rahman- Mosque, AL Haken, Cordoba started its construction by the emir of Cordoba, Al Rahman

  34. Arabesque-ornament or style that employs flowers, foliage and fruit images to produce an intricate pattern of interlaced lines

  35. Shah Jahan -an emperor who built Taj Mahal dedicated to his wife Mumatz Mahal

  36. Ustad Ahmad Lahauri & Ustad Isa -Principal designing architects of Taj Mahal

  37. Anthemius & Isidorius- The “Church of Holy Wisdom” was built under the rule of Emperor Justinian through architects Anthemius and Isidorius

  38. Dravida style -is associated with the southern parts of India

  39. Garbhagriha-derived from Sanskrit words meaning "womb chamber,"

  40. Solomon-

  41. Marthex

  42. Constantine-
