The Headstrong Historian

AUTHOR: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie from the Ted Talk on “The Danger of The Single Story”

Obierika was Nwamgba’s husband

Nwamgba believes Obierika was her soulmate “her chi and his chi had destined their marriage”(198)

Nwamgba is strong mentally and physically

Nwamgba is discerning (shows good judgment) proven by her seeing that Obierika’s cousins are bad

Nwamgba is a potter who teaches her clan members pottery

Nwamgba fears first for her husband and then for her child

Nwamgba’s despair over Obierika’s death emphasizes her love for him

Nwamgba is bold

Nwanmgba is unimpressed with the white men

Nwamgba wants her son Anikwenwa to learn the “white man’s language” to take Obierika’s cousins to court

Nwamgba is assertive

Nwamgba worries about how her son is changing

Nwamgba has existential concerns

Nwamgba pities Mgbeke

Nwamgba believes in, or, at least, hopes for reincarnation

Nwamgba is fond of Afamefuna (Grace)
